What is Gold used for?


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Morning all!

I'm a relatively new DM, have run red box, and am currently about to finish Harkenstone (don't get me started on the Dune references in that one...;)). After one battle, one of my players asked, "What do we do with gold?".

This stumped me.

The PC's don't have a base of operations yet (I'm debating on running Slaying Stone or the adventure with the fortune teller [I forget the name of it] next, we may decide to use either of those as a base of ops), and I'm not enforcing any sort of "wear and tear" on equipment.

Which brings me to my question... what's gold used for, anyway?

I realize this could be a dumb question, and that there are creative uses I could utilize akin to tributes at a shrine or something fantastical as throwing coins in the Fountain of Trevi, but I'm looking for more "concrete" uses.

Any ideas?


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I try to put out some interesting adventure seeds with merchants in towns.

Recently, a character noticed a helm in an armorer's shop, that's missing 7 slots. They had the Helm of Seven Deaths in their wish list. So now they can buy the helm at 1/2 price and go on an adventure to find the 7 stones.

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First Post
I try to put out some interesting adventure seeds with merchants in towns.

Recently, a character noticed a helm in an armorer's shop, that's missing 7 slots. They had the Helm of Seven Deaths in their wish list. So now they can buy the helm at 1/2 price and go on an adventure to find the 7 stones.
I use the gold to build, buy, or upgrading and equipping a base.


Which brings me to my question... what's gold used for, anyway?
4e generally assumes that you're spending your gold on consumables (potions, holy water, etc.), rituals, ritual components, and gear upgrades. Mounts and (at higher levels) fortified homes are other good uses for money.


Hiring Mercenaries/Village Idiots to walk 50 feet in front of the party in any dungeon, for trap detection.

Hiring low level adventurers to go out and kill things and bring back mcguff... oh wait, nevermind...

Funding your own criminal syndicate while you maintain cover as a noble.

Seed funds for plotting an Ocean's Eleven style heist.

Forming a succesful mercenary brigade until you are granted knighthood from the king, as part of your plot to usurp the kingdom.

Building a deathtrap dungeon with rumors of great treasure to lead aspiring adventures to thier death at the event horizon of your sphere of anihilation.

Corner the bacon market.

Bet it all on game of Three Dragon Ante for a beat up old spelljammer freighter than can make point five past plot speed.

These are serious suggestions from past games


Sometimes a well placed bribe is useful in gathering vital information. Vagrant's, barmaid's and priest's are all useful target's of a bribe.

Voidrunner's Codex

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