Win a free "Zombie Kid" t-shirt


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<a href="">Bards and Sages</a> is starting to celebrate the Halloween season early by placing all of it's horror-related products on sale at savings between 10-15% off! Save on products like The <i>Koboldnomicon</i>, <i>Gods of the Dead</i>, <i>Soul's Requiem</i>, <i>Dead Men (and Women) Walking</i>, and others.

And as a special treat for our customers at <a href="">RPGNOW</a> and <a href="">ENWORLD</a>, we will also be giving away a free "Zombie Kid" t-shirt to a lucky customer! The t-shirt features Debra Colvin's cover art from our latest anthology, Dead Men (and Women) Walking. Visit either storefront to get a peek at the shirt and for more details about the drawing.

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