Winter Fantasy 2018 Ticket Trading

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I'm down to just 1x Ruins of Hisari in slot 5 left over if anyone is interested. In terms of tickets, I'm only looking for maybe HILL3-1 in slot 1.


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I am looking to purchase a ticket for Slot 11 The Ruins of Hisari. It is currently sold out.
I am DMing 7 slots and have slot 11 open.
I don't have a ticket to trade would just like to purchase one if anyone has an extra 1 for Slot 11.


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Currently available for trade:

D&D eXperience Hulburg GenCon Rerun Track A (Tier 3 - Slots 2, 3, 5, 6)

Slot 2 - DDAO - 17 Grung Reverie (Tier 2)

Slot 4 - DDEP7 - 02 Drums of the Dead (Epic - Tier 4)

Slot 5 - DDAO - 17 Grung Reverie (Tier 2)

Slot 6 - DDAO - 22 (Tier 2), DDAO-23 (Trail of Bones - Tier 3)

Slot 9 - DDAO - 19 (Layers Upon Layers - Tier 2)


First Post
I have
Ruins of Hisari in Slot 5 (2)
DDAO-17 Slot 5
DDAO-18 Slot 6
DDEP7-2 TIER 3 Slot 8
DDEP7-2 TIER 4 Slot 8

I am looking for ANY DDAO in Slot 7 9 and 11.

Voidrunner's Codex

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