Now? I'd have to say my old dice. many I've had since 1981 as my first set, many I've collected over the years
Monstrous Menagerie II: Hordes & Heroes is live! 300+ more monsters for your D&D 2024, or Level Up: Advanced 5th Edition games, plus new horde rules and rules for heroic monsters who level up alongside you--whether they be allies, companions, or foes! Back it now on Kickstarter!
I really am mad at younger me for not holding on to my copy Deities and Demigods with the later removed content.Okay, I notice a pattern here: Deities and Demigods!? I guess I'll have to take a look at it again.
Still have mine too.Probably my AD&D 2e Dragonlance “Tales of the Lance” boxed set. I bought a second copy years ago because the original was used so much a lot of the contents ended up either falling apart or ripped from being folded and unfolded so many times. Good times.
I LOVE the orange creature catalog bookAmong my most prized items are the Rules Cyclopedia (it seems I'm not the only one who considers it an absolute treasure) PLUS Creature Catalogue, as well as the 1E DMG (8th printing, I think).
As far as more "recent" stuff goes, I'm quite fond of my collection of FR books, first and foremost the 3E FRCS, but also the Silver Marches splat book.