[WoT] Breaking Weaves


On the old boards and on the WotC boards unravelling weaves have been brought up and addressed, but I'd like to know if there is a mechanic for breaking through weaves.

Such as "hammering" at a Shield or Harden Air weave to reach for the Source or move again respectively.

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There's no official mechanic that I'm aware of, although having the Ward Bore weave might be used to break through a shield, even though you can't channel.

In game, I'd basically let Forsaken to break weaves, and have normal people be screwed.

I was thinking of offering the save against a weave each round instead of just at first.

I'm not sure how to word this, but I'll try. . .

The difficulty of breaking through a weave should depend on the duration. The DC of breaking a weave that requires a concentration check each turn would be whatever the channeler comes up with on that check. The "bound" character would then make a Fortitude check against that number.

still thinking out the DC of a tied off weave. . .

Hmm . . . better yet, now that I think about it. Instead of "breaking through" the weave, the "hammering" should instead be a positive circumstance modifier to the Concentration DC for the person holding the weave.

let me know what you think.

I like the idea of opposed saves vs. concentration checks for a maintained weave. Instead of only Fortitude, however, it should be the appropriate save for the weave. For a tied-off DC, it should probably be the normal save--the one the target had to make in the first place.

I like this better than the modifier to concentration checks idea because it involves the target more.

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