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Wizardru's Story Hour (updated 11/21)

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Dravot's Stat Block

Dravot d’Chandagnac
Male medium human
Cleric 7/Shadowed of Pelor 6/Radiant Servant of Pelor 7/Divine Agent of Pelor 1 (see Note for info on Shadowed of Pelor; Radiant Servant of Pelor is from Dragon Magazine; and Divine Agent is from MotP)

Hit Dice: 21d8 (214 hp)
Initiative: +1
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)
Armor Class: 31 (+1 dex, +5 breastplate, +3 natural armor, +6 deflection vs. evil, +1 insight bonus), touch 18, flat-footed 30
Base Atk/Grapple: +14/+17
Attack: Kardran’s Mace, +4 Brilliant Energy Heavy Mace (Cold Iron) +23 (1d8 + 7/x2)
Full Attack: Kardran’s Mace, +4 Brilliant Energy Heavy Mace (Cold Iron) +23/+18/+13 (1d8 + 7/x2)
Space/Reach: 5ft./5ft.
Special Attacks: Turn undead 15x/day, greater turning 14x/day, Smite undead, Positive Energy Burst (13d6 dmg to undead 100’ radius, DC will 23 for half),
Special Qualities: All light/daylight spells cast as if one spell level higher, +2 morale bonus to will saves in a 10’ radius, charisma bonus to saves, +2 glory bonus to turning undead; immune to drains from undead; Domain healing spells are all maximized;
Saves: Fort +36 Reflex +23 Will +44
Abilities: Str 16, Dex 12, Con 20, Int 12, Wis 28, Cha 16
Skills: Concentration +31, Diplomacy +33, Gather Information +21, Heal +17, Hide +0, Knowledge Arcana +6, Knowledge Religion +27, Move Silently +11, Ride +6, Profession Law: +14
Feats: Eschew Materials, Extra Turning, Weapon Focus Heavy Mace, Leadership, Craft Wondrous Item, Quicken Turning, Combat Casting, Spell Penetration, Planar Turning

Treasure: Light of Reason (Artifact): holder affected by empowered holy aura (+6 deflection to AC, +6 to saves, SR 37, evil attackers blinded fort save DC 24), 30’ radius holy aura effect for allies (no blinding effect), 30-60’ radius bless effect, 30’ radius daylight effect; Kardran’s Mace: +4 brilliant energy heavy mace (cold iron), +1 Mace of undead bane (adamantite), Breastplate of Command +2, Steel Shield +3, Cloak of Resistance +5, Gloves of Str +4, Belt of Con +4, Periapt of Wisdom +6, Bracers of Natural Armor +3, Ring of Major Fire Resistance, Ring of Invisibility, Luckstone, Dusty Rose Ioun Stone, Pale Green Ioun Stone, Stone of Sending (Sending spell 2x/day), Chalice of Belline: (Command word activated, add a potable drink, drink cannot be saved), Cure light wounds 3x/day, Cure Moderate Wounds 3x/day, Cure Serious Wounds 3x/day, Remove Curse 1x/day (Remove curse requires holy water); Vestments of Consecration (Permanent Consecrate spell, 20’ radius); Helm of Teleportation 3x/day; Spiffy boots of Speed: Haste 10 rds/day, Freedom of Movement 10 rds/day; Light of Brindinford (Prayer Beads and Holy Symbols): +4 to turn level, empowered turning at will, bless 1x/day, 2 beads of Karma (+4 caster level for 10 min); Rod of Blessed Rest: +3 CHA competence bonus to turn checks, 3x/day summon food, healing circle, mordenkainen’s faithful hound; Rod of Splendor: +4 CHA bonus; Broom of Flying; Hewards Haversack; Wands: Bless (50 charges), Remove Fear (42), Cure Light Wounds (35), Cure Moderate Wounds (36), Tongues (42); Scrolls: Tongues, Freedom of Movement, Negative Energy Protection (x2), Cure Serious Wounds, Consecrate (x2), Lesser Restoration (x3), Briar Web, Magic Circle vs. Evil, Water Walk, Water Breathing, Remove Curse, Hold Person (x2), Delay Poison (x2), Remove Fear (x4), Cure Moderate Wounds, Cure Light Wounds.

Alignment: Neutral Good
Domains: Healing (+1 caster level to heal spells), Sun (1 greater turning/day), Mysticism (+CHA bonus to saves) (DotF), Glory (+2 to turns, +1d6 turn dmg) (DotF)
Languages: Common, Draconic, Old Aerdi, Celestial

Note: Shadowed of Pelor is a modified/home brewed variant of Hunter of the Dead. It features ¾ BAB, Strong Will, Strong Fort, Weak Reflex, and gains caster levels every other level. Special abilities: +1 greater turning and detect undead at will, 1st level; smite undead, 2nd level; Spurn Death’s Touch (add wis bonus to saves vs. undead), 3rd level; Critical Rebuke: make undead vulnerable to critical hits wis bonus times/day, will save 25 (10+shadowed level+wis bonus), 4th level; +1 greater turning, Sealed live (can’t be drained by undead), 5th level; Positive Energy Burst (in lieu of 2 turnings do level d6 dmg to all undead in 100’ radius, DC 10+shadowed level, 6th level. Other abilities 7th-10th level, but Dravot will probably won’t take more levels in that prestige class.

