Irda Ranger
First Post
Rolling for Hit Points. Every time you level up, you roll your entire Hit Dice pool. (e.g., at 10th level a Fighter might roll 10d10+30). If the new total is higher than your current Max HP, take the new total. Otherwise you get +1 HP from your previous Max HP.
The benefit of this system is that you're not stuck with rolling 1 HP for the rest of the character's life. A bad HP roll is only with you until you level up again, then you get another shot.
Over the long term, Max HP converges pretty close to the mean, since it's hard to roll straight 10s with large dice pools. But even if you do roll straight 10s at, say, 12th level, you'll probably never do that again and just get +1 HP for a while until your Max HP reverts to the mean again.
The benefit of this system is that you're not stuck with rolling 1 HP for the rest of the character's life. A bad HP roll is only with you until you level up again, then you get another shot.
Over the long term, Max HP converges pretty close to the mean, since it's hard to roll straight 10s with large dice pools. But even if you do roll straight 10s at, say, 12th level, you'll probably never do that again and just get +1 HP for a while until your Max HP reverts to the mean again.