• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Will anyone fill WOTC's shoes with 3E?

Would I stay or would I go?

  • I would stay with 3E if a company stepped in to fill the void

    Votes: 32 15.8%
  • I'm going on to 4E, no matter what.

    Votes: 61 30.0%
  • I'll just go on to another RPG system.

    Votes: 16 7.9%
  • I'm staying with 3E no matter what.

    Votes: 52 25.6%
  • I'm doing something completely different (other)

    Votes: 42 20.7%


First Post
Thinking about the fact that 3E is the first edition of D&D to have an OGL, and an SRD, it is also the first edition where another company could step in and fill the edition support void left behind when the company moves on to a new edition.

So is there anyone who is going to try out this "first time ever" opportunity?

If someone were to step forward (my favorite candidate being Green Ronin, with Paizo and Goodman close seconds) and fill this void how many of you would stay with 3E rather than move on and esseentially throwing all the money you spent on 3e away?

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Writer for CY_BORG, Forbidden Lands and Dragonbane
I'll play 3.5 and 4e.

3.5 for my Iron Hearts, Iron Men campaign, and 4e for ... something else. Don't know yet. Maybe for my City Watch campaign.

And then I'll continue playing all the other roleplaying games I enjoy, like Call of Cthulhu 2nd edition (current is 6th edition), and Star Wars d6 first edition, for example.



Treebore said:
Thinking about the fact that 3E is the first edition of D&D to have an OGL, and an SRD, it is also the first edition where another company could step in and fill the edition support void left behind when the company moves on to a new edition.

So is there anyone who is going to try out this "first time ever" opportunity?

If someone were to step forward (my favorite candidate being Green Ronin, with Paizo and Goodman close seconds) and fill this void how many of you would stay with 3E rather than move on and essentially throwing all the money you spent on 3e away?
I'd love to see Paizo, Goodman Games, Troll Lord Games or some other company with a deep affection for D&D's roots step up to the plate to perfect 3.X.

4th edition holds little appeal for me (from everything that I've read) and 3.X still has room for simplification and/or improvement.

At this point I'd like to see my gaming groups alternate between 3.X and Castles & Crusades (particularly my homebrewed version that is a homage to 1st edition... without the sticky bits of cludgy rules and seemingly arbitrary restrictions).


First Post
I would be very happy to stay in 3.X if either Goodman Games or Paizo stayed with the 3.5 ruleset. I have more than enough rulebooks already and primarily consume modules now anyways.


World of Kulan DM
I'm going to stick with 3E for the foreseeable future.

I still want to run the Savage Tide Adventure Path and the new AP from Paizo. Plus, one of my friends want to use the new Greyhawk module as a campaign, which I definitely want to be a part of.

If 4E isn't backward compatible, even a little bit, then I won't be buying it. I'm also concerned about the DI, and how much of it is going to be required for regular play. Plus, DRAGON and DUNGEON being moved to an online format doesn't thrill me at all. :mad:


I don't need Paizo or Goodman to continue 3.x (though it'd be cool if they did). I've got enough of their stuff to play 3.5 until 5E comes out.

My understanding is that Paizo are going to think about the future of Pathfinder, and there's no guarantee it will switch to 4.0

Personally, I think they will switch, but I have no actual evidence for this.

Who knows, maybe for the first time ever the "I ain't switching crowd" will stand by their words in large numbers and 3.5 could remain a lucrative market.


First Post
Maggan said:
I'll play 3.5 and 4e.

3.5 for my Iron Hearts, Iron Men campaign, and 4e for ... something else. Don't know yet. Maybe for my City Watch campaign.

And then I'll continue playing all the other roleplaying games I enjoy, like Call of Cthulhu 2nd edition (current is 6th edition), and Star Wars d6 first edition, for example.

Sounds about right - unless Privateer Press updates the Iron Kingdoms to 4e then I will continue running 3.25.

I intend to just treat 4e as a separate game, not a continuation of 3.X, I may or may not play it, depending on whether I like what I see, so I reserve judgment in that respect. I do intend to avoid the 'Digital Initiative/Gleemax/Whatever' completely, it leaves a bad taste in my mouth. If it is more or less required to run/play 4e then I will be more or less required to consign 4e to the burning pit. :p

The Auld Grump


Too early to vote on this issue for me.

I know I have still loads of stuff I want to play that is 3.X : More Ptolus adventuring, RARE, Pathfinder, SCAP...

I do not know, however, if I would just upgrade these products to 4.0, or run them with 3.5 and something else with 4.0, or not use 4.0 at all (the latter is very unlikely though, since the guys in charge of the project are designers whose work I especially like, and because the previews we've seen so far go exactly into the right direction from my POV. D.I. apart, that is).

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