Combat: Dravot will turn undead, cast spells or wade into melee with one of his maces, as the situation calls for. Spell usage will range from area spells to save-or-die spells to buffs and debuffs. He has just figured out how to turn evil outsiders and it itching to try it out.

Personal Information: At great personal risk, I’ll let Zad fill in the personal information. Things are kinda hectic for me, no time to sit down and write it up properly. I’m amazed I got the stat block done.

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First Post
oh goody....

Personal Information: As little is known about Scorch, the opposite is true for Dravot. Much of his personal life and family affairs have been exposed in the course of the group's adventures.

Dravot is one four sons of the d’Chandagnac family, a minor noble house in the Great Kingdom that rules over the town of Brindinford and the surrounding area. As one of the younger sons, Dravot entered the service of Pelor. He was later recruited into Lord Gelban's service. During the past few years, he has learned that his grandfather Chavram was made an animus created by Ivid. Chavram was not killed but imprisoned in the family crypts for many years, and recently broke free. After doing so, he collected at least three of the Binders - major artifacts of arcane power, and assembled an army. In theory this is to challenge Iuz but Dravot suspects deeper motives than that.

Dravot's family consists of two sisters, one of whom (Thora) handles the day-to-day business of the family estates. One of his brothers was killed some years ago, and the eldest brother was turned into an animus by Chavram along with his father. His last brother, Gerrin, is something of a shady character and seems to move in the shadows, but for good purposes. Dravot is younger than Gerrin but Dravot has been acting as head of the family for nearly the last year. Next Firemeet festival, a true heir and successor will be selected. As part of this, he has the services of Thorkeld, the Lion of Brindinford, a paladin of Pelor who acts as his personal protector and liege-man.

Dravot has achieved a great deal of renown within the Church, acting as Pelor's holy servant in destroying the Egg of Coot and freeing the people in the Land of Black Ice, a vision which was shared among all the clergy. Dravot is frequently refered to as "The Living Saint" within the church, a title which he quietly discourages. There can be no doubt however that Pelor is pleased with his works, despite his fixation with the destruction of the undead that came as a result of learning his family history. While that episode caused Dravot a good deal of anguish, he has since found his center, and is now a pious and faithful leader in the church.

In temporal politics, there is more uncertainty, with world events moving at a rapid pace and a good portion of the Great Kingdom decimated by dragons. There has been some stirrings about an appropriate marriage for political gain, and some offers from very disreputable sources. However the Lady Zera, a paladin of Pelor, came into his company of late, and is now freed from her family curse. She may decide to pursue something more than a spiritual relationship now that the curse has been broken.

Dravot radiates a calm and strength that comes from a natural leader and a man confident in his faith. He has seen doubt and despair and conquered them, and is stronger for it.


First Post
I like story. I also like mechanics. I'm happy to discuss either ;)

What is the effect and cost of the Earring of Shield?

I had this made a while ago. First level spells/items were a great bargain under 3.0. (Same thing applies to vest of entropic shield, a gift from Dravot.)

It's Shield that is use activated, and slotless so it doesn't take up any magic item space. It's so cheap that it's not a big deal to make it slotless. Total cost under 3.0 was 2,000 gp * 1 (spell level) * 1 (caster level) * 2 (slotless) = 4,000gp. Saved me casting it all the time but I had to watch my facing.

Under 3.5, it's different. There's no facing, but the bonus is lower. (Reasonably so I would say.) Cost is higher due to the 1min/level duration but it's grandfathered.

Realize that with the 3.5 conversion, I've changed out several of my sorceress spells known, so you might see inconsistencies for that reason.

Feedback from a campaign that has already incorporated such magic would undoubtedly be useful.

I found it handy, cheap, unobtrusive, and it works just fine. Magic missile immunity was nice during the goblin ambush too. Given the changes in 3.5, decreasing the benefit and raising the cost, it's even more balanced and should be fine. If you can have bracers of armor, which is just full time Mage Armor, then doing the same to Shield should be fine.


Those so interested can find the new Rogues Gallery thread right here. I'll be posting monster stat-blocks here, and any NPCs I feel so inclined to put there, as time and effort allows. Discussion is welcome, if so desired.


First Post
Aethramyr's Stat block.

