Why is "I don't like it" not good enough?

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Raven Crowking

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His statement came across to me as: DM gets to be a dick once and he's a bad DM. A player gets a lot more leeway before being called a bad player.

Not Rel, and not attempting to dogpile.

The way I read it included a comparison between different behaviours: getting heated because a question was asked on one hand, and asking a question on the other.

IMHO, asking a question is more reasonable when it is the first question, and less reasonable as they pile up.

OTOH, getting heated because a question was asked is less reasonable when it is the first question, and more reasonable as the questions pile up.

So, it isn't a direct comparison. The player asking the first question, or the DM getting heated after the 20th, isn't being a dick.

In my understanding of Rel's argument (@Morrus;

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Jeff Wilder

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That's how I feel about firearms in D&D.
Me, too! Exactly. Firearms and psionics used to hold the same low place for me, for pretty much the same reason (shorthanded: "genre dissonance"), but for some reason my distaste for firearms-in-D&D lessened, while my distaste for psionics-in-D&D has not.

I still don't accept firearms as a default part of my D&D campaigns -- not even in my beloved Golarion, where they are a big part of the upcoming Ultimate Combat -- but (e.g.) I was just fine using them when I ran a Freeport campaign.


First Post
It may be unintended, but yes, by only viewing a small sample you are self-segregating yourself form the experiences others have had by not viewing a sample of that part of the range of players.

Does WotC or Paizo, only ask about their games of those working in the building? Those living around the company office?

The choice not to drive that distance or only to play with friends is your own, so why isn't it self-segregation? :confused:

It doesnt mean it is done to avoid certain types of gamers, but rather the consequences of it has quite possibly led to a blinding affect to those types of gamers.

Out of sight out of mind...

Seeing is believing...

WOTC and Paizo are in the business of developing consumer products and therefore perform a wide range of sampling so that they can reach the most players.

Deciding to play or run a D&D game is simply that. Getting a game together.

People don't run observational analysis on wide ranges of player types just to see if they can get some D&D [or insert other RPG] goin' on.

Just because I don't travel 3000 miles to a Con in the Pacific NW doesn't mean that I am self-segregating, unintentionally or not. It is not an "out of sight, out of mind" issue either.


Sooooooo...when was it Rel segregated you? Did you get 'non-invited' to one of his shindigs?

Hey - now I'm ticked off at Rel! I live only 1600 miles away, don't know him in the slightest, yet he hasn't personally made an effort to get to know me! WTF?!

Huh? :confused:

Self-segregation, meaning he did it to himself, not he did it to others.

Raven Crowking

First Post
I have run and played games in several states (in the US) and in Canada, with literally hundreds of players. Yet, by the definition offered, I am self-segregating.

Oddly (or not), I'm okay with that. I am selective about who I am willing to game with! ;)


I have run and played games in several states (in the US) and in Canada, with literally hundreds of players. Yet, by the definition offered, I am self-segregating.

Oddly (or not), I'm okay with that. I am selective about who I am willing to game with! ;)

Yes but you can see it from both sides, which has made you less segregated, where some are missing a view because of it.

Some may be taking the self-segregation a bit personal, but it is just the point that if you only are around one type of player, you will only see that type of player. Being dismissive of other types, doesn't prove they don't exist, even if the reason is because you haven't seen them.

We are all self-segregated, but I can't think of a better word for it. What other word describes removing one's self from the whole...."in a vacuum" doesn't seem to fit as that would not include reading about things on a forum, but doesn't offer the experiences and some are more readily able to dismiss things said on a forum, they have not seen for themselves?

Raven Crowking

First Post
Yes but you can see it from both sides, which has made you less segregated, where some are missing a view because of it.

Like this fellow?


BTW, [MENTION=56746]mudbunny[/MENTION], does your User Name come from Fraggle Rock? Enquiring minds want to know!


Crazy Jerome

First Post
Why we self-segregate gets back to giving an explanation. :p

I know why I do it, but I doubt the reason is very common. After playing with a lot of different people and different styles, I have learned that people are rarely ambivalent about my preferred gaming style. They either really like it, or they don't. Since I've never had any problem finding people who like it (even though they are a minority of gamers, near as I can tell), then I see no good reason to:

1. Deprive someone who likes it of the opportunity to get it from me, by giving a slot to someone who doesn't.

2. Inflict myself on someone else who won't really appreciate me.

3. Put myself through extra and totally unnecessary friction.

I've done the "broaden myself though experience" tour, got the T-shirt, and now I'm settled down in what I like to do. I get my "touch base outside my comfort zone to see what has changed" thrill via occasionally playing with someone else. So I'm covered. :)


First you ruin literatue NOW Wembly Fraggle? What is wrong with you man! What enxt, you will ruin Wheelie and the Chopper Bunch, or Dirty Dick Dastardly somehow? :D

Jerome, but it is possible for that segregation to come so early, that some things of the view outside of it are missed, correct?

It isn't that gamers can't choose who to game with, but in discusions like these, a missing view ay just make the image a little less focused on what others are speaking of. Blurred if you will.

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