Wildwood Red in Tooth and Claw II [IC]


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"First mad wizards, now mad gods...no one can keep their supernatural mitts off Inamar for long it seems like," the marked woman mutters. She then gives Viktor an apologetic smile.

"Look...I'm sorry about the...the horn thing. I've just never seen anyone with horns before. I guess it's probably perfectly normal where you come from." She waves at Weylan and the construct. "Guys with light coming out of their hands, big golem-looking things...also not common where I'm from. So sorry, in advance, if I stare a little."

She looks back at Viktor. "Anyway, tell me about this village. Sounds like a nice little island of sanity. What's it like out there?"

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Viktor's fair skin flushes more. "No. Most don't have tainted blood where I come from. I'm human too, unless you ask those I grew up with." He pauses then turns his red eyes towards Inamar. "The Silber village is great, they accept outsiders. It is not a village of humans though, it is the dover. A dogman race. Great hunters and noble spirits."


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Voidrazor said:
"If you would please Lord Weylan, just touching the panel should establish a telepathic connection"

Wondering just what he's getting himself into, Weylan steps up to the panel, dismissis his mindblade, and places his hands on its surface.


3, 2, 1, Contact!

When Weylan dimisses his mindblade the illumination it provides goes with it, leaving the chamber shrouded in darkness with just the faintly glowing crystals providing light. The tunnel to the surface does not provide an angle for sunlight to reach down here and it takes the human and Elans' eyes time to adjust to the darkness as best they can.

NR4ZN's damaged photoreptors attempt to adjust but nightvision and infrared spectrum scanning is offline.

Firblain and Viktor remain ready, comfortable in the darkness.

Weylan reaches out his hands and contacts the crystal. Instantly he feels a connection to a deep source of psychic power, an alien presence. Thoughts not his own flood into the elan's mind. He senses the three standing crystal pillars and how with a touch and manipulation to one of the correponding crystals on the panel they can be retracted into the floor, opened, rotated to be horizontal, or with a conscious mental action while in contact with the crystal, activated to create a stasis field for the occupant. He senses the two pillars retracted into the floor and the alien thoughts tell him how to raise them. He gets thoughts about three others that should be where the rubble is but no sense of the actual pillars themselves and the discontinuity is mentally jarring.


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Momentarily bewildered by the torrent of extrasensory information, Weylan takes a moment to sort out what the alien mind is trying to tell him.

Focusing his attention on the collapsed reptilian, Weylan silently asks the presence, "What's wrong with him? How do we wake him?"

OOC: Switching to a slightly different shade of green make Weylans speech distinct from Firblain's as the colors are just a little too similar.


Weylan does not recieve any reply or detectable reaction. Whether it is not aware of Weylan's query or whether it simply chooses not to respond Weylan cannot tell.


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Pulling back from the presence in the pedestal without breaking contact, Weylan turns to NR4ZN, "I can sense the pillars, and I think I may be able to operate them, except for those three over there, " Weylan nods to the pile of rubble, "which I think are broken, or mabye missing. But the... inhabiting mind... won't tell me anything about your friend. What should I do?"


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NR4ZN picks up the ailing Ottotowan gingerly. "Thank you Lord Weylan. If you can pull up one of the other tubes, that may be safer. The panel will most likely be able to provide more information once Master Zee is placed within the chamber."


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"Uh...can you make it light a torch or something?" Inamar asks, blinking blindly in the dark.

Through the gloom then, several symbols on her skin flickered with visible blue light, spelling out something tantalizingly close to a word, albeit in a tongue older than humankind itself. Her eyes flouresced blue/violet, and Inamar gasped.

"Now THAT is new. How did you get it to wash out all the colors like that?"


Shayuri said:
"Uh...can you make it light a torch or something?" Inamar asks, blinking blindly in the dark.

Through the gloom then, several symbols on her skin flickered with visible blue light, spelling out something tantalizingly close to a word, albeit in a tongue older than humankind itself. Her eyes flouresced blue/violet, and Inamar gasped.

"Now THAT is new. How did you get it to wash out all the colors like that?"

Viktor looks surprised. "Nobody did anything Inamar, your eyes glowed. And your seeing everything clearly without colors? That's how I see things in the dark, the devil cursed blood lets me pierce shadows and gloom. Did you do something to her Weylan to cause this and I just didn't see it happen?"

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