Background: Most people in the group I DM for prefer Pathfinder 1E, but I'm trying to get them interested in other systems. For the next campaign I run, I will be "plane-hopping" them between different planes. Still, as those who enjoy planar games know, there are many different Prime Material planes of existence, so I would have them experience those other game systems through a different lens as they work to resolve the end goal. I would like them to embrace PF2e to make it easier for me, but that's a work in progress for another time.
Question: What game systems, either by Free League or other publishers, would you suggest? I plan on using Conan, Star Wars, and Wheel of Time, to name a few, but I would like some other suggestions. They don't have to be OGL-friendly, but it would help me for conversion purposes (unless your suggestion already offers conversion documentation).
Question: What game systems, either by Free League or other publishers, would you suggest? I plan on using Conan, Star Wars, and Wheel of Time, to name a few, but I would like some other suggestions. They don't have to be OGL-friendly, but it would help me for conversion purposes (unless your suggestion already offers conversion documentation).