D&D General What’s the story here?

A peaceful clan of Dwarven discovered a mountain full of diamonds and mythirl. When word got out, others threatened to take it from them. Drow claimed they had mineral rights from underneath, dragons began circling, and all manner of greedy merchants and nobles where scheming. War was brewing and they wanted no part of it.

So the dwarfs decided to leave, and take the mountain with them.
Using the veins and gems as catalysis, they enchanting the earth to move.

The dwarves are now wandering into the desert, looking for a peaceful place to settle.
"What do you mean that the entire mountain is gone?!? Mountains don't just get up and walk away!" 😋

"Well, this one did."

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That's Gipsy Sanctum, the patron saint of Jaegers. It was once a massive golem that fought demons but was destroyed closing a portal. The locals turned Gipsy's remains into a place of worship. A century of devotions , ritual blessings, and a myriad of relics made the structure holy.

When a demon portal reopened, the bishop had all the priests in her diocese and most of the population convene in Gipsy's Sanctum and pray for deliverance. And Gipsy arose, ready for battle again.

The young wizard smirked, pleased with the massive apparition he had created that was causing such panic. Or at least would once he moved it into a populated region.

His warrior friend smacked him soundly over his head. Concentration lost, the giant illusion disappeared. "Stop doing that! You'll get us in serious trouble some day!"

It's not a walking city, that's just what it looks like at a distance. It's a gigantic walking humanoid planar rift, he city is on other side.;)

This could be the domain of dragons that walks the world circling it every thousand years and leaving devastation in it's wake. The PCs are asked to delve into this walking dungeon and try to get to the heart of the problem and defeat the dragons who control it.

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