Well, technically (as always) I'm choosing my own maps. These are two maps of the same location, the castle/abbey above the ground and the cellar/dungeons below the ground, created as content for two different map contents. The dungeon level I created for the 2008 One Page Dungeon Contest, and the other created 6 months later for a Cartographers' Guild Map Challenge doing speed mapping. I decided when doing the latter one, it should be the abbey above the dungeon I previously created. These were done in my hand-drawn style, and are among my earliest maps as I began my freelance cartography career, and I've always wanted to publish these as part of an adventure they certainly belong, just never got to doing that. I imagined Lhessadrak as a clerical lich, once a powerful force of good, but when his wife, a paladin was killed in a battle against an undead army, he fell from grace, eventually leading him on the dark path to lichdom. He converted to the Church of Orcus and eventually became it's pontiff, at which point the abbey was constructed for his unholy rites. The dungeon is my favorite of this pair of maps, but both are necessary for an adventure location. I imagined Lhessadrak discovering the existence of and access to the Plane of Blood... enjoy!
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