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Why'd they change the Lamia?

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Not on the 4E bandwagon, and honestly, I'm older than MOST of the posters thus far. The lamia is much cooler now than it was. Before it was strictly an evil female sphinx knock-off, now it has a more universal appeal and usage, and for those that haven't noticed, that's the way of things in the new MMs - universality is favored over specialty. Too much drama over too little substance - come on folks, if you don't like it, don't use it - that's been a watch word since 1st edition, and I ought to know, I've been playing since 1978.

Brennin Magalus

First Post
Yeah, but at least dryads & Orcus are still recognizable as what they were. That is, they still look largely the same as from prior editions. Dryads are still tree-women, Orcus is still a portly goat-headed bat-winged demon-god-thing of undeath. 4E lamias (lamiae? lamiai?) look absolutely nothing like their prior edition counterparts. Well, except from the waist up, sorta.

Not saying the new one isn't a cool monster -- it is! -- but I'm just curious as to why they called it "lamia" instead of something else.

As much as I am opposed to their appropriating the name for something else, given the number of lame-arse names the designers have come up with perhaps it's for the best.


Are you telling me that you can find a use for what is basically an evil centaur-lion, in a world full of centaur things, and you can't find a use for a beetle swarm that eats people and wears their skin?

You and I must be playing different games.

Heh. ...... I'd say 'this' but I hate that thing. More words the better.

I love the new Lamia. Very Naraku from Inuyasha (and yes I initially watched the Jap-sub anime). Add a wizard template to a Lamia and you have a great campaign villain.

Entropic styled madam of cthonic desire? Sorry, I was remembering good ole sepulchrave II's story hour.



First Post
How do you define the "anime generation," exactly? If you mean "people younger than you are" or some variation thereof (and according to your profile, you're not old enough to be complaining about an entire generation of people yet), I can say that this particular member of that generation prefers mythological accuracy over "coolness" anytime. Don't get me wrong, a beetle swarm that eats and impersonates eladrin is a great idea...just don't call it a lamia.

Of course, the old Lamia bore absolutely no resemblence to its mythological roots either.

This 25-year-old member of the "anime generation" likes the new one better, so take of that what you will.


The new Lamia definitely strikes my fancy better than the old one (which absolutely never inspired me to use them once in the course of 25+ years) -- however, I do dislike the habit of totally rewriting creatures but using the same names. I'd rather it had a new name to eliminate ambiguation.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
I've been playing '85 and I didn't even remember there was a Lamia in pre-4E. Could have chosen a better name, I agree, but I'm definitely attached to the original version obviously.

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