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WotC boards (slighty ranty...)


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Sorry its like that, I just have a particular dislike when I belive that I am being told to what to say or what to think.

I could be nce and simply lie about things so everything is "political correct" but I rather give my personal honest opinion on things, I might be wrong (and I had been proved wrong in the past) but I defend my point of view of what it is, my point of view.

I have posted in many forums, I seen good forums turn into places I could not stand but I always respect one thing.

WotC can have the moderation they want, its not my place to say to WotC how their forums are being moderated since I am not paying for then, in the same way I will always respect Morrus and his chosen moderators decisions on modeartion since Morrus is the one that pays for this forums and I am sinply a guest on his house and even if I strongly disagree I sould never tell him how to run his forums or how his chosen moderators moderate, only thing I can do is point out of when they are being disrupted to the forums or break forum rules.

When I reach a point were I see no point in still posting I will leave, if the forum moderators and administrator decide I am not welcomed they can ban me or end my membership and even if I disagree I will respect their decision and I have stop posting on many forums because of how things changed from when I became a member.

So I really dont have a problem in saying that part of WotC forums have changedin behavior from when I registered long ago, expecialy the D&D areas as some other areas have remain the same, its my opinion and as wrong it might be, its mine and I am not imposing it into other people, just giving it.

Everyone is free to disagree with it.

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Dismas said:

If you don't agree with a partcular moderator on a topic you can take your complaint up via email with Paradox, who is in-charge of the moderator or WotC_Mel who is in overall charge of the baords.


Thank-you very very much for this wonderful tidbit of info. It makes me feel like I've got a way to be able to affect change. I dunno if I'll use it, but it's still nice to know that there is another person who I can turn to if I feel things have been handled hastily...

And on that note, I really feel I'm done. Thanks for the advice, the new perspectives, the overall "broadening of horizons"... :)


Oh, by the way, Dismas--good job on the d20Modern stuff!! Your effort and care really show!! Kudos!


First Post
The problem with the WotC boards isn't the fault of the admins. Quite simply, it falls victim to the Laws of Message Board Dynamics. Which states that the quality of messages on a board are inversely proportional to the number of active posters.

So remember - every time you find a new board, you are making the place a little bit worse :p.


Except for a few references to good threads I follow from the folks around here I haven't been on the WotC boards for more than a year.

In a thread about one poster's DMing woes (who will remain nameless) I asked him if he might not be looking at that PC's actions harshly. Another poster did the same. We were called names and likened to primates. People cheered him on for doing so.

I responded by saying that there was no need to be rude (since I couldn't easily demand satisfaction) and that an apology from him should be forthcoming. That post was met with scorn from the whole community, and ignored by the original poster. He continued to berate any who questioned his reactions to this PC. And the WizO's did nothing.

So I was getting nowhere with the poster, and decided that I would write an email to a mod. I worked on a well written complaint to a WizO, and sent it off. It was not acknowledged in any way. So I left.

And I don't intend to go back. I will look at the marketing part of their website to browse Bardic Knowledge and Revision Spotlight, but I look forward to not surfing their messageboards.

[A few months ago, I was pleased to hear from a friend of mine that the original poster had left the WotC boards because people were being rude to him. Karmac backlash. Heh.]


Thats ok, I also play battlefield 1942, and post on the offical EA bourds on the BF 1942 site. I "quoted" one persons post, the post I quoted had a an offensive word in it. EA hit ME with a warning, when all I was doing was quoting someting and did not put anything remotly offensive in what I said.
On the UT2003 fourms I got a warning for posting in an "off topic" fourm that was clearly labeled "off topic". One of the moderators over there hit everyone that posted something in fourms marked "off topic" for like 3 days straght.


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Okay. I came looking for this thread, after seeing something on the Meta Boards on the Wizards site. I'm probably biased, as I have a lot of friends who are WizO's - in fact, one of those friends has officially warned me twice (which I deserved), but I really enjoy posting on there. I find the WizO's who I don't know personally very friendly, and I have never had a problem with their moderating on the boards, other than they don't seem to be around enough (which is understandable). :)

From what I have seen, they lock threads that have deserved it for one reason or another, and the only major change that I have seen between Jedi's "reign" and Doxxie's "reign" is that there are now more WizO's, and things that would've been let go (as a minor offense) are now picked up on, because they have the staff to do it. :)

The big draw back to the boards, is the overall young age of the posters on the boards, and inevitable rash posting.

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