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We're All Gamers Together: Why Harassment Has To Stop

Another piece talking about the harassment of women in tabletop gaming has surfaced on the internet. At least one of the incidents related in that piece has been substantiated as being true, so I am willing to accept that there is more truth in that article. Whether gamers, or geeks in general, want to admit it or not, there are serious issues within our communities with how people act towards women, people of color, and the LGBTQI. We need to knock that off right now. Obviously, this is an opinion piece.

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Another piece talking about the harassment of women in tabletop gaming has surfaced on the internet. At least one of the incidents related in that piece has been substantiated as being true, so I am willing to accept that there is more truth in that article. Whether gamers, or geeks in general, want to admit it or not, there are serious issues within our communities with how people act towards women, people of color, and the LGBTQI. We need to knock that off right now. Obviously, this is an opinion piece.
Just as a warning, for those who might be bothered by certain sorts of content, some of the incidents that were relayed to me, the stories that were told, have jarring, uncomfortable occurrences in them. If mentions of rape and unsolicitated physical contact will bother you, you might want to skip the rest of this article. I know reading the emails and PMs from these women bothered me as they came in.

As much as what these women related bothered me, and obviously bothered them as the targets of the harassment, I felt that the fact that it was so uncomfortable was exactly the reason why this current piece needed to be written. We, as a group, need to start looking the people doing this harassment in the eye and telling them that we don’t think it is okay. We need to stop pushing these accounts into the shadows, under the rugs, and pretending that they do not exist. We need to make our communities into better places for everyone, and not just a bunch of men.

I put out a call over my various social media feeds (which was shared a lot), asking for women to share their experiences of harassment in tabletop gaming with me. Anonymity was offered to those who wanted it, and not surprisingly most respondents asked that their names be kept confidential. The reasons for them wanting to be kept anonymous were one of two. First, they were afraid of further harassment within their communities for calling out the bad behavior. They seen how women who tell men to stop get treated in small, closed communities and, for better or worse, they want to continue with their hobbies without additional harassment. The second reason was a bit scarier. Some of these women are professionals, working in tabletop gaming in a number of different capacities, who fear that publicly coming forward would negatively impact their careers within gaming.

I’ll just say that last one again, with emphasis: they were afraid that coming forward about their harassment, or the harassment that they had witnessed, would negatively impact their careers in tabletop gaming.

Because of these reasons, I will be keeping the identities of everyone who asked anonymous. Everyone who spoke with me identified themselves, I am just not identifying them.

One of the common threads through the experiences shared was rape. Most of these women had had characters raped during convention play, online games, or at events at stores. Sometimes the rapes were matter-of-factly introduced into play, others there was a titillating level of graphic detail to the assaults. One women talked about how a regular attendee at a local convention bragged of having a “rape kit” in his car for the women at the convention, and at one point he yelled at her to “find him women to sleep with.” She also talked about the organizers of the convention having a “men only camping retreat” and when she was on the board of the con the only way that she could attend was “nude and wearing a dog collar.” Another woman talked about the GM of her online game suddenly having her character knocked unconscious, taken away on a ship, and then graphically narrated raping her character. All of this occurred on voice chat while using a popular virtual tabletop site.

Another woman told me that her attempts at organizing a couple of women only games for a VTT online convention was met with such vehemence from male gamers that the games were pulled from the schedule of the convention.

People wonder why more and more people think that anti-harassment policies are needed at conventions. After all, even Gen Con has one:
Gen Con: The Best Four Days in Gaming! is dedicated to providing a harassment-free Event experience for everyone, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, religion, or affiliation. We do not tolerate harassment of convention participants in any form. Convention participants violating these rules may be sanctioned or expelled without refund at the discretion of show management.