Aethramyr; Elf Pal20: CR 20; ECL 20; Size M; HD 20; hp 189; Init +1; Spd 20 ft (base 30 ft); AC 27, touch 15, FF 26; BAB +20/+15/+10/+5; Atk: +28/+23/+18/+13 melee (1d3 + 8, Unarmed), +33/+28/+23/+18 melee (2d6 + 17/crit 17-20, Shatterspike, GrSwd +5 (Bane, Holy, Keen)); SQ Low-light Vision, +2 to saves vs enchantment, immune to sleep effects; AL LG; SV Fort +20, Ref +13, Will +13; Str 26, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 13, Wis 15, Cha 21.
Languages spoken: Common and Elven
Skills and Feats: Balance -1, Climb +5, Concentration +6, Craft (Weaponsmith) +15, Diplomacy +10, Handle Animal +8, Heal +7, Jump +10, Knowledge (Religion) +5, Lucid Dreaming +14, Ride +15, Spot +6; Armor Proficiency (Heavy), Armor Proficiency (Light), Armor Proficiency (Medium), Blind-Fight, Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Critical, Martial Weapon Proficiency, Mounted Combat, Power Attack, Shield Proficiency, Simple Weapon Proficiency, Low-light Vision, Detect Evil, Divine Grace, Lay on Hands, Divine Health, Aura of Courage, Smite Evil, Remove Disease, Turn Undead, Special Mount, Combat Expertise, Aura of Good.
Possessions: Aethramyr's plate armor (adamantine), Grswd +5 shatterspike (bane holy keen), , Bedroll, Winter blanket, Fishhook, Hooded lantern, Oil (1-pt. flask), Parchment (sheet), Silk rope (50 ft.), Signet ring, Tent, Whetstone, Fine wine (bottle), 3 Trail rations (per day), Bracer of flight, Amulet of natural armor +2, Heward's handy haversack, Boots of striding and springing, Ioun stone (pink and green), Ioun stone (pink), Ring of protection +4, Major ring of energy resistance (fire), Gloves of dexterity +4, Belt of giant strength +6, Major cloak of displacement.


First Post
+5 Holy Avenger, Keen, Bane: Evil Outsiders

Special Abilities:
"Imbue" the weapon: Spend a turning Check to add Charisma bonus to Hit and Damage. (Normal rules applying here; weapon cannot go above +5) For a number of rounds equal to the max hitdice effected by the turning check (which at this point cant be lower than something like 14 rounds, so generally a non-issue)

Spend a turning Check To have it cast Bless or Cure Serious Wounds.

ShatterSpike is normally a LongSword. Because of the character concept for Aethramyr, A greatsword works better. Wizardru allowed it so that spending a turning check will make the longsword a greatsword for Hours X Level, so it's pretty much a greatsword from now on.

Shatterspike is one of 9 blades, one for each alignment. The blades are Elven forged, and made out of a Vitasis (sp?) crystal, much like the gems that Valenthe carries. Another blade was (we hope) destroyed at the first Battle at Brindinford. Numbers 3 through 9 are MIA, Presumed hiding in the recessis of the Wizardru-m's Brain.

Aethramyr as a side project is researching their creation, With the hope of revivng the Art of smithing these blades, most likely to a lesser degree.

(Note: this is the same ShatterSpike that came out of The Sunless Citadel, but Wizardru has a distaste for throw-away named weapons, and he made it so the powers of the weapon would grow as Aethramyr did.)

Personal Information:

Much of Aethramyr's personal information has been covered in detail in prior writeups or the adventures themselves. He was the only survivor of an attack that destroyed his entire village when he was an infant. The actual purpose of this attack apparently was for Taen Clearcutt to kill the then-infant Aethramyr but failed. Aethramyr was raised by human monks of Pelor for much of his early life, until Sehanine Moonbow called to her Champion as he became an adult. In exchange for the service of raising and guiding young Aethramyr, Sehanine promised him to Pelor for a "favor" at a later time. This favor was used when Pelor sent Aethramyr, Dravot and the rest of the group north to the Land of Black Ice to throw down the Egg of Coot. Aethramyr is also called "The Sword of Twilight" among the worshippers of Sehanine as a result of his dual divine influences.

Aethramyr is a shining example of a paladin, but he is neither preachy nor righteous. He is a humble, quiet elf who does what he knows to be good, and others respect and follow him because of it. He has been the moral pillar of the group, helping others find their way when they have become lost, and has an uncanny knack for making people feel better and resolving difficult situations.

In Combat: Aethramyr is the group's only front-line tank, and frequently must absorb extreme punishment in fights. However despite this, he is the only member of the party who has not yet died, which irks the DM to no end.
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First Post
Parsalan hurried. In the last week it seemed Parsalan did a lot of hurrying. But a summons from the Prince didn't need to tell you to hurry - it was implied.

As one of Corellian's priests, Parsalan had seen some fighting before. Orcs, goblins, even the strange plant horrors. But nothing like what happened with the Githyanki came. Parsalan couldn't even recall if he knew of the Githyanki before they came to Celene. (Parsalan knew that they had shown up all over the Flaness attacking everywhere, but as far as he was concerned, the effective world ended at the edge of Celene's forests.)

