Goblin Queen (She/Her/Hers)
That just sounds like they built about one missed session per month into that one year assumption.I remember them saying level 20 should take a year. 2.5 sessions on average at that rate.
That just sounds like they built about one missed session per month into that one year assumption.I remember them saying level 20 should take a year. 2.5 sessions on average at that rate.
Yeah, tables will be different. I was able to look at past campaigns I've run past 120 sessions and look where the were after Session 56, and that's been pretty consistent. I think there's a big difference between how quickly the rules progress PC RAW and how quickly tables want PCs to progress. (It also seems likely there's a difference between how quickly players want their characters to progress and how quickly GMs do, but that's a different question and not really relevant here.)Right, which is why I prefaced my answer with “it depends entirely on how many encounters per session and how hard those encounters are.” But, I can’t make an estimate of level after a given number of sessions without making some assumptions about average exp per session, so I went with the assumption the designers originally used. It’s probably not consistent with the reality of most groups’ play, but no assumption would be, since as you observe, play is too variable.
Well, it doesn’t specify exp per session, but you can work out an approximate exp-per-session rate based on the encounters per adventuring day guidelines. That is of course assuming one adventuring day per session though. I suppose three hour sessions is a little shorter than the 4 hours I tend to see, so maybe this hypothetical group only gets through 3/4 of an adventuring day per session on average? That would give us approximately level 20 after 56 sessions with no additional epic boons.
If I recall correctly, you tune your encounters to Deadly or above though, don’t you? Medium encounters should take about three rounds to resolve, which if you and your players are reasonably quick at executing your turns doesn’t seem at all difficult to get through six of (that’s about 18 rounds of combat) in one four-hour session. A three hour session would probably be difficult to fit that much combat into though, I agree. I think more like 4 encounters (12 rounds) is a more reasonable expectation there.There is no way you can go trough the suggested number of encounters in three or four hours, unless you want your game to be a non-stop combat and probably not even then. My five hour sessions have probably two combats on average.