Why the world is?


Reading the title of another thread I was expecting a very different topic. It made me go back to my campaigns roots and think about why the world was created. I was curious was is the purpose behind the creators of your campaign world. Was it created with a purpose? Just as a play thing? An accident? Something else?

As for my own current campaign there are reasons, but they are rarely, if ever, clear to the players. The gods of my universe do not always directly share their goals and intentions with the those of the mortal world. The truth of creation has been lost and each sect of the various great religions have developed their own creation/purpose stories. As the gods have no alignment sometimes from the players perspective their goals are down right unfathomable. Add on others creating outright lies and new stories for their own purposes and things quickly become distorted over the years.

Across the creation/purpose stories of the campaign world there are a few common themes. One of these is at first there was nothing. Then the Darkness awoke, creating the Sun and the Moon, who in turn created the Earth (well, the campaign world which has it's own name).

The theme is on my mind as there is anew nugget of info the players are about to learn at the start of the next session. There was something before the darkness. In fact the Lord of Darkness took on the mantel of darkness to hold back something, which has been chipping away at him across the eons creating leaks in his protective shell, creating the stars they see at night. And part of that something is about to break through...

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First Post
A prison for the insane god of creation. A complex device created by the gods in which the mortal races are only an unwitting cog. But due to the unwitting actions of certain individuals, the prison is slowly coming unraveled...


First Post
It is the second world, the first world was a lot more chaotic and was destroyed. The seocnd world is the latest experiemnt of the gods and has more order and more rules that govern it.


A prison for the insane god of creation. A complex device created by the gods in which the mortal races are only an unwitting cog. But due to the unwitting actions of certain individuals, the prison is slowly coming unraveled...

Interesting! So is the creation god something like a Tharizdun that will destory the world now? Or some other type of insanity?


It is the second world, the first world was a lot more chaotic and was destroyed. The seocnd world is the latest experiemnt of the gods and has more order and more rules that govern it.

Any purpose behind the experiment? Of is that the final layer of the onion?


I crit!
The world has always been. The gods, they come and go. Some rail against the cruelty and, for a time, change the balance of things. Some just want it all to stop. Some just want it, all of it.


Front Range Warlock
It's a massive eugenics experiment carried out by a sufficiently advanced intellect that is worshipped as a God by the planet's denizens. I've been watching a lot of Doctor Who lately :)


Why was the world created? So the players could have some place for their characters to run around killing things and taking their stuff. Oh yeah, and there's some fluff too...


Have I really been on this site for over 20 years!
The prime material? It was created by the god as a plaything of sorts and then as a staging area for the war with the primordials. The gods but good and evil have a intreinsic desire to create things.

Voidrunner's Codex

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