4e did try to offer conversions from 3e.
Where? When? I was a Dragon subscriber and never saw one bit of that. I saw suggestions that we retire old campaigns and start anew.
There were new versions of classes and races with the new mechanics, but there was no guide for converting your 3.X era game to 4Ed like there was for the 2Ed=>3Ed changeover.
4e did offer all the base classes that had been in the game since 1e, anfd all the base races that had been in the PHB since 1e. They just didn't do all those things in the PHB.
Which made those of us who were interested in converting right now ticked off.
The hype was fresh. The game was new. We were set to convert our PCs to the new system and run some adventures...
and we couldn't. Not until some future point uncertain when they decide its time to reintroduce what they excised?
By the time those elements were brought back into the game, 4Ed had been relegated to dust-catcher status. (Ship had sailed, train had left the station, etc.) The game we wanted to play wasn't the game that was released.
(See the mock Kanye West statement above.)
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