And so he was sent with the armies again, just as Corellian's priests have always done. This time he was sent with Prince Aran'gel, which created some new difficulties. First, Parsalan never knew what to call him. If you said "Your Highness" or "Prince" he became very agitated but almost anything else was disrespectful. Parsalan hoped that another round of "Sir's" and "The Commander" would get him through the day. And this was the last thought he got out before entering Prince/Lord/General Aran'gel's presence, his few advisors mounted near him towards the front of the line and some Swiftrunners of Ehlonna nearby. Even they looked tired. The news must be bad. The Prince was giving fast efficient orders deploying the troops and finished before he looked to Parsalan.

But oddly, he paused. It was, Parsalan realized, the first time he'd ever seen the returned Prince hesitate about anything. The prince seemed to have to convince himself one more time, muttering "We need help. There's no other way."

"Sir?" Parsalan asked.

"Nothing," the prince replied. "I need you to do a Sending. Some days ago there was a visitor in camp. I took dinner with him and introduced you - the merchant named Lord Gelban. Do you recall him?"

"Yes sir, I do. You made a point that I should," Parsalan replied cautiously.

"Quite so, and now I'm glad I did. You will send this message to him and wait for the reply. Tell him: From Aran'gel - Githyanki attaking near Myrkfaelin, battle is imminent. Cannot hold them back alone. In dire need of aid."

Parsalan repeated the words, then cast the spell and stood waiting for the reply. His gaze was distant as he held the trance waiting for the reply which was quite a while in coming. If this perturbed the Prince he did not show it - he was too busy ordering the troops into position. Across the field before them, the Githyanki came, in their improbable vehicles and with their unearthly troops. The trance kept Parsalan from seeing their wicked silver blades, their slavering creatures, and the astral machines of war that were poised to tear out Celene's throat, with only these scant companies to stop them. The trance kept Paraslan from seeing how dire the situation was, and Parsalan did not know the prince well enough to realize how desperate he must be to call upon this source of help so openly.

Then the reply came through the ether. Parsalan spoke the words as he heard them, as all war priests are trained.

Engaged in battle near Dyvers. Cannot aid you ourselves, but can send some . . . special help. May they turn the tide for us all. Arriving momentarily.

Parsalan barely noticed the range of expressions the prince went through as he started speaking, from despair to hope to confusion. As Parsalan finished, the prince shouted.

"Special help?!?!? What the devil does that mean?!?!? And what exactly does he think could help besides ..." and the prince paused having said too much, then finished a different sentence "... besides him and his allies?"

Parsalan did not have time to formulate a respectful way to express his ignorance on the subject before a popping sound filled the air behind him and the Prince. Before they could turn however, a woman's voice cut the air, lilting like bell chimes in the evening spring breeze. Her tone was playful, yet determined, and full of subtle edge.

"Well, we may not be a flight of dragons, but perhaps we can help just the same."

Parsalan saw the prince's eyes start to widen as he heard the words and turned around so fast that the priest thought he'd spin three times before he stopped. But stop he did and his expression grew brighter than Parsalan ever had occasion to behold.

Curious as to what could cause such a reaciton in a Prince of Celene, Parsalan studied the group that appeared from nowhere. It was quite an assembly to behold.

His eye was first drawn to a tall elf, his white hair framing his head and shoulders and falling over his armor, shining with a deep purple hue. The symbol of Sehanine was beautifully etched across the surface of the breastplate, and Parsalan would have thought him a priest, were it not for the shimmering greatsword he hefted effortlessly, the blade seemingly made of pure sapphire.

Just next to him were a some humans. Two of them flanked the third, the symbols of Pelor splashed across them all. The central one carried a mace in one hand, and a lantern in the other. Rather odd considering the time of day and all, but even more so since he almost glowed with a shine that matched the lantern. Parsalan did not need to be a preist to know this man was favored of his god, as were the two who walked by him.

Parsalan didn't really notice the human woman. Indeed his eyes really slipped past her, lost in the other strange sights before them. He did not notice her black skin, her dark armor, or the jade crystal sword which she carried. And he certainly didn't notice how the shadows seemed deeper around her, and did not always move the way she did.

Instead Parsalan was drawn to a fading glow around another human. He was dressed in fine robes that seemed well traveled in. The man had an eyepatch covering one eye, and the fading glow of potent magic washing away from his hands. He was looking around and nodding approvingly, but seemed to look right through Parsalan so that was surely not the source of his satisfaction. The mage with the patch glanced next to him at a smallish elf with copper hair. The elf was half wearing a shirt and the tatoo of a tree was visible covering most of his chest. (And perhaps other places but Parsalan didn't wander there.) The elf was oddly dressed as if he had confused his wardrobe with some other races. This elf looked around quickly and nodded at the mage, and he too seemed to be looking across the field with something other than his eyes.

