This actually happened while playing in Adventure League but the situation is applicable to home games as well..
What would you do?
You are part of a six man party in the process of clearing out a pyramid dungeon. The first couple of combat encounters were stronger than what you are normally accustomed to but nothing you could not handle. You and your party continue to explore when you come across a group of ritualists in the middle of their ritual. You initiate and engage in combat only to fail in stopping the ritual allowing a big monster to materialize. The big monster hits a party members with an obscene amount of damage and puts a player down in roughly 2 rounds and is working on a second member and 33% of the party immediately call for a retreat.
1. A tier 4 party
2. 2/3 of the party including yourself do not have any damage or very little
3. 2 members are up but way down in hitpoints
4. In addition there is still 6 to 8 ritualists with at least 150 hitpoints each
What would you do?
You are part of a six man party in the process of clearing out a pyramid dungeon. The first couple of combat encounters were stronger than what you are normally accustomed to but nothing you could not handle. You and your party continue to explore when you come across a group of ritualists in the middle of their ritual. You initiate and engage in combat only to fail in stopping the ritual allowing a big monster to materialize. The big monster hits a party members with an obscene amount of damage and puts a player down in roughly 2 rounds and is working on a second member and 33% of the party immediately call for a retreat.
1. A tier 4 party
2. 2/3 of the party including yourself do not have any damage or very little
3. 2 members are up but way down in hitpoints
4. In addition there is still 6 to 8 ritualists with at least 150 hitpoints each