OK, but did you quit buying WotC stuff because you were angry about the company's actions, or because you simply weren't playing their new edition?I know that venting on boards tends to be full of hyperbole but I can honestly say that NONE of the guys I game with (about a dozen people) or that my brother games with (another dozen or so people) buy WotC products anymore. Sure, that's nothing in the grand scheme of things... but I'd imagine that we're not alone in our collective move away from WotC.
Their handling of 3.5's release soon after 3rd edition's release, their killing Paizo's good run with both Dungeon and Dragon magazines, their release of 4th edition soon after the release of 3.5 (and the dishonesty that surrounded the timing of that release), their bungling of the GSL and seeming lack of respect for 3rd party publishers and, now, their withdrawal of pdf products from the marketplace (much to the detriment of companues like RPGNow and Paizo) has made them a company that I CANNOT support.
This is not the same company that once saved D&D when TSR fell into ruin, and this is not a company that shows regard for its customers or partners in the RPG market.
It's one thing to stand on principle and refrain from buying products you actually want. It's another thing to say you're standing on principle, and subsequently not-buy something you wouldn't have bought anyway.
Additionally, that's a pretty sizable list of grievances - and I'm guessing this newest development wasn't in any way a camel's-back-breaking straw for you. Correct me if I'm wrong.