Oh dear:
This certainly stings me as a PDF-exclusive buyer and user of D&D.
So what could this mean in the long run...? Here are my thoughts from the WotC forums:
PS: I looked to see if there was already a thread on this and I couldn't find one, if there is, my apologies.
RPGNow said:Wizards of the Coast has instructed us to suspend all sales and downloads of Wizards of the Coast titles. Unfortunately, this includes offering download access to previously purchased Wizards of the Coast titles. We are in discussions with Wizards about their decision to change their approach to digital sales of their titles and will post more information as we have it. If you would like to let Wizards know your opinion on offering D&D titles for download, we suggest the D&D Message Boards found here (linked to gleemax).
This certainly stings me as a PDF-exclusive buyer and user of D&D.
So what could this mean in the long run...? Here are my thoughts from the WotC forums:
Very likely they're planning to start selling the PDFs online themselves so they can keep the money from online sales. So first step is to take away the permission for anybody else to sell PDFs online.
Same thing happened with all the online character generators and online D&D tools about six months before 4e was announced. And Dragon/Dungeon magazines. Remember?
PS: I looked to see if there was already a thread on this and I couldn't find one, if there is, my apologies.