D&D 5E What are your favorite 3rd-Party Subclasses for 5th Edition?

Whether it's for their flavor or their mechanics, what are your favorite 3rd-Party Subclasses for 5th Edition?

What source are they from? Have you or someone you know played them? Etc.

As an example:

Hellspur (Fighter subclass): It's from the fan-created Plane Shift: Thunder Junction setting book inspired by the Magic: The Gathering trading card game. I like how it manages to add more flavor (you're an terrifying anti-hero or villainous desperado who uses flaming weapons, terrify foes, and can summon a Nightmare at later levels) and useful mechanics (mostly relating to fire and fear effects) to the Fighter without stepping on the Paladin's toes.

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Can you tell me more about it?
the entire gimmick of the subclass is it's centered around intimidation and the frightened condition. you get more ways to frighten creatures, get to apply additional debuffs to and crit more often on frightened creatures, get to attack them more often, and eventually get to frighten creatures immune to the condition and throw out a mass frighten every long rest.

Valda's Spire of Secrets has about 70 subclasses, a lot of which I really like.

Wizard: Magic Missile Mage - You're REALLY GOOD with magic missiles. Offense, and defense.
Warlock: Legacy - Magical girl as a warlock subclass.
Sorcerer: Reincarnated Hero - Makes sorcerer into a magical swordsman, can spend sorcery points to get extra attacks.
Rogue: Arachnoid Stalker - Shoot webs and climb up walls. You can see what the inspiration is.
Monk: Way of the Mask - A Str and Cha monk that's essentially a lucha libre wrestler.
Fighter: Mage Hand Magus - A fighter that's an expert with mage hand, and can use Intelligence as their attack stat.
Druid: Circle of the Fist - Unarmed fighting druid.

Can you tell me more about it?
All the Zhentarim who operate in Darkhold Keepunder the Pereghost learn his tenets and battlemantras. Leaders of the Zhentarim know that it’s notenough to simply best your enemy—you must strikefear into them and all those who stand beside them.A fighter trained by Zhentarim’s Finest believes inone thing: might over matter. Battle is won by thoseof iron will and lost by those who crumble from thepressure. Even those warriors who’ve turned theirback on the Zhentarim still fight with their techniques, because despite what you feel about thefaction, you can’t argue with their results.

The main ones are you can frighten people limited times a day with a DC based on the damage you do, you get Strength bonus to Intimidation and you can do a contestend intimidation check with an enemy to make them deduct the difference from their attack roll.

I played it in a 1-20 campaign. I did 12 levels in Fighter and 8 levels in Fey Wanderer Ranger. With Expertise+Strength+Wisdom+Charisma my Intimidation was like +25 at games end and could make anyone miss with Intimidation tactics. The 3rd level feature is really awesome too.
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All the Zhentarim who operate in Darkhold Keepunder the Pereghost learn his tenets and battlemantras. Leaders of the Zhentarim know that it’s notenough to simply best your enemy—you must strikefear into them and all those who stand beside them.A fighter trained by Zhentarim’s Finest believes inone thing: might over matter. Battle is won by thoseof iron will and lost by those who crumble from thepressure. Even those warriors who’ve turned theirback on the Zhentarim still fight with their techniques, because despite what you feel about thefaction, you can’t argue with their results.

Instill Fear (3rd Level)
You’ve internalized the teachings of the Zhentarimto strike fear into your enemies while never showingfear yourself. As a bonus action on your turn, you canforce a creature you can see that you dealt damageto this turn to make a Wisdom saving throw. The DCequals 10 or half of the damage you dealt, whichevernumber is higher. If the creature fails the save, it fallsprone and is frightened for 1 minute.You can use this feature a number of times equal toyour proficiency bonus, and you regain all expendeduses when you finish a long rest.

Intimidation Tactics (7th level)
You’ve learned how to carry yourself in and outof battle to “encourage” others to see your way of thinking. Whenever you make a Charisma(Intimidation) check, you gain a bonus to the checkequal to your Strength modifier. In addition, youcan use your bonus action to force a creature youcan see within 30 feet of you to make a Charisma(Intimidation) check contested by your Charisma(Intimidation) check. If you succeed, the creature’snext attack is reduced by the difference between yourchecks. You can use this bonus action a number of timesequal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.

Emboldened Strike (15th Level)
You take advantage of the moment of panic yourenemies experience when they see you in battle.Immediately after you cause a creature within 5feet of you to become frightened, you can use yourreaction to make a melee weapon attack against it,provided you can see it. On this attack, when you rolla 1 on a damage die, you can reroll the die and mustuse the new roll, even if the new roll is a 1.You can use this feature a number of times equal toyour proficiency bonus, and you regain all

Warcry of the Zhentarim (18th level)
You have a voice to command legions of loyalZhentarim into battle, crying for war in such a waythat no enemy feels safe. Your Zhentilar’s Finestfeatures that impose the frightened condition can doso even on creatures that are normally immune tothe frightened condition, such as mindless Undead orConstructs.Additionally, you can use your action to strike fearin the hearts of your foes. When you do so, eachhostile creature within 60 feet of you that can see orhear you must make a Wisdom saving throw witha DC equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + yourStrength or Charisma modifier (your choice). On afailed save, a creature becomes frightened for thenext minute. While frightened, it has disadvantage onWisdom, Intelligence, and Charisma saving throws,its movement speed becomes 0, and it can’t benefitfrom any bonus to its speed. A creature can repeatthe saving throw at the end of each of its turn, endingthe effect early on a success. Once you use this action you can't use it again until a Long Rest.
...i uh...im not sure copy and pasting the entire sub class wholesale is a very good idea...but yeah, that's definitely the subclass.


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