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Wildwood Red in Tooth and Claw [IC]


With darkness fallen the goblins become much more at ease, their movements less tentative and their postures more erect. They stop their constant squinting and seem to notice more of the world around them. Their movements through the dark forest are eerily quiet as the night travel gets more difficult for the humans and lizardfolk. Even with their eyes adjusting for the darkness Tur, Alan, and Noni feel the concealment of shadows all around them cloaking creatures of the night on the prowl or lying in wait.

The night journey however passes with the travelling party unmolested, though Cursed does note the presence of several small and tiny creatures hiding in underbrush hiding from the group's notice as you pass.

Cursed stays near Tefan engaging in small talk as the goblin trader talks about how his family is known for their language skills, how some are translators, some such as himself went into trade with other races, and some into the study of magic. He feels that contact with others is better for both the goblins and the others, a win-win situation.

Dawn comes early and Tefan eventually calls a halt to make camp for rest and Alan begs off a shift to rest his wounds.

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The daylight rest period passes uneventfully though there are times when the bird song goes silent, though nothing shows up and eventually the songs return.

Tur and Alan feel a little better though their wounds still ache and it looks like both may have scars from the encounter.

The goblins pack up their gear squinting in the light and Tefan shouts at them to get them going, he wants to arrive in daylight while most are asleep.

Cursed [SBLOCK] He explains that he wants to get you into his uncle's tunnels without any knowing so your companions can rest undisturbed and be fresh to surprise his brother when you do attack. [/SBLOCK]

The pace is brisk and soon the interim game trails turn into poorly maintained twisting trails that are however designed for humanoid figures to walk along. A slashing curved blade mark is hacked into trees, marking the edge of the goblin territory. The canopy here is thick blocking much of the light and the goblins seem more at ease. Brambles are thicker and more common and the tall trees have a dark, almost menacing presence as they cast deeper shadows and many have dark openings that look like prime lairing opportunities for small creatures.

Noni [SBLOCK] you notice the occasional track of a large wolf or wolf-like creature [/SBLOCK]

As the trails lead on the smell of greasy cook fires becomes more apparent. Tefan directs the pathfinder who takes you on a side path that appears less well-travelled. This eventually leads to a squat forest hut with a thin trail of black evil looking smoke bellowing from one of its chimneys into the canopy above. Black pitch sigils of various phases of a moon mark the entrance along with carved runes.


Seeing nothing of the sigils or runes Cursed swings his head slowly from side-to-side across the clearing, hoping to pick up some sense of movement.


A raven caws and alights from a tree branch to fly in an opening on the broad hut. Tefan turns to the group. "My uncle Illiam's Tower of the Hidden Moon. You can recover here in secrecy."


Tefan directs the other goblins to wait out here. As you proceed into the hut different smells of burning incense, boiled alchemical components, and drying herbs become apparent.

The broad hut blocks out the majority of sunlight and you come upon a large central chamber with a large table and some chairs as well as screened off areas. The source fo the smoke comes from behind one of the screened areas. From behind a different one of the dark curtains a craggy faced scowling goblin with blinking eyes steps into the open-ness, a raven perched on his shoulder. He wears black robes with a pointed hood pulled back. A pouch hangs off his belt as does an ornate obsidian dagger. A necklace of bones with sigils carved on them rattles at his neck. Before the curtain falls shut behind him you see a small chamber with what looks like a partially filled book-case and a ladder leading down into a pit in the floor.

Tefan starts speaking rapidly and obsequiously in goblin and there is some back and forth between them with Tefan apparently doing some fast talking and you pick up the word "Leao" being used and he points at Tur and Alan at different points with the old goblin taking notice and scrutinizing the party.

Finally the older goblin nods and Tefan says he will act as translator for his uncle. The uncle speaks and Tefan dutifully begins speaking in Dover to the party.

"Formal introductions. Illiam Moonspeaker Black Robed Initiate of the Dark Eye welcomes you to the Tower of the Hidden Moon and offers you shelter to recover from your wounds."


"Give him our thanks both for his welcome and his offer of shelter. I am Noni" replies Noni to Tefan's translation


First Post
Tur doesn't have much patience for (or, indeed, understanding of) diplomatic niceties, particularly among mammals. He stands stonily still and says nothing.


First Post
Alan bows respectfully, not familiar with the exact titles, but getting a similar sense to that of the Great Necromancers in his homeland... powerful magi who are big on formality.

"My thanks, enlightened one. I am Alan Keep, a mystic warrior currently in service to the Dover."

Voidrunner's Codex

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