What type would you categorize him as? Evil Sorcerer? Evil Overlord?For Greyhawk Iuz is the big villain I would say.
We could include him now, is he embodying more the "mad god" or "cosmic horror" type of villain?How is it that Tharizdun is not just at the top of the list
What type would you categorize him as? Evil Sorcerer? Evil Overlord?
They have an ongoing deal where Tam continues to bring Larloch magic items in return for Larloch teaching Tam ancient spells. It's coincidentally part of Larloch's deal with Mystra to retain his ancient spells as long as he agrees to share his arcane knowledge now and then.Yes Tam was subordinate to Larloch in the past, but he’s independent now and a much more active threat. Like the Sauron to his Morgoth.
It turns out that the ultimate villain of D&D was humanity.