• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Which monsters (or closely related groups of monsters) make the best campaign theme?


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Aboleths that are just figuring out how to create skum. If it was a fairly non-fantastic world (low magic IOW), an invasion from the sea and under the earth would make a fine horror game.

The secret eaters from Minions control information by erasing memories and worship an unknown god. I can see a setting based on Dark City.

Another horror senario- kobolds that cause sinkholes. Their trapped tunnels could kill off all the experianced NPCs and leave the party alone in the middle of a battle they don't understand.

Giants that raid from their distant homes. Working together, hill giants raid and fire giants forge weapons and armor for both. The forge is found in a volcano and the party must esacpe before it erupts (yeah a bit cliched, but still useful).

Trolls of all shapes and sizes. Learn how to kill one and the others eat you.

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A suffusion of yellow
I was just googling and came across the Urd
Urds are distant relatives of kobolds. Three feet tall, with short ivory horns, their bodies are frail and covered with mottled yellow to brick red scales. Their leathery, batlike wings span 8 feet.

and then this pic


Creature Cataloguer
Tonguez said:
I was just googling and came across the Urd[/img]

we've got them in 3.0 on the CC, and they are slated to be upgraded to 3.5 in the relatively near future. :)

Pure Puppet

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Seriously, Nazis.

Right now, I'm working on an adventure where a group of bandits has set up shop in an abandoned keep and is busy slaughtering all the non-humans in the area. PC's battle through the keep, encountering groups of jackbooted thugs(Ftr 1) lead by more powerful captains(Ftr 5). As they go through, they'll encounter a holding area filled with elven females, who turn out to be food for the two undead nazis in the keep. Professor Doctor Ockto Von Badenskov, a brilliant scientist and telepath, is currently a disembodied head in a jar (Brain in a Jar Psion 4). He has his nazi cyborg (actual template) gorilla extract all the cranial fluids from the elves and inject them into the nutrient solution he floats in. It's what gives him his psychic powers. After the cranial fluid is extracted, the elven women are completely insane, and are killed by Karen, the vampire sorcereress.

There's also Hermann, an alchemist who discovered the secret of immortality. After he completed the ritual to make him an immortal being, he gained the ability to manifest a blade of pure conciousness, formed out of his own hatred (Elan Soulknife 5). And the final leader was an accomplished swordsman before he made a deal with a devil...(Human Ftr2/Warlock4)

PC's that succeed in killing the nazis will find notes and journals that detail the rituals they used to move through the Far Plane, the spellbook of the dead wizard that brought them there (he was subsumed by a Neh-Thallgu that found the others beneath its notice), and the location of another enclave such as this one (if the players enjoyed killing Nazis)...

Seriously, I could base an entire campaign around rooting out the extraplanar Nazi menace, combining politics, psionics, the Far Realm and other abberations, and lots of battles against Nazis, Nazi allies, and Nazi sympathizers.

And now, I will stop talking and wait for the derisive laughter.


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My present campaign has four factions building to war over one narrow strip of river valley in a huge tract of desert. It's represented by humans, devils, hobgoblins, and minions of a lich... The PCs are just getting a whiff of sulphur and brimstone, but the devil contingent is actually the weakest of the factions at this point. :]


First Post
Chaos beasts, clockwork horrors, giant cockroaches, or slimes make for a rather horrific invasion that will doubtfully be defeated without major losses. At what point is the victory phyrric?

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