Coming Writers and editors wanted

Megaton Games

Megaton Games has been making games for quite a long time. RPG's, maps, accessories etc. Several successful Kickstarters.
We are now planning to step up our production and now we have range of interesting products in the pipeline. Everything from post-apocalyptic fantasy to card games.
We are currently two people making games at Megaton Games but need more freelancers. So, if you are good at writing supplements, adventures, or rules, you are welcome - everyone who has worked on a product shares in the profits.
We are also looking for several editors for the role-playing games - the same conditions as everyone else - we share the profits.
It is also interesting if you want to independently create game accessories and adventures for QuestCore, D&D 5th edition, or Dragonbane. Send in a synopsis!
Send a PM or email if you are interested!


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Megaton Games

Still looking!
Small udpdate: We will release our latest game, StormRing Fantasy Roleplay, very shortly as it is in the final beta now. We are now working on a post-apocalyptic fantasy setting, a post-apocalyptic Fallour-style game, a weird horror game, and a big fantasy setting.

Voidrunner's Codex

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