White Dwarf: The First 100 issues. A Read-Through and Review.

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Dr Simon

You're welcome, it was fun as well as work and I'm glad somebody enjoyed it.

Added some more pics, by the way, mainly to the issues 21-30 section.

Dr Simon

I didn't know (until today) that Mike had contributed to WD. He ran a weekly, and very popular (or at least noisy!), AD&D game my local rpg club when I was in my late teens. And - as an aside - was the Vogon guard in the BBC serialisation of The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy.

Good fella, and good times.

Apologies for bumping my own post here, but:

I happened to re-watch Max Headroom: 20 Minutes into the Future recently, and the guy who gets exploded by the blipvert is played by one Michael Cule.

Voidrunner's Codex

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