And an Ethics policy:

All of the following constitute grounds for expulsion from the convention without refund:
  • Violating any federal, state, or local laws, facility rules or convention policies
  • Failure to comply with the instructions of Gen Con Event Staff or security personnel
  • Using anything in a threatening or destructive manner against person or property
  • Endangering the safety of oneself or others
  • Threatening, stealing, cheating or harassing others
  • Failure to conduct oneself in a mature manner

The creators of the 13th Age RPG have anti-harassment policies for their organized play because “Nobody shows up for a game with the goal of feeling uncomfortable or unsafe, and sorry that they came. But organized play brings together many different types of people with different expectations and approaches to play. An anti-harassment policy sets ground rules that everyone can recognize and follow, resulting in better games and more fun.” In the policy they outline harassment as “Everyone has the right to a space that is safe from any type of harassment: physical, verbal, emotional, or sexual.”

Honestly, considering the experiences that have been related to me, these sorts of policies should be commonplace for conventions and organized play. I have heard that Paizo is currently drafting an anti-harassment policy for their organized play, and Ad Astra Games has one in place already.

These are some of the more overt things that women have to deal with in their tabletop gaming experiences, and doesn’t go into the more “casual” or systemic harassment and sexism that women deal with at conventions, in online play and at game stores. One of the women talked about women being a subclass in society, and it being more so in gaming communities. “It sucks for a female gamer, going into a store and having that reaction.”

Men are openly commenting on women’s body parts in a sexual manner. Sexual content is added to games because “that’s the kind of stuff that women like.” Crude sexual references and jokes are made.

I’m not saying that there is no place for sexual, or adult themes, in gaming. Just the opposite, in fact. In my personal groups I game with grownups, and we play games that can have adult material in them. We have, however, agreed that content like that is okay in advance, and most of the time we agree that players’ agency over their characters should not be railroaded by the story of the game, or the actions of the GM. There is a huge difference between making awkward sexual comments out of the blue, because you are hoping it will interest a woman gamer, and making awkward sexual comments that people expect in their game. This goes doubly so for games in public spaces, like conventions or stores.

And just because it is okay with your wife, girlfriend or the woman in your gaming group at home, that doesn’t mean that it is okay with all women. If it makes someone at the table uncomfortable, or makes them feel like they are being harassed, just don’t do it, or apologize for having done it.

And, of course, none of them are safe from accusations of being a “fake geek girl,” or being in the store to get something for their husband or boyfriend. Apparently the idea that a woman would want to buy her own dice or miniatures or rule books is alien to some gamers.

As Jon Peterson, author of Playing at the World, points out in an online essay, there have always been gender problems in tabletop gaming. But he also points out that women have been interested in tabletop gaming for a long time. But, just because something has “always been that way,” it does not mean that it has to stay that way. Even in the 1970s TSR Games employees were taken to task by fandom, and female designers, to be more respectful of women gamers and to stop using phrases like “ladygamers.” Sadly, these attitudes that were considered to be outdated back then are still being perpetuated now…in some cases by some of the same people.

My first AD&D group, back in 1979, had a woman for the GM, and about half of the group were women. Most of my groups since then have had women involved in them. We need to be better, as a community, about these things. We need to speak out when we see women being harassed, online or in person, and we need to tell the people who think that doing this is okay that it isn’t. We need to be active in making the change that creates better communities where we don’t have to worry about our friends being harassed because of their gender, or their sexual preferences, or their ethnicity. We have to convince conventions and organized play societies that having anti-harassment policies is a good thing, and enforcing them so that everyone feels welcomed and accepted is a better thing.

Guys, we have to remember that this isn’t about us. This isn’t about our perceptions of what is happening at conventions, during organized play events and in online games. We sit back, listen and ask what we need to do, rather than try to make the discussion about how it “isn’t all men.” We already know that. We need to not take the focus away from what needs to be done.

There are never going to be completely safe spaces, in gaming or outside of it. However, we can make better places where no one has to worry about their body parts being part of the table talk, or their characters being sexually violated. It is the 21st century, and we should be better about this than we are. We need to stop being quiet, stop facilitating harassment, and we need to start making better spaces for ourselves and our fellow gamers. A group, like nerds, that talk so much about being harassed in their youth for being different should really be more sensitive about harassing others. We can, as a group, be better about this, and we need to do it.

