Where Do You Get Your Digital (RPG) Books and Materials?

Where Do You Get Your Digital RPG Books and Materials?

  • Backerkit (Kickstarter, other crowdfunding sites)

    Votes: 52 65.0%
  • D&D Beyond

    Votes: 14 17.5%
  • DM's Guild

    Votes: 28 35.0%
  • DriveThruRPG

    Votes: 76 95.0%
  • GM Binder

    Votes: 8 10.0%
  • Humble Bundle

    Votes: 45 56.3%
  • Open RPG Creative License

    Votes: 6 7.5%
  • System Reference Document

    Votes: 18 22.5%
  • Virtual Tabletop Platform (Roll20 Marketplace, FantasyGrounds, etc.)

    Votes: 13 16.3%
  • Directly from Publisher (ENWorld, Paizo, Goodman Games, etc.)

    Votes: 50 62.5%
  • Other (I'll put a link below)

    Votes: 7 8.8%
  • I don't use digital RPG materials

    Votes: 2 2.5%
  • itch.io

    Votes: 29 36.3%
  • Bundle of Holding

    Votes: 46 57.5%
  • Open Gaming Store

    Votes: 2 2.5%
  • Patreon

    Votes: 8 10.0%

For the most part I like to consolidate my books to one place: DriveThruRPG. (Which includes the DMs' Guild and Pathfinder Infinite, since they share a library.)

Some products I've bought directly from the publisher, such as all my Pathfinder stuff, since most of that isn't on DriveThru. Also Kobold Press, not sure why, they might have not had a big presence on DriveThru when I got into them. Looking at the BattleZoo stuff for Pathfinder I'll probably have to get it from them directly too.

I'm a big sucker for a bundle though. Can't pass up a deal, so I have a bunch of stuff floating in my Humble Library. I've also done a lot of Bundle of Holding stuff, but fortunately that gets put into your DTRPG account, which is awesome and Paizo Humble Bundles tend to give you a code for Paizo.com.

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Woah. I knew DriveThruRPG was popular, but I didn't expect it to dominate the field quite this much. 95%?
Hard to avoid DTRPG. They exclusively(?) sell Wizards/TSR pdf’s (and reprints) - and many other companies’ kickstarters, etc. are fulfilled through DTRPG… even companies that sell pdf’s through their own stores.

I just spent an hour on DTRPG entering codes for Goodman’s Dark Tower KS, and for the various paper books I’ve bought from
them in the last year.
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Backerkit (Kickstarter, Backerkit)
DM's Guild & DriveThruRPG - Aren't these really the same thing?
GM Binder - Though not often... Genius ideas find there way there, but I can never format then right, so I can only look on the site...
Humble Bundle - Occasionally
VTT - Roll20, but only recently
Bundle of Holding
Patreon - A few. Mostly maps.

I've mostly bought PDFs from drivethru and my 2nd source would be VTT DLC bought from the Fantasy Grounds and Foundry stores. I ocassionally get PDFs from a crowd funding project, but scaled back my funding of those big time a few years ago. I also occasionally buy from Humble Bundle or Bundle of Holding. I'm now buying more directly from the publishers, as I recently learned of new business practices at drivethru which I don't particularly care for.

Probably the majority of products I get are either from DTRPG or via Kickstarters, but I've gotten things on occasion from Bundle of Holding or Humble Bundle (the latter perhaps only once). In a few cases I've gotten them directly from the publisher when the weren't available on DTRPG and I wanted them sufficiently.

I only use pdfs, and I only buy from Drivethru.
The advantage of DTRPG is you have your library backed up in the cloud and with their app, you can sync everything locally.

Even though all the PDFs for my current WFRP4e game are from Cubicle7, which uses DTRPG for distribution, I still make copies because I'm picky about organization.

Drive Thru RPG, Kickstarter & Backerkit and GM Binder. I have backed several Level Up and 5e Kickstarts in the last couple of years and received both a PDF and their hardback copies via Drive Thru RPG.

As for GM Binder, it has a nice collection of homebrewed material for 5e. What's not to like? ;)

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