Thomas Shey
Unlike D&D, Mutants and Masterminds uses a point buy system for just about everything in the character creation process (ability scores, attack bonus, defense bonus, saves bonus, skills, feats and powers). The default power level was power level 10, which had a pool of 150 points.
However, if you were playing Green Ronin's equivalent of D&D, Warriors and Wizards, you had a much smaller pool to work from because fantasy characters aren't as powerful as supers. Something along the lines of power level 6 or power level 8 (90 to 120 points respectively). And in addition to buying all of the features I mentioned in the character creation process, you also had to throw in race. Each race in Warriors and Wizards had it's own power point cost.
Lastly, Mutants and Masterminds tended to front load your character from the very start. There was no gradual increase in what you had in terms of abilities, skills, feats and powers.
I'd have to disagree with the latter here; the default assumption was that PL went up every 15 points, so you would, indeed, get that gradual increase. It just started at a higher initial point.