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As a parent, you have the time and an ongoing relationship with your children- getting down to the actual truth is in your family's best interest. So first, you separate, then investigate.

As a venue operator, you generally do NOT have time and resources to ascertain truth. Investigation, while the best option for the persons involved, is usually beyond the scope of your personnel, and possibly beyond the legal powers at their disposal.

So they separate- and possibly eject- unless things are crystal clear. End of story

By all means, separate them. Tell them to stay away from each other. Watch them more closely, watch for patterns of behavior. Document it for the future. But don't do the "whether you did it or not doesn't matter; what matters is that someone said you did, so you have to leave."

One big thing to do is after telling them to stay away from each other, watch both of them very closely to see what they do next. People who are innocently accused, and even people who didn't realize that there was an issue (which is probably more common than you'd think) will avoid the accuser. Likewise, the accuser would want to stay away from the accused anyway. But if one of them is hounding the other, now you have a crystal clear answer of who is right and who is wrong.
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Morkus from Orkus
Hi, Maxperson. I'm not going to be particularly kind to you, in this post. I'm not going to be overtly rude to you, but I'm not going to be kind to you. I honestly don't have the patience for it (and that's saying a lot). If you require kindness in your discussions, I suggest skipping this post and perhaps this thread. It probably isn't for you.

I don't expect tolerance from you, so I'll continue.

You are under the mistaken belief that I advocate unconditional tolerance.

Yep. Your way is the one true way and any other way is big bad wrong, even when it's not.

No one advocates unconditional tolerance, because unconditional tolerance is a bad thing. You know this, of course - you just haven't connected the dots. It's the reason almost no one tolerates slavers, rapists, and other people who are unrepentant in their abuses. Again: no one advocates the unconditional tolerance you seem to think I advocate.

That's what excessive political correctness is. Unconditional tolerance.......of what they think should be tolerated, anyway. Their feelings matter and the rest of us should kow tow to them, and if we don't, then we're the bad guys and our feelings are irrelevant.

What people do advocate is compassionate tolerance, especially of the things that people have no control over, or that they have no moral imperative whatsoever to change. Gender. Sexuality. Race. Ableness. These things (and more!) should be tolerated and embraced.

A reasonable level of that is good. The excessive amounts that pervade society these days is not.

Ideology, though? Ideology should only be tolerated when the ideology is neutral, at worst, and ideally only when it is positive.

Not allowing excessive tolerance to wreck things is positive, so what I believe is positive.

You have a certain ideology, Maxperson. I'm not a fan of it. I'm not a fan because your ideology suggests that individuals do not have a moral imperative to be considerate in their speech and their actions. Your ideology is not one of compassionate tolerance. Your ideology is callous, and that's describing it charitably.

Eh, no. You're flat out wrong. My ideology is reasonable compassion and consideration. Yours suggests unreasonable compassion and consideration.

That's right. I don't tolerate your ideology. For the same reason that I don't tolerate any other form of toxic bigotry. And I'm not the only one here who shares that view. Now, it may be that your personal set of beliefs doesn't rise to the revolting level that overt racism, for example, might. I can't say. What I can say is that tolerating or accepting you and the ideology you profess here would be morally wrong of me. It would make the world a worse place, if I tolerated what you believe. I do not tolerate your ideology, because your ideology harms.

LOL Equating reasonable tolerance with bigotry. How.........fallacy of you. You have just shown that you have no freaking clue what my ideology is. You should just stop now.

This is what it boils down to: I don't preach unconditional tolerance. You and your ideology are one of the conditions that strips that tolerance away. Were you, yourself, a person tolerant of the things one should be tolerant of, this wouldn't be a problem. But you aren't.

Sorry, but tolerance does not strip tolerance away. It can't, so you are flat out wrong. You also have no right, moral or otherwise, to tell me what I should or should not be tolerant of. You can set an example you think I should follow, but your moral high ground is washed away the moment you try to force your views on others.

