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Wildwood Red in Tooth and Claw II [IC]


First Post
"You have been designated hostiles! Drop your weapons or face immediate termination!"

[OOC: NR4ZN will take an AoO if one presents itself, targetting a worg and trying to knock it back with Large and in Charge. On its turn NR4ZN will attack the nearest goblin, moving to do so if necessary.]

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Consumed by his rage Firblain runs up next to Weylan and EN4ZN readying to charge.

The slower red eyed wolf catches up to the first one and the goblin rider shouts out gobbling challenges.

for Firblain
[SBLOCK]In goblin "The new seed is our prey! Montaug's howl claimed it! Back off ugly or die where you stand![/SBLOCK]

Weylan focuses and sees the shouting dwarf emerge to stand next to him as the wolf riding goblins approach on their racing mounts. Despite the bombardment of intense sensations, he gathers himself together enough for battle.

Viktor 20
W 1 15
G 1 12
G 2 12
Firblain 7
W 2 5
Weylan 22

Weylan is no longer stunned
Last edited:


First Post
Still not entirely certain who the strangers are, what the golem is about or who the goblins are after, Weylan waits to see what happens.

OOC: Ready action to attack the first creature that attacks him.


To add to Weylan's uncertainty, the golem seems to be making metallic barking and growling noises at the wolf riders as it raises a large tree trunk threateningly.


First Post
Victor curses under his breath, seeing the two worg-riders still coming even after the arrow. Moving closer to the newcomer and Ennar, the Tiefling fits another arrow and fires it at the same demon-creature as he did before.

"Die, demon!" he roars in Infernal as he fires, his instincts taking over.

[sblock=ooc]Victor uses his move action to move 30ft closer to Weylan and NR4ZN, then fired another arrow at the worg.[/sblock]


First Post
Firblain runs over to where Viktor is firing arrows at the worg riders, then shifts direction and charges the nearest goblin, screaming at the top of his lungs.

[sblock=ooc]the running part was last round, I think I'm close enough to charge this round. Right? this attack is at +8, 1d12 +8dmg.[/sblock]


Two down

The war forged shouts out in barking dover "You have been designated hostiles! Drop your weapons or face immediate termination!"

Victor curses under his breath, seeing the two worg-riders still coming even after the arrow. Moving closer to the newcomer and Ennar, the Tiefling fits another arrow and fires it at the same demon-creature as he did before.

"Die, demon!" he roars in Infernal as he fires, his instincts taking over. Unfortunately in his arrow goes wide, hissing through the air into the underbrush.

With a snarl the first wolf charges to the attack, the goblin rider howling in protest as his mount leaps forward. NR4ZN’s tree trunk lashes out but the wolf is too quick and gets inside the warforged’s reach without a scratch as the wooden bludgeon smashes into the ground just behind it.

For Weyland and Firblain [SBLOCK] “No! Keep back for javelins! Dammit!” [/SBLOCK]

The red-eyed wolf snaps at Viktor’s bow wielding arm and the fiend-touched man is barely able to yank it back as he dodges to the side.

As Viktor dodges to one side the cursing goblin swings his club and connects with the archer’s other arm despite all the tiefling’s speed.

The goblin on the slower mount casts another javelin at Weylan, but the soul knife is able to move enough so that his armor deflects the sharp stone shaft.

NR4ZN pulls the club out of the ground and swings it in a great arc, knocking the goblin rider out of his saddle with a great crunch. The rider twitches slightly but does not otherwise move.

Firblain takes a step towards the goblin that struck Viktor then shifts direction and charges the second goblin, screaming at the top of his lungs when EN4ZN smashes his first target. His axe cleaves the head from the second rider with a great chop but leaves the dwarf’s neck exposed to the wolfish mount.

The black furred beast chomps down heavily on the dwarf inflicting a grievous wound as it thrashes around mightily drawing lots of blood in a spray, but the berserking dwarf just manages to keep his feet through sheer rage.

Weylan 22
Viktor 20
W 1 15
Firblain 7
W 2 5

Ooc Weylan can read the two spoilers up above (this post and the one higher up).

Viktor took 4 damage.

Firblain took 15 damage.


First Post
Firblain cries out in pain as the beast chomps into his neck. His legs buckle and a hand goes to his neck, trying to stop the bleeding. Shaking his head, his eyes focus on the wolf in front of him and he swings, trying to hit his neck among the three that he sees before him.

[sblock=ooc]just rp'n him bein shook up. attackk at +6 1d12 +6 dmg[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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