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Witch Hunter 2e - the free adventure downloads


Sounds like a nice ongoing project. I'll definitely check it out and provide my 0.02 when I can. Be warned, however, that if the upcoming Grand Tome of Adversaries update contains adversary creation guidelines anything like the previous edition, I'm going to be beating on your door. Because as nice as a full on PC generator is, a handy tool for GMs to create critters and adversaries would be fantastic!


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Here is version 1.1 of the character generator:

I'll be adding flaws, and point buy info shortly.

Equipping will probably be later in the design.



I just re-loaded version 1.1 It has improved functionality of the Ability Scores (they are now perfected considering the requirements for background and then the random two from the background list).



Great! I took a look at it this morning on the iPad. It looks good, but once the holidays are over, if you'd like, I'd be happy to volunteer to help with snappy-ing up the front end look. Unfortunately, I couldn't really test out the functionality, but its nice to see this coming along.

And I'm really shocked that there hasn't been more comment or discussion of your work on the Paradigm site. Keep posting on your progress there, though. I think there is lots of lurking going on.


Thanks for taking a look at it. I'm doing this mostly to learn the game, and have a stack of available pre-gen characters prepped for a playtest with my players. Thankfully, you've done all that work with the reference sheets.

We've been playing WFRP3 for 5 years now, and that game system was discontinued by FFG(they managed to kill of a 25 year successful franchise in just two years), I'll be looking for other options. Lately, the Colonial and Call of Cthulhu bugs have hit me.

Considering game systems, Witch Hunter is very player character diversity focused. I didn't do the math, but you've got this so far:
9 Ability scores
39 backgrounds
7 catalysts
9 orders
=22,113 major character possibilities (before talent specialization, flaws, vices, etc.)
45 flaws
15 vices
17 basic talents (and bunches of greater and heroic)

The book has the vast majority of itself dedicated to player character abilities available to every background (not just piles of spells).
The core book is also a complete game with a bestiary in the back.

Better than all the rest, it is a 2nd edition. As much as nostalgia makes us appreciate 1st editions of games (WFRP, Conan, D&D, Vampire, CoC), in reality, simply having a more solid, well-playtested game system is something that I appreciate more than nostalgia.

Lastly, the fact that they put out free convention-style modules is a big plus for me. I don't have the time to prep scenarios like I used to (no, not just b/c I work on these character generators), so having additional materials to work with is just great. Plus, you have the prior edition of the game scenarios to play as well if necessary.

We'll see how game play goes. After years of WFRP3's handy-dandy "rules on cards", I'll have to remember what it was like to just have a character sheet :)
One thing that i can see that will be needed is that I'll have the players write down the ability score that is used for each skill next to it on the character sheet.

I had played Arcanis a few years back and had fun with the scenario series they put out.

As for discussion on forums, at least there are forums for the game ;)

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Heh. As I sit on a throne assembled of abandoned games, I understand. DL5A, Darkurthe Legends, Dangerous Journeys, Lejendary Adventures, you name it. Its pretty sad that FFG used WHF as a petri dish for the SW license, but what can you do these days? It seems WH4k is the feather in their cap now. Whose going to miss yet another fantasy RPG that isn't called DnD. :hmm:

Yeah, WH does like its character options. It's a bit much for me, but then I think I'm nicer to my players than the game intends. Chargen isn't fast enough for a real character treadmill – though your random generation looks to help that. BTW, I saw your Colonial Gothic generator on the Rogue Games website. Nice work!

Regardless of all of the reference sheets I've made, WH runs pretty intuitively without them. The two that I reference most of the time have been the skill list and the combat actions cheat sheet. My players really haven't delved into weapon tricks yet. And magic isn't so diverse that those sheets have come in handy (yet. That's going to change in my game really soon!).

I haven't played in a WH living round since DragonCon '08, but the old campaign had quite a few events stockpiled. I've yet to see any of the new rounds to compare, but Clint really seems to be on his game. As for the forums, I just wish the community there was more active. Right now, it feels like WH is something most of them do at cons while waiting for a spot to open up in another Arcanis round. As the GM of a WH home game, I feel I'm in a pretty small minority.

As for prep, I'm finding I have to do less and less of that as I get a better handle on the system. I've gotten pretty fast at whipping up beasties. The thing that slows me down is that we play over Roll20, so I have to build online tools for all the stuff I would normally just whip out on the fly. I have some ideas that may help alleviate that in the future, but they'll have to wait until the holidays are over and done with.



Just a heads-up, Drivethrurpg has the following items that are probably good for tabletop use:(PLUS MOST ARE ON SALE)

* Wooden Buildings (fat dragon games)--- these are ideal, as you can put the "wooden siding" look common to colonial america
* Savage Worlds Gothic Figure flats
* Native americans 1,2
* Gothic Heroes: American Revolution Statix 1

What I'd like to see is some French & Indian war frontiersmen. I may end up making some from some screenshots of miniatures of the same name.


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