My position doesn't require that you tolerate it. The position that I hold won the fight ages ago, and you will deal with it. You don't have a choice, I'm afraid. That's just the world you live in. You can rage against it, but you will deal with it all the same.

Eh, no. You haven't won the fight at all. There are millions of Americans who don't hold with the excessively bad portions of political correctness. I metaphorically spit in the face of everyone who tries to force that BS down my throat, in person and on the internet, as do many, many others. You don't get to be right just because you currently have higher numbers.

"Acceptable political correctness," here, being anything you are personally comfortable with, and "excessive political correctness," here being anything you are not comfortable with.

It has nothing to do with comfort and everything to do with what I see as excessively stupid. One thing I don't tolerate is stupidity. College students whining about micro-aggressions and such is right along that alley.

Perhaps you should consider asking the handicapped community whether they feel it's silly.

Why? They've decided to be offended by it even though no offense was meant by it, AND it being factually and neutrally accurate. Just because someone decides to be offended by something, does not automatically entitle them to compassion over it. Someone who gets offended because I eat apple pie can kiss my behind. I'm not going to stop eating it or feel bad that they are offended. Someone who is offended because someone uses a racial slur would absolutely have my compassion. Reasonable is reasonable.

No one cares where you draw the line, Maxperson. You have three choices - continue to perpetuate your callous ideology, and be judged poorly for it; reform your ideology into something more compassionate; or stop talking altogether. In the end, you are the one who has to live with the consequences of that choice. You can call our views silly, but that isn't nearly as unflattering as you will be seen by the rest of the world.

My ideology is no more callous than yours is. It never will be and you can complain about it to your hearts content and you will never be right about that.

I read an article once about two burglers who broke into a place in England and stole stuff. They got caught. The young teenager for whom it was a first offense got multiple years in prison. The mid-late 20's man for whom this was a third or fourth offense was let go with only probation. Why was he let go while the other one did years in prison? Because he had a phobia of dirty places and it would have been "inhumane" to put him in prison. That's the sort of thing that your philosophy of excessive political correctness and excessive compassion breeds.

You have absolutely no control over whether or not people judge you. And I will be clear: Many of the people who you respect and who have power over you will judge you poorly for your ideology. You will continue to be judged, just as you undoubtedly have been in the past. If you don't want people to judge your ideology poorly, fix your ideology. It is broken, and lacks a certain requisite level of humanity.

True. I have no control over it, but people who do it are big bad wrong.

This isn't about "rights", Maxperson. I am not the government. I cannot infringe on any right you are guaranteed. I can judge you, just like the rest of the world can. You have the right to be horrible, and others have the right to point out how horrible you are being. That's the world you live in, and it isn't going to change in the way you want it to change. You can live out the rest of your life in bitter frustration as the world around you shrinks and you find your ugly beliefs tolerated by fewer and fewer people, or you can engage in some serious, deliberate introspection and come out the other side a better, more compassionate person.

People can infringe on others rights. It happens all the time. You're very mistaken if you think only the government can do that. Then again, you've been mistaken this entire post, so what's one more time.


First Post
It has nothing to do with comfort and everything to do with what I see as excessively stupid. One thing I don't tolerate is stupidity. College students whining about micro-aggressions and such is right along that alley.

I don't really feel like I need to comment on any of that. I just want the above quote to appear twice in this thread. It's just a perfect illustration.


Morkus from Orkus
Gen Con Attendance 61,423 in 2015 if 8% were assaulted that is 5,000 people...(4,914.8) what can we do to bring that down to a double digit number this year and a 0 next...

No. It was nowhere near 5000 people. First you have to figure out what percentage of that 61k were women.


Morkus from Orkus
I don't really feel like I need to comment on any of that. I just want the above quote to appear twice in this thread. It's just a perfect illustration.

Absolutely right. It is a perfect example of how bad this country has become due to excessive political correctness. And of course you won't respond to the rest. You really can't.


