What happened?


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Latharion looks at the eyestalks pointing in his direction, then lets out a breath of relief whe, he sees the light in the eyes die.

He walks over to the bodies and sees what he can do.

OOC : no worries mogg, I've done far worse in my DM-career.

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If there are no more charges on the eternal wands, Raven will drink a potion of Cure Light wounds. Then she'll help with the captives too.

"If they can't walk, we'll have to carry them out. Let's go before more aberations arrive."


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OK so you all pick up and drag out the bodies and hurry out ofthe cave before the hunters return.
And you manage to make it out and meet the orcs. They see their wounded and begin pouring antidotes down the effected's mouths and the orcs soon come to.

The half-elves still looks pretty bad for wear and are stll barely aware of their surroundings. One ofthem fits the description you recieved of Sacha.


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Raven can't help but smile. "We have the shards. We have the man. We're almost done. Perhaps the orcs will let us rest here tonight. In the morning, let's head back to Zarash'ak. There we go to House Sivis & give them our token. Then we're back to Sharn."


The man with the probe
Stulgar makes sure the creature is dead, but soon his rage wears off. He struggles to help the others clean off and remove the half-elves and orcs for a while till he catches his breath, but he refuses to let that stop him.

Once they get them out, and he hears Raven's comments, he smiles and nods, "Indeed, I think rest would be good."


"Indeed I hope we have some time to rest" says Seat. "And to perform some quick dissection - even if these aren't undead and therefore of lesser value to me, Mrgrave will have interest on some notes about the resin creatures biology." continues then, while producing a wooden box full of surgey blades.


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Ok long story short the half-elves eventually revive and tell you about the trip. They had gotten stuck on something in the mud and went out to fix it and well they were ambushed by a large number of the resin-creatures.

As you go back to Zarash'a, the city of stilts never looked so good. You eat well and Seat is given ample space to perform his dissections. You deliver the message to House Sivis and within a couple of days there is a transport which spirits you out of Zarash'ak and back to Sharn there the woman you met congratulates you on a job well done.


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Yeah...this adventure is over. time to divvy up the xps...remember the eternal wands of Cure Moderate and Identify....they are for sale at half-price if you would like them and of cours yo ual lrecieve the 400 gp sum from her as well as a one time use of Favored in House(Lyrandar) as the feat.

I will update the XP on the tracking thread and then I suppose repost them here.


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[sblock=experience rewards]
So far....
Raven:600Xp(Stirges attacking at night)300 Xp(finding and avoiding quicksand hazard)100(gatekeepers)276(combat with Kaorti and trap at entrance) 350(Combat with Kaorti and Ogre)350(Gauth) 100(RP XP)
Siobhan:600Xp(Stirges attacking at night)150XP(excellent roleplaying thus far) 250 (gatekeepers, avoided combat brilliantly using Druidic predicating the need for diplomacy.)276(combat with Kaorti and trap at entrance) 350(Combat with Kaorti and Ogre)350(Gauth)
Stulgar:600Xp(Stirges attacking at night)100(gatekeepers)276(combat with Kaorti and trap at entrance)350(Combat with Kaorti and Ogre)350(Gauth) 100(RP XP)
Lily:600Xp(Stirges attacking at night)150XP(excellent roleplaying thus far)100(gatekeepers)350(Combat with Kaorti and Ogre)276(combat with Kaorti and trap at entrance)350(Gauth)
Seat:600Xp(Stirges attacking at night)200(gatekeepers,identified it was the gatekeepers in area)276(combat with Kaorti and trap at entrance)350(Combat with Kaorti and Ogre)350(Gauth) 100(RP XP)
Latharion:600Xp(Stirges attacking at night)150(gatekeepers)276(combat with Kaorti and trap at entrance)350(Combat with Kaorti and Ogre)350(Gauth)100(RP XP) [/sblock]

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