Who Should Acquisitions, Inc Recruit Next?


Spoilers for the the latest Penny Arcade/PvP podcast at WotC's website:


Aeofel is gone. Pretty definitively. While there have been some comments about Aeofel returning as a revenant, the lack of body may make that difficult.

So, Wil Wheaton needs a new character. As it was suggested that an EN World thread was responsible for his demise (something about Chris Perkins taking it too easy on the group last time), maybe we should compile some suggestions on character ideas for Wil.

Given the depth of Aeofel's backstory, I would personally suggest a character with some link to Aeofel. Maybe a relative (another Eladrin)? Another worshipper of Melora?

I would personally suggest a character with roleplaying hooks...but a bit more optimized than Aeofel was. Eladrin isn't exactly the best race for an Avenger, after all.[/sblock]

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the lack of body may make that difficult.
That confuses me.

The Raven Queen takes your soul and shoves it into a corpse. From the impression I got from the article, it's not your corpse, but just A corpse.

Hence why no matter what you looked like in life (even a dragonborn or a tiefling or whatnot) you come out looking like an emaciated bum.

Eladrin isn't exactly the best race for an Avenger, after all.
Except that Eladrin have a +2 to both Dex and Int, the secondary stats for Avenger. It may not be the BEST, but it's not bad (like say, Dragonborn or Goliath).
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Kez Darksun

[sblock]Given that Aeofel was a preview character for PH2, I'd suggest a class from PH3. If its a class we've had a preview for already, then perhaps have it be the build that didn't get previewed.[/sblock]


Whatever it is, Will will make absolutely positively sure that it will suck at its job, but be totally justified from a roleplaying perspective.


I think something from PHB III would be suitable.

When I first saw the title of the thread I thought they were talking about adding a fifth player in which case Felicia Day would be a spectacular addition.

well they really need a striker...so what are the new strikers for PHB3? Monk...and..um I am drawing a blank here.

Ok well assumeing he doesn't take Monk, maybe an Assasin...


The Raven Queen takes your soul and shoves it into a corpse. From the impression I got from the article, it's not your corpse, but just A corpse.
Well, I'm not all that familiar with the Revenant, but I think Melora would be a bit disappointed if Aeofel accepted the help of the Raven Queen. Plus, Constitution and Dexterity is worse for his build than Dexterity and Intelligence.

Except that Eladrin have a +2 to both Dex and Int, the secondary stats for Avenger. It may not be the BEST, but it's not bad (like say, Dragonborn or Goliath).
Well, he was an isolating avenger, so he only used one of the stats. There are worse races...but there are also several that are better. Elf, Dwarf, and Deva, and Shifter all get a boost to the avenger's primary stat (Wisdom).

As a side note, I'm not that impressed with avengers as strikers. The damage is comparatively light, and it's possible to get the increased accuracy via a feat. Sure, the feat only gives one oath target per encounter...but how often did Aeofel use the oath multiple times per combat?


Well, I'm not all that familiar with the Revenant, but I think Melora would be a bit disappointed if Aeofel accepted the help of the Raven Queen. Plus, Constitution and Dexterity is worse for his build than Dexterity and Intelligence.
Except that I wasn't concerned about Aeofel. I was correcting a misconception about Revenants.

Well, he was an isolating avenger, so he only used one of the stats. There are worse races...but there are also several that are better. Elf, Dwarf, and Deva, and Shifter all get a boost to the avenger's primary stat (Wisdom).
I just dislike the assumption that if you're not playing a race that has a +2 in your primary score, you're a chump. But then, I hate automated race/class combos.

I just dislike the assumption that if you're not playing a race that has a +2 in your primary score, you're a chump.
Oh my freaking goodness yes. I cannot agree with this enough. :)

And from the podcasts, I get the impression that Mr. Wheaton wouldn't decide based on ability score bonuses either - but that's just a guess.

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