Release [Xoth.Net Publishing] The Eidolon of the Ape, new sword and sorcery adventure module for 5E


Swords against tentacles!
Innocent men and women are being ritually strangled on the white jade altar of the grim ape god Simatala! Do you sneak into the temple to rescue the prisoners, or are you strong enough to face the evil adepts of the ape god directly?


"The Eidolon of the Ape" is a stand-alone sword and sorcery adventure module, inspired by the pulp era tales of Robert E. Howard and Clark Ashton Smith. Venture in the footsteps of Conan the Cimmerian, Satampra Zeiros of Uzuldaroum, Imaro of