Which class do you hate the most?

What is your LEAST favorite class from across the editions?

  • Assassin

    Votes: 34 13.0%
  • Barbarian

    Votes: 8 3.1%
  • Bard

    Votes: 7 2.7%
  • Cleric

    Votes: 9 3.4%
  • Druid

    Votes: 6 2.3%
  • Fighter

    Votes: 5 1.9%
  • Illusionist

    Votes: 19 7.3%
  • Monk

    Votes: 21 8.0%
  • Psion/psionicist

    Votes: 73 27.9%
  • Ranger

    Votes: 2 0.8%
  • Rogue/thief

    Votes: 4 1.5%
  • Paladin

    Votes: 8 3.1%
  • Sorcerer

    Votes: 6 2.3%
  • Warlock

    Votes: 18 6.9%
  • Warlord

    Votes: 32 12.2%
  • Wizard/magic-user

    Votes: 10 3.8%

I'm A Banana

I can't say hate for any of 'em. They all earn their places as full classes, as far as I'm concerned.

I will say I like the warlord the least. It's not like that archetype can't be covered by a fighter, and their only incarnation so far is inextricably linked to 4e's extreme game-ifying of HP into "stuff that can be shouted back into you" and all the silliness that accompanies that. It's also linked to 4e's limited concept of roles, which said, of COURSE rogues are there for stabbing things with swords, and other stuff, too, if the DM wants to bother with it, but mostly for stabbing things with swords.

It's still a solid concept, and I could see it being its own class, but it is not currently presented in a way I can easily stomach.

Psions are redundant, but to me, that's more about the phenomenom of "everything that uses magic = wizard" problem. Wizards can and probably should represent a slighlty narrower archetype than that, which then leaves plenty of room for psions to breathe.

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First Post
I don't "hate" any of them. But the one that I voted for is Ranger, because I think that considering how popular they are, they need some work to carve out a distinct space.

Is he:
* a light armoured two-weapon fighter
* a really good bow fighter
* a fighter/rogue/druid

2e/3e has favoured enemy - which was either overly awesome or terrible depending on your DM's monster choice
4e has hunter's quarry - which is bonus damage against the guy you're attacking... I personally think this is pretty boring and that the avenger's oath is far more evocative

I'd love it if there was something unique and interesting that really defines them... but I don't have the faintest idea of what that might be.

good point on the ranger, but they need to have two types in there because half the D&D players out there love Drizzt and want to play a ranger like him, so it's 2 weapon style ranger... and, most D&D players like/love Lord of the Rings, so sometimes want to play a Legolas like super archer, hence the bow fighting ranger. If you took one out, too many people would be upset at the omission. (I think with 3.5E, you could probably build a better archer with a straight fighter because of all the bonus feats you got, but I think it would be close)


I really dislike monks and warlocks and think they don't need to be in the game, and paladins and assassins are simply redundant.

However, they can all easily be ignored without doing any damage. So my vote goes for cleric. Of all the ways to have a primary divine spellcaster, cleric is the worst way to do it. A cleric should be a divine sorcerer and not a super powered combat machine. If you want to play a fighter/priest, play that. But if you want to play just a divine spellcaster, you can't. Instead we get pushed into the face the notion that divine spellcasters are heavy armored warriors.


Knight of Solamnia
Too bad the 4e classes weren't all included. I would have voted for invoker.

Went for assassin, just because I think they can be disruptive to games if handled wrong. *shrugs*


I went with druid, as I just never understood the need. You were basically a nature kit kind of priest before 3 if I remember right more or less, and then in 3rd you were a crazy shapeshifting spellcaster, and in 4th you're...all of the above, ooh and a cleric type with a pet? huh?

But I knew the psion would get the hate. In early editions they were crazy overpowered, or just testing to see if you had powers on a lark could kill you. o_O In 3.5 it was pretty good though, I thought they had it nailed down to a usable system (except you soulknife!), but 4th just isn't very good at least from the games I've been involved in, I won't try to attest to some global knowledge. Heck the class the class I feel sorriest for is the poor poor monk. He went from cool in 1e, to gone in 2e, to Hi guys I'm back in 3e/3.5e but I brought my friend flurry of misses, and then to 4e's well yeah I have weapons but see I don't need to hit you with them I just carry them to look cool. sigh, maybe 5e will fix them all.

ack, went on a tangent. sorry!


I don't "hate" any of them. But the one that I voted for is Ranger, because I think that considering how popular they are, they need some work to carve out a distinct space.

Is he:
* a light armoured two-weapon fighter
* a really good bow fighter
* a fighter/rogue/druid

2e/3e has favoured enemy - which was either overly awesome or terrible depending on your DM's monster choice
4e has hunter's quarry - which is bonus damage against the guy you're attacking... I personally think this is pretty boring and that the avenger's oath is far more evocative

I'd love it if there was something unique and interesting that really defines them... but I don't have the faintest idea of what that might be.

If ranger wasnt my favorite class, it would be my most hated.

The problem is I'd consider none of those three rangers. The natural lore comes first. The warrior aspect is an aftereffect of being a master of the wild.

But no.. l kep getting fighter wannabes.

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