"Miss me?" said the voice innocently and Parsalan brought his attention to her. He knew she was an elf even before he saw her. Her full dark hair cascaded off her shoulders and to one side, the other one cleared for reaching her quiver. She was wearing fine but practical clothes, and just then Parsalan noticed the small gemstones circling her head, and those of the others too. She lightly held bow in one hand, of a quality which Parsalan could not know, having never seen it's like before. She took two light steps and was in front of the prince, but she did not curtsie or offer any gesture of respect.

Had Parsalan been a bit more aware of the social sciences, he would have noticed that she was standing ever so slightly closer than would have seemed appropriate.

It took the Prince Aran'gel a moment to find his words but he finally softly said "You're alive!"

Parsalan looked at the elf lady who had appeared with this strange group, and she cocked her head to the side slightly and sighed.

"Yes, I know. You're the tenth person to tell us that today." And then she slowly smiled a long smile.

Had Parsalan been a bit more aware of the social sciences, he would have found this quite odd indeed.

Instead he just stood quietly as she turned and looked across the field at the massing Githyanki. After a long look across the field she glanced at the prince and spoke again, this time with a tactician's voice.

"Githyanki eh?"

"Mmmm," the prince replied, and nodded.

Suddenly the impish smirk she had been wearing since appeared vanished and was replaced with something much sterner. Something Parsalan was glad he was not facing.

"Then it's time to show them why they should not attack Celene."

Parsalan did not know who these people were. But he was surprised to realize he was suddenly very glad they were here.
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Argent Silvermage

First Post
On dieing again.

Bolo looked at his new body. The Diamond Prince's Diadem is perfect for that activity, everything is reflective. I'm Smaller, closer to my original hight but still a foot and some to tall. My hair is long and halfling like but still the Elven body. I'm a bit hairyier than any elf. Maybe I'm a Wild Elf this time? Bolo rubbed his sore feet. His sore hairy feet. Some things never change. There was something different about his tattoos that bothered him. They were all in Faerie style and there were new ones. Plants that had not been there before and the Tree on his chest was more of a Treant now. Interesting! I wonder what else is new. He noticed the Whirlwind and firebrand tattoos on his arms and the Wave and Gemstone on his thighs. I never had Elemental Tattoos before. I wonder what they do? He had little time to question more when Scorch entered the room and said "Were going. Are you ready?"
"Sure thing Scorch. I just love Sigil!" Bolo replied shocking the mage. Scorch knew Bolo dreaded the whole idea of the city of doors and had vowed never to return. "Feh" was all the master of magics could think of.
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Shadows Rise and Shadows Fall - Chapter 1

Shadows Rise and Shadows Fall

Chapter 1

OOC Notes:
Exp this week will come via email

For the Readers:
This session marks the group’s transition to epic levels, as well as the campaign’s transition to 3.5 rules. Some of the events of the cataclysm mentioned are related to these fundamental changes in the rules/world.

This Week’s Adventure:
Well something had happened but we didn’t know what. Maybe it was just caused by our transition from the demi plane, or even the death of the ShadowTaker. Something made Scorch’s crystal shatter. But for the moment however we were away from the crypt and standing in Sceadutine. The question was now how safe it was to be here.

Valanthe said that this was the city of the last free Shadow Prince, and it should be reasonably safe here. I let out a tense breath I hadn’t realized I was holding and relaxed, and the realization came that we had won. We defeated the ShadowTaker and escaped, and suddenly I was in a mood to celebrate. Dravot was worried about Zara and the others that the ShadowTaker had held, and used a Discern Location to find him. The results were disturbing: Zara was, at that moment, on an astral brig controlled by the Githyanki, named The Will of the Queen that was currently in the astral plane. But at the moment, we had no means of traveling from the plane, to the astral, prime, or anywhere else.

While Sceadutine might not be overtly dangerous, Valanthe still thought we would draw a lot of attention and might want to get off the streets. Save for her, we were all sporting more color than anything else here, and Dravot’s “shadow” was made of light, and seemed to stretch off in one direction as if tugged. Valanthe thought we should stop in on the Prince, and lacking any better options we moved through the streets trying to be discreet.

We hadn’t gone a block when two broad-shouldered guards saw us, and took a wary posture. The called out in an unknown language, and didn’t seem inclined to deal with the common tongue. Soon more guards, dressed of a kind, showed up from other alleys and streets, but Valanthe said they were not part of the city watch. Dravot’s wand of Tongues came in handy again but the guards were becoming more on edge as we tried to approach. But before anything could break out, a lilting voice rang out in common – “There is no threat here. Do not exceed your authority.” The voice seemed feminine, but I couldn’t say the same for the creature that came around the corner. Its pearlescent skin glowed with a light, floating off the ground. Its features were sharp and angular, drawn further by its nine foot height. It wore a long robe that was jeweled with varying stones and shot light all around it. The guards that protected the glowing being stood down, but they were muttering between themselves and I picked up pieces “… is that the shadow princess with them? …. and who’s the freak with the light?...”

