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[WoT Adventure] Turn 2 - Back at the Inn


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Pedron tries to speak to Yuri

Pedron's too worked up to think of sleep. He can't get over the thought of monsters in Caemlyn, which not only makes him a bit fearful, but also... curious. He doesn't know much about Trollocs, and now might be a good time to find out. Ash and Tomas didn't seem to know much more than he, so that left Jain, Shalimar, Sirsei, and Yuri. Jain seems to have wandered off, Shalimar and Sirsei make him nervous and they look like they're ready to talk to the Andoran woman they came with. That leaves Yuri, who's taking his ease in the closest chair. Pedron approaches the Borderlander and takes a seat nearby.

<I'm making the assumption that Pedron knows everyone's name by now, though technically only Jain introduced himself on the way back. It was getting awkward referring to everyone by their country.>

"You've seen Trollocs before, haven't you? Fought them?" Pedron waits for an affirmative. "I thought they all lived in the Blight. Do they often come this far south?" He thinks he knows the answers to his first line of queries. Surely he would have heard if Trollocs regularly raided Caemlyn.

"Let's say this was a Borderland city, like, uh..." Pedron doesn't really know the names of too many Borderland cities, but he manages to come up with one before he looks totally stupid, "Maredon. Is this how they would behave up there? Sneaking into town to grab people?"

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Shalimar Shiawase said:
"Lila S..." she hesitates on adding the honorific, not sure if Lila wants it known what she is. Not sure if the others will believe her about not being Aes Sedai if she was with one. She really does not want the others uneasy around her, she is starting to like inspite of themselves.

"Will you speak to me in private upstairs?"

"I will speak with you and Sirsei; I dislike having to repeat myself." Lila said.

When the three of them were alone, Lila continued. "I don't know if I should commend you two for your bravery, or send you back to Sheriam with instructions to set you scrubbing pots for the rest of your natural lives."

Ashrem Bayle

Ashrem almost stumbled when he saw the look Shalimar gave him. Burn me! I've got two Aes-whatever they are, batting their lashes at me! Now what do I do? If they couldn't channel I’d know what... Agh! I'm a goat kissing fool!

He quickly turned his attention to the innkeeper and the guard. "Thank you Master Ferrin, but the room I have now will suffice. You are too generous.", he gave him his most charming bow and nodded to the Lieutenant as well as he turned toward to depart.

As he turned, he noticed the other woman in the room. Who is this? If she tells Sersei and Shalimar what to do, I want no dealings with her. He gave a slight bow to the ladies as he ducked out of the crowd and took the other chair beside Yuri.

“Had to get away from those women.”, he whispered with a grin and took a seat. As he studied the room he tried to catch Lord Tomas’ attention. Catching his eye, he gave him a slight nod as if to say “Well done.”

“I am impressed Yuri, your fighting skill lends truth to the stories of the borderlands. I must offer my apologies for not being at your side.” He glanced at the women. Something I regret indeed. Not the first time a pretty face has gotten me in trouble. He absentmindedly touched the small scare beneath his left eye. But it may bloody well be the last. “You have not told me when you plan to leave for Illian. Perhaps we could travel together?”

Looking over at Pedron he introduces himself. “Hello, I do not believe we have been properly introduced. My name is Ashrem Bayle from Ebou Dar and soon to be Hunter of the Horn. Who might you be?”


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Pedron meets Ash

"Hello, Ashrem. My name is Pedron, from Lugard," he says. "I was just asking--Yuri, was it?--about the Trollocs. I'd never heard of Trollocs around Caemlyn before, and it seems that I would have."

"I will speak with you and Sirsei; I dislike having to repeat myself." Lila said. When the three of them were alone, Lila continued. "I don't know if I should commend you two for your bravery, or send you back to Sheriam with instructions to set you scrubbing pots for the rest of your natural lives."

Shalimar winces, "I am very sorry Lila Sedai. I thought we were supoused to live by the three oaths even if we had not taken them yet. Shadowspawn we are suppoused to kill, and at the very least we could not allow them to hurt anyone. We did try to keep to your instructions though. I do not believe anyone in the Inn knows we used the one power. All of what we did here was quite natural, and in the confusion I do not think anyone saw it. The trollocs could have knocked over a few lanterns easily."

I wonder if she is buying this, its not a lie, so it doesn't break the 1st oath but it is not 100% truth either.

