What's the problem with five room dungeons?


I've tinkered with the idea of a one room dungeon. The single entrance/exit leads to the same room again but altered based on how the previous version of the room was interacted with. It might be too much of a mind screw to run properly though.

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Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
I've tinkered with the idea of a one room dungeon. The single entrance/exit leads to the same room again but altered based on how the previous version of the room was interacted with. It might be too much of a mind screw to run properly though.
I did a non-mind screw version of that by having the patron who got the adventure started showing up in the first room with a pair of thieves to ambush the adventurers on the way out. So it's got a literal four rooms, but five encounters in it. It worked well.

Voidrunner's Codex

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