The being said “There is no disturbance. The guards are concerned as my presence here is meant to be inconspicuous. We are glad to see you are well.” The creature seemed to have some idea who we were, but how I could not say. It was evasive during introductions, and it was clear that it was here on some clandestine diplomatic mission and could not say too much about who it was or whom it served. It only identified itself as the Crystal Emmisary.

Of course there was the matter of the shadow princess. It seemed to be a reference to Valanthe but she was quite unware of it. There were some quick words between her and one of her new shadow companions, Littleshade, who was abashed and it seemed she’d meant to mention that to Valanthe. She mentioned something briefly about popular legend rising around Valanthe but that was all we had time for at the moment. But Valanthe made it clear that she would be back to that topic, and soon.

We asked if the Emmisary if it knew where we could find the Shadow Prince, and it was going to the Diadem (the stronghold of the Prince) and would escort us. Even better, we made our way through back streets and quiet alleys. The guards with the Emmisary were very vigilant and ready for any trouble or ambush, but there was none and we soon came into view of the Diadem.

It was not terribly large as fortresses go, but it was notable for its height rather than breadth. It looked like a natural growth of crystal that had been worked into a fortress, which bloomed into seven spiers at the upper reaches. Between the spires were gossamer walkways spun between them. The spires themselves were capped in isometril and large mirrors on brass swivels sat atop the roofs. Oddly there were no guards in evidence. We entered the main hall and the Emmisary departed to tend to his own business, with our thanks.

The main hall had several passageways leading away, but no majordomo or butler to receive guests. We started wandering down one hallway which spiraled up a few stories and then let out back into the main hall. A different hallway got us similar results.

It then started to dawn on us how the fortress was protected. Instead of roaming, we called out loud, and after a moment a shadowy form manifested and greeted us. Valanthe requested to see the Diamond Prince and we were shown to a waiting area and told he would see us shortly.

The room was quite comfortable and the furniture matched our numbers oddly well. We started sifting through the various things we had taken from the ShadowTaker including his notes. It was clear that it would take quite a while to comb through all his writings but the effort would surely be well worthwhile. We did pick up a few interesting tidbits – Taen Clearcutt was the main influence behind the Gulthias Horrors but Gulthias himself did not know he was serving the ShadowTaker. The worm also worshipped Therizdun very actively and intentionally. He had infiltrated most of the arcane brotherhoods throughtout the Flaness, with the notable exception of the Silent Brotherhood. While he had tried several times, he had no success there.

Shortly a new door suddenly appeared in the wall, and what looked like an honor guard entered. After them came a man, who was in full color and did not seem to waver and phase the way most of the residents here did. He wore full plate made of isometril augmented with diamond vitaesis. He walked in a comfortable way like a man who spent most of his waking hours in armor.

“Greetings to you all. I am Stevaslite, the Diamond Prince.”

We introduced ourselves but it seemed clear that he already knew who most of us were. We offered our apologies for dropping in on him but we had been caught in the collapse of a demi-plane and this was the only place we could get to at the time.

“So you were forced out as a result of the cataclysm them?” he asked. A long pause followed as we looked at each other. I slowly asked “What cataclysm? We’ve been tied up in demi-planes for quite some time, perhaps we missed something.”

Bolo added in that the demi-plane collapsed when we defeated the ShadowTaker. I sighed a bit and looked over at him – few people knew who the ShadowTaker was, and those that didn’t had no need of knowing we killed him. We have no idea what other plots the ShadowTaker spun, and I thought we would be better served by not trumpeting our victory too loudly.

“There was some kind of inter-planar cataclysm yesterday. It has changed many things fundamental to magic, and blocked inter-planar travel completely. Our color pools leading to other planes have been blocked off. We do not know if it will be permanent. I have received some limited communication from various agents but no travel has been possible. There are reports of various creatures, notably arcanists, who have suddenly unleashed incredible powers and usually destroyed themselves in the process. Some divinations have also been blocked and the astral plane is rather treacherous at the moment. It would take a being of considerable power to cause this kind of change.“

We sat in shock for a moment. Scorch was reviewing spells in his head and something seemed different. I started feeling out my own magical valences and knew something was different but I couldn’t quite figure out what.

We thanked him for what he told us, as we were entirely unaware of these happenings. He was glad to help. We share many enemies in common and it was the least he could do for some of the foes we had disposed of. The topic then took us to the subject of the Shadow King. He knew the same thing that we did – that the Shadow King was the shadow of Therizdun. However he was unaware of the way to stop him by resetting the seals that kept Therizdun imprisoned. He was interested to learn of this, but at the same time neutral. However in his mind, I think he started to see the first flicker of hope of some way to deal with this menace that had nearly destroyed his world.

