D&D General When do you overrule RAW?

Tony Vargas

But that's not a flaw in description, that's a disconnect in what different people think the implications of that description are.
Communication is both encoding and decoding, yeah, so it could be a flaw in the description, or the understanding of that description and it's implications, or both.

I think the heat was for a different incident. When She had her character dive off a massive cliff just for kicks, figuring she couldn't possibly take enough damage for it to be lethal (she had 127 HP at the time). But Mercer didn't cap the falling damage and had her take 363 damage. She was as he described it reduced to a "scatter of red mess..."
amusingly, as unrealistic as hp are, a cap on falling damage is somewhat realistic, in the sense that terminal velocity is a real thing

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I think the heat was for a different incident. When She had her character dive off a massive cliff just for kicks, figuring she couldn't possibly take enough damage for it to be lethal (she had 127 HP at the time). But Mercer didn't cap the falling damage and had her take 363 damage. She was as he described it reduced to a "scatter of red mess..."
Which A) was a mistake. Mercer forgot the 20d6 limit and B) I'd do the same. Of course I'd tell the player before they jumped that it would be suicidal.


I like what your saying, but I think there needs to be a bit more neutrality. A DM is a goalie. But they are also a coach and player and fan.

That's my point. By ruling against the player WITHOUT allowing the player to get on the same page as them, the DM is essentially engaging in adversarial DMing - which is far from neutral.

The DM, Ideally IMO, is a fan of the players (which DOES NOT mean give them what they want and never rule against them).

Micah Sweet

Level Up & OSR Enthusiast
Relax. I wasn't implying that he meant it that way. However, it seems probable that Marisha felt like some of that was occurring. My point is - it is easy to get to the same place with less chance of ruffling feathers AND you get to make everything BIGGER, rather than making anyone small.

Tell you what, I'll go back and tone down the hyperbole. I often forget that hyperbole doesn't work well online. We're BOTH supposed to know that it's an exaggeration that isn't meant to be taken literally.
It just sounded mean to me.


Communication is both encoding and decoding, yeah, so it could be a flaw in the description, or the understanding of that description and it's implications, or both.

amusingly, as unrealistic as hp are, a cap on falling damage is somewhat realistic, in the sense that terminal velocity is a real thing
After falling 1500 feet. So the rule should limit to 150 d6 instead of 20.


Magic Wordsmith
Look, if Mercer can't picture how a D&D character could stop a gargantuan monster in its tracks, which in this case is also supported by the rules, he's admitting to a failure of imagination while playing a game based on make-believe. And he's doing it in front of a bunch of nerds on the internet. Certainly not a choice I would make. Make something up - it's all fictional!


Look, if Mercer can't picture how a D&D character could stop a gargantuan monster in its tracks, which in this case is also supported by the rules, he's admitting to a failure of imagination while playing a game based on make-believe. And he's doing it in front of a bunch of nerds on the internet. Certainly not a choice I would make. Make something up - it's all fictional!

Well in this case, he was doing it in front of a live audience of 12,000 screaming nerds. Adds a dimension and a level of difficulty there.

Voidrunner's Codex

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