Don't pay the party in gold [article link]

Depends also on party composition. Our party is magic user heavy. Wizard, cleric, druid, warlock and fighter/ranger. Very very few needs for consumables ( and potion of healing is dirt cheap) or clerical services. One big thing that people usually save cash for is resurrection spells. Since we removed those from our game ( you die, you stay dead), that's one less thing you need to save money for.

Strongholds isn't everyone's cup of tea. Some people just don't care for it. My group is among those people. If players care for that sort of play, cool, there is decent money sink right there. But castle & domain management is another game entirely, and one which 5e d&d isn't really suited for ( or any edition imho).

Also, no idea why would luxury living be a thing. Comfortable sits at 2gp/day. That's 700 gp per year per character. At tier 2, that's not a lot of money to sink. By the end of tier 2, begining of tier 3, even wealthy or aristocratic ( 4-10 gp/day) isn't that lot.

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FIrst of all, I want to be clear that there is no such thing as "Wrong Fun." If your group is enjoying a game or a campaign then you are, by definition, doing it right.

But I'll also point out that, if you remove some of the assumed major "sinks" of treasure in the campaign (resurrection spells, stronghold-building and domain-level politicking, over-the-top orgiastic excess in downtime carousing, or whatever), then you shouldn't be surprised if treasure given out according to the "expected" rate starts looking more and more superfluous.

Those sinks are usually just form of "tax" (carousing and stuff like that) if they don't add to story. Resurrection spell is nice and useful stuff, but, i don't think 5e gives us price points for spell casting services, so, how much that costs or even is it available, is for DM to decide. It's in the same boat as magic items.

Domain building wasn't really part of core rules since days of 2ed, and even then, it was assumed that your character is semi retired by that point. 3, 4 and 5ed didn't assume you would go that route. 5.5 reintroduces bastions, but that's in DMG if i'm not mistaken. It's not part of player facing rules.

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