D&D 3E/3.5 Witch Spells

Concerning the game "Slaine, the Role-Playing-Game of Celtic-Heroes" core rule book on pages 79, 80 & 81 can a Witch who uses the Seminary Witch Template from page 12 of the "Fir-Domain-Tribal-Source-Book" choose from any of the spell lists? As I am sure they can choose any Curse. However, can the player also choose normal spells not related to Slaine from the players handbook for D20?


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Actually, choosing a spell for any type of Witch seems really unfeasible if your using the Players Handbook...

Each Spell-Casting-Class has their own spell list, but nothing generic for Witch's as I have figured. What I would love to know is that concerning the Witchs from the Slaine RPG. Do they get the same choices as Druid and Bard?


The EN World kitten
Actually, choosing a spell for any type of Witch seems really unfeasible if your using the Players Handbook...
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Each Spell-Casting-Class has their own spell list, but nothing generic for Witch's as I have figured. What I would love to know is that concerning the Witchs from the Slaine RPG. Do they get the same choices as Druid and Bard?
In point of fact, there's a witch spell list on page 175 of the 3.5 DMG (the 3.0 DMG had one as well):

3.5 witch spell list.jpg

Do you reckon that spell list from the DMG (Both books you mentioned...) are truly meant to be additional spells for the Witchs from the Slaine RPG. As what they do have there in the core rule book seems a bit sparse?

Voidrunner's Codex

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