That brought us around to another subject – that of powerful weapons. We had been told that the Diamond Prince was one of the few people who knew the secrets of creating weapons that possessed magical power that transcended normal limits. He said that indeed he did know the secrets of forging powerful blades and other weapons.

I nodded and Aethramyr said “Indeed we have seen your handywork and have been most impressed.” And in so saying, loosed Shatterspike in its sheath and revealed a few inches of the blade.

The prince’s eyes went wide for a moment. “Gebrecan Gimstan? Shatterspike? That blade was lost to me . . . quite some time ago. May I see it?” Aethramyr gladly offered the blade for inspection and the prince examined it carefully. “The blade shows marks of… enthisastic use,” the prince smiled. “This damage here….and over here… who repaired this?”

Aethramyr humbly replied “I did the best I could to maintain it with my meager skills.”

“Interesting,” the prince mused. “The blade must have accepted you to even allow you to work it this much. You must have more than meager skills.”

The prince returned the blade and went on. “Yes, I know these secrets. And I can teach them to you as well, should your skill as a craftsman be up to such a challenge. Like any true creation you would need to invest some of your own essence to create such weapons, but I can show you the way.”

I thanked him. Aethramyr and I were keen to learn these arts, and glad that the prince would share his knowledge freely. We discussed the blades briefly and Shatterspike. All the other blades had been lost the the prince save one, which he brought from a display case he made appear on the wall. The blade was crafted from jade vitaesis, and was called Sceaduscaeft or ShadowCut. Unlike ShatterSpike which would grow from a longsword to a greatsword, ShadowCut would shink to a shortsword if the wielder desired.

It was a stunning blade and every bit Shatterspike’s equal. I couldn’t help but steal a glance at Valanthe who seemed equally impressed, and I wondered what she was thinking right then.

The Diamond Prince offered us his hospitality for the night and in the morning he could give us our first instructions on the weapons of power. While it would take some weeks to properly educate us, he would begin with the fundamentals and we could return later after tending to matters on some other planes, assuming we could get there.

We retired to very comfortable rooms and had as restful a night as one could so far from home. In the morning my mind was much clearer and I was able to begin to probe the changes in my magical valences, most of which were minor, but there were some spells gone and others in their place as if the basic laws had shifted slightly out from under them.

Over breakfast, I learned that I was not alone in this. Dravot reported that the offerings from Pelor were different than they once were, and Bolo said the same was true for him. Aethramyr told me that he had spoken to his Lady in the Dreaming last night and seemed to be a changed elf. The marks of fire and stone were fully visible on him. He had crossed over.

After breakfast we spent the morning and into the afternoon with the prince. The workshop was a forge and foundry but was also filled with tuning forks and other tools, as working with vitaesis was more art than science. You could not force the crystal, only encourage it to bend as you willed. As we worked, an idea started forming in my mind, but it will take a great deal more work and more importantly, time, to fully realize.

In the afternoon we planned to try to break through to Sigil. While the prince said that the color pool was dim and not working yesterday, by the time we got there it was functioning again, and we landed in the Noble’s district and moved on without incident. A lightkeeper confirmed what the prince told us – that many arcanists were now dead from a sudden surge of power. And many of the celestials had apparently left the city several days ago, which may be related.

[Hey, I wonder where all those modrons are going? Eh, someone will figure it out.]

I couldn’t help but notice the jade vitaesis of ShadowCut at Valanthe’s side. I raised my eyes to her and she raised her hands innocently. “No – I asked and he let me borrow it! He did! He said he thought I would try to borrow it on my own and was thrilled I asked.” I just laughed as we moved down the streets.

We went straight to the shop of Mortimer Fuvex-vex-vex. The tiefling seemed to be doing well and was glad, if wary, to see us again. His mood brightened considerably as we got down to business, offering him a vast array of goods and requesting equally expensive items in return. Apparently the death of so many arcanists had caused a glut in various types of magic items so there were many interesting items available, and we spent several hours conducting our business. Mortimer remained upbeat the entire time, no doubt due to the huge profit that our transactions would net him.

Again, Bolo felt the need to mention our defeat of the ShadowTaker. This time I gave him a long look. That kind of information given to Fuvex would surely get around, and that could be very dangerous for us if old allies of the worm decided to come after us. I’m not sure why he had to blurt that out – it was not something Mortimer needed to know, nor could he be trusted to stay quiet about anything.

When we were done, we planned to return to the prime. Fuvex-vex-vex confirmed what we had already learned about the arcanists and the problems with planar travel, but we wanted to try anyway. Bolo was very concerned about his grove and I think we were all ready to return home. Fuvex-vex-vex understood completely, what with the Githyanki invasion and all.

“Excuse me?”

“The Githyanki have invaded the prime. Didn’t you know?” I wanted to smack him.