"What went on out in the dark was quite different however. I held one trolloc with a weave of air while Sirsei killed it with a weave of fire floating in its face. There is no mistaking that though. Or the healing I did on Yuri he went from a huge sword stroke to not a single mark." she said with a touch of pride in her voice

"Two of the men we can definately trust to be discrete. Yuri, the kandori gentleman that I healed was at the White Tower as a warder in training until recently and he is my friend. The other one that I trust is Jain, The fellow that was in Aringil with us. He taught me everything I know about herbs and treating injuries. As to the rest, I do not know I think they will probably be discrete. I told them they would rather be facing an army of trollocs if I caught word that they had said anythig about the power being used. I know that doesn't mitigate it, but wehad to try and save the little girl. Please say you understand, please."


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Noble Buffoonery

"Very well," Tomas says, completely Molified. Perhaps these Andoran can learn a little respect. Lord Tomas, having heard only what he wanted to hear from the Innkeeper, turns back to the common room. I don't think I could sleep now. Perhaps a dance with the domani...no wait. She used the One Power? Impossible. She seemed so nice. Pity. Perhaps I'll talk to the other men. At least they certainly won't have delusions of granduer.

Lord Tomas walks over to the table were Yuri, Ashrem, and Pedron are sitting. "Well done Gentlemen." Addressing Yuri, "You certainly live up to the Borderlander's reputation as a skilled Fighter. Excellent swordsmanship."


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"I suspected as much. None of the other guests mentioned anything that sounded like you two using the Power in the fight -- at least not when Jerman spoke to them, but I saw scorch marks on the floor.

"No, I think you did the right thing, risky or not. An innocent's life is worth more than the risk of discovery. I am not certain Sheriam will think the same way, but she can deal with that when we are back in the Tower." Lila Sedai said.

"What concerns me is trollocs in Andor. The Ways are closed, and even a handful of trollocs would not have made it out of the Borderlands alive."
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"Yes Lila Sedai." she says glumly.

Why does she have to tell Sheriam Sedai? She should not go out of her way to do it, especially if she agrees with what we did. Thats not fair, we risked our lives to help someone, and we are going to be cleaning pots.

"May I go to sleep Lila Sedai? I channeled alot tonight, perhaps too much, and I am so tired I can barely keep my eyes open."

(if she gets a yes) She takes a long soothing bath, then goes to sleep for the night. Asleep before her head hits the pillow.


First Post
Shalimar Shiawase said:
"May I go to sleep Lila Sedai? I channeled alot tonight, perhaps too much, and I am so tired I can barely keep my eyes open."

[ooc: I'm going to hold off on answering until tommorow, because I want to give Sirsei a chance to answer, and her player won't be able to post anything until then.]


[one at a time!]

To Pedron:

"Aye, I've fought Trollocs before, but not for three years before tonight. Truth be told, I fared much better tonight, even though I took this," he says, fingering the slash in his coat that the Trolloc left him. "I'll not show the scar from that day in public--it would frighten the women, despite its age"

To Ashrem:

"And we wouldn't want that would we, Ashrem? Not with no less than two Accepted fawning over you..." Yuri can't even begin to take the amusement out of his voice. "I accept your apology, if you will accept mine. Not all Southlanders are foolish; present company among those. It's just more than frustrating to hear the people outside of the Borderlands talk of Trollocs and Myrddraal as childrens' stories. THEY, ARE, REAL," Yuri almost shouts the last, for the benefit of the whole inn to hear.

To Tomas:

"I thank you for your compliments, though truth be told most soldiers wouldn't be terribly impressed with my ability. And, if you won't take offense: you greatly surprised me with your ability, I would not have expected much from a man of your size, but you fought most ably."

To the three of you:

"It is disturbing that Trollocs are this far South. We can't get them all, up North, but we make it difficult enough that few would be dumb enough to try. And after the first raid on a village for food, they would've been discovered. And frankly, I'm not surprised at all that they got so far into the city, here. In Chachin, my home, the streets are all lit to keep even the shadows at bay. And we follow the Borderland law that none may conceal their faces. Then again, Andor has no reason for such laws--until tonight, perhaps."

It is worrying that Trollocs are here. I've no bloody idea how they've done it, and it can't be good. Hmm...

Yuri calls Master Ferrin to the table. "Master Ferrin, what news from the Borderlands has reached your ears?" Light! I hope my suspicions are false, and no country has failed in their duty.

Voidrunner's Codex

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