D&D 5E What are the different 'tones' supported by 5e D&D?

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Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero


B/X Known World
The rules push a specific tone, superhero fantasy. Anything else requires ignoring the rules or changing them. Banning or modifying spells, feats, classes, subclasses, races, etc is required to push any other tone. It’s hard to do murder-mystery when speak with dead exists. It’s hard to do intrigue when zone of truth exists. Horror is hard when the PCs have a ton of abilities, piles of HP, and regenerate everything with a night’s sleep.


The rules push a specific tone, superhero fantasy. Anything else requires ignoring the rules or changing them. Banning or modifying spells, feats, classes, subclasses, races, etc is required to push any other tone. It’s hard to do murder-mystery when speak with dead exists. It’s hard to do intrigue when zone of truth exists. Horror is hard when the PCs have a ton of abilities, piles of HP, and regenerate everything with a night’s sleep.
I agree. D&D5e supports the very specific D&D5e style of fantasy, mainly because of system design and presumptions. One can twist and turn it a bit with player buy-in, but in the end it will still be D&D.

bedir than

Full Moon Storyteller
How about, This is a time of renewal? You will play adventures in a land recovered from a great long lasting war against evil. The lands are reclaimed, the peace is holding, its time to seek out hidden secrets and untold legends of yesteryear. Themes similar to exploration above, but with strong hints of long lost lore and dark secrets to uncover. (Not post apocalypse, but post-post-apocalypse?)
I would love to play in such a campaign


I have to admit that I really don't know the difference between heroic and epic fantasy. I would classify D&D as heroic fantasy which it does very well. It does horror about as well as the Haunted Mansion ride at Disney does horror. I enjoy it, but it's tough being horrified when you're playing a super heroic action hero.


I don't believe in the no-win scenario
This could be done if someone were to convert the Great Old Ones from PF1 to 5e. https://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/aberrations/great-old-ones/
Thats another issue, I dont think old ones should be slaughtered by PCs. If they are, you are not playing a horror game.
I'd agree. D&D doesn't do most tones as well as game systems designed for those tones. But it is an easy system to learn and to bend to almost any tone you want.
Ugh, I wish folks didnt think so. For the sake of those other systems.

Voidrunner's Codex

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