We decided to hurry. We used a back room in the shop and Scorch prepared to open a gate. But the gate would not open at first. Scorch was annoyed at being denied, and forced his full energy and concentration into the spell as it started to stall. With a massive surge of power, the gate was forced open and tore a hole to the Prime and we hurried through. The gate should have stayed open for some minutes, but it collapsed under the weight of the interference almost as soon as we were through it.

We appeared in the grove, safe and sound. I was already starting to like gates for planar travel rather than the random landing of a plane shift. The grove did not seem to be in any immediate danger.

I focused on the scale and contacted Lord Gelban. The return contact was swifter than usual.

“Hello. We’re back,” I said.

“Hello. You’re alive. Good. Busy now. War. Dyvers. I’ll contact you soon.” He dropped the contact, clearly in the middle of a battle but he stopped to answer me anyway.

I think it was about then that I noticed some…thing stuck in a large tree. It was an astral dreadnaught – a beast like the one we had fought one in the maze that the Lady cast us into after the unfortunate incident in Fuvex’s shop. But this one had been modified. There seemed to be pieces of a ship grafted on to it. And there was a large ballistae bolt through the center of its forehead, and it must have crashed into the tree. The thing was so big there was no way to get it down.

I stood staring at it as the Owl came up. “From when the Githyanki attacked here the other day. Given the number of bizarre assaults we have around here, we’re taking our defense pretty seriously,” she remarked. “It was a serious assault, but we won.”

Scorch was admiring the ballistae bolt. “Your work?” he asked the Owl. She beamed proudly and pulled out a small whistle and blew on it twice. A few seconds later there was a loud crashing as something stomped through the trees accompanied by a great deal of cursing. Then Haldrin camin to view, barely maintaining a seat atop a gigantic animated ballistae. The weapon came to a halt and the Owl looked over at Scorch, who fully approved. Feeling the need to show off a bit, Scorch asked “So you want me to get rid of that thing?”

The Owl said “Um, sure. It’s starting to stink.”

Scorch unleashed a modified disintegrate and the entire massive creature vanished with a trace of dust on the wind. Scorch cackled a bit and looked pleased with himself.

The Owl related how the Gith had attacked with some kind of half-dragon troops with them. There were also casters with dark powers, and some healing magic – odd since that is usually off limits to the Gith. The powers of these dark casters were difficult to pin down, but they operated mostly in a support role. There was also a slaad of some kind with them, probably grey. Most retreated after they were thrown back, not expecting such a fierce defense here. Ariadne had shifted into a full dragon form and was apparently quite a terror.

Bolo checked on his parents. Apparently they were unconscious since the death of the ShadowTaker – the worm had put some kind of control mechanism in them not unlike things we had seen before, but Dravot was able to cure them of the trauma. While he did that, he asked me to use a new Stone of Sending he had to see if things were well with his sister.

I sent Thora Kayleigh here. We’re back on the plane and well. We’ve heard of Githyanki attacks. Dravot asks how Brindinford is. Respond in 25 words or less.

Her reply came quickly. Glad you’re alive. Undead massing at Rauxes. No immediate danger but increasing defenses. Temple of Wee Jas preparing for attacks. Kalten has sent message.

Why is everyone so surprised we’re alive?

After some looking around and idle conversations, Scorch and I started checking on some people. He tried to scry some members of his guild and found them apparently rebuilding a guild hall somewhere. I scried Aran’gel, and saw him leading a column of troops northward and from the looks of it he was in Celene somewhere. That didn’t bode well but he wasn’t in any immediate danger.

Bolo had scanned the grove for any other attackers or unusual presences. He found a powerful anomaly to the south, and we went to investigate. Hiding in a tree was a large wooden marionette, similar to what we had seen in the Crypt of the ShadowTaker. One of his agents surely. It turned and shifted to a smaller shape with rubbery tentacles for hands and two legs. It started moving faster and we tried to talk to it. It tried to hide but when it couldn’t, it then shifted to the form of a wolf to run, and we destroyed it. Once dead, it reverted back to the form of a marionette. How many of these spies were still around with no one to report to?

We then discussed our next move. Aethramyr and I would need time in the Shadow Plane to learn more. Scorch wanted to check in on his guild, while I also wanted to return Aran’gel’s hand and maybe see to his healing. We were about to split up and tend to our own affairs for a bit when the scale hummed again and we heard Lord Gelban’s voice in our minds.

Githyanki are attacking Celene. Aran’gel needs help soon. Immediately. Now. Can you assist?

I smiled slightly. We might have been late to this war, but we’d make up for it and then some. I thought back to Lord Gelban “We’ll go immediately.”

Scorch prepared his teleport while I used the crystal ball to find Aran’gel again. He was on a field, arranging his men, and looking worried. I held the ball up to Scorch who smiled and just said “Right!”.

And we were there.
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