Morkus from Orkus
True. But gamers shouldn't get a free pass on the issue, either. We have to look into the mirror just like everyone else and decide which kind of person we are- tolerant or intolerant of such public behavior in our events and venues?

Of course. I'm not suggesting gamers get a pass. I just don't agree with the idea that it's somehow gamer centric, which is what that articles suggest.

Jeremy E Grenemyer

Ken Burnside's article on Medium, "For Good Men To See Nothing", goes a long ways towards illustrating the isolation a woman can feel while at a convention or game store, describes the behavior and thought processes of men who actively harass women, and gives solid, actionable advice on what gamers can do to help women suffering from harassment, as well as ways to identify their harassers and preempt the behavior.


I was recently at a convention where the DM simply would not stop making various pedophile jokes, even when it became obvious that it was not funny to some at the table... myself included. This was followed by a barrage of "furry" jokes at the expense of the moon circle druid. This was an Adventurer's League DM mind you. The teenagers at the table seemed more mature.

I know this isn't precisely related to the topic, but it was annoying to say the least. Edit to add my 2 cents on the original topic though. I've been in groups where female players were every bit as raunchy as the men and cursed and discussed various body parts with equal gusto. Personally its not my style, I enjoy a little more gravitas, but I just wanted to point out that in my experience the various sex jokes and even the racism that comes up from time to time is perpetrated by both men and women.
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Staff member
By all means, separate them. Tell them to stay away from each other. Watch them more closely, watch for patterns of behavior. Document it for the future. But don't do the "whether you did it or not doesn't matter; what matters is that someone said you did, so you have to leave."

One big thing to do is after telling them to stay away from each other, watch both of them very closely to see what they do next. People who are innocently accused, and even people who didn't realize that there was an issue (which is probably more common than you'd think) will avoid the accuser. Likewise, the accuser would want to stay away from the accused anyway. But if one of them is hounding the other, now you have a crystal clear answer of who is right and who is wrong.

Here's the thing: what is happening is a small injustice to fend off/end a greater one. It is a pragmatic and utilitarian ethos being applied. What you say you want is great and fair, but it is horribly impractical.

Not every venue or event can easily separate or investigate people. A game store running an event doesn't have many options when a guy is accused of grabbing an uninvited, unwelcome quick feel. A store with one guy on shift isn't going to be an effective sexual harassment investigator while also selling MtG, keeping an eye out for shoplifters, answering phones, restocking shelves, etc.

Most venues do not have ways to compartmentalize. Convention centers, hotels, ballrooms, etc. don't have places to put those accused of misbehavior besides some administrator's office. And then you need to have someone babysit them. That's going to raise all kinds of issues of cost, safety, and legality. Much easier to eject someone. Safer, too: someone wrongfully ejected might sue you for the ticket price and infliction of emotional distress. Depending on jurisdiction, someone wrongfully detained could sue for unjust imprisonment. And if the babysitter is untrained & unsupervised, they're every bit as open to allegations of harassment as the person they're guarding.

Many popular events are too highly populated to simply continue devoting manpower observing a handful of people out of several thousand who have had a bad interaction. Removal of at least one party is the best option, and removal of the accused is the option with the securest legal footing.

When the police are called out to a residence for an allegation of domestic battery, in most US jurisdictions, at least one person will be removed from the premises*, with only a preliminary investigation, and no legally binding assessment of guilt- that comes later, if at all.


Because it is effective at reducing repetition of the behavior complained about, and allows for the rapid redeployment of security/police to renew crime prevention duties.

* some jurisdictions still insist on there being charges being pressed by one of the individuals involved in the altercation, but that number is decreasing.
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Staff member
Of course. I'm not suggesting gamers get a pass. I just don't agree with the idea that it's somehow gamer centric, which is what that articles suggest.

I don't think the articles suggested it was gamer centric. I think the articles suggested that the hobby isn't a garden of Eden, and we have to admit to the existence of the miscreants among us, and take action to combat their negative effects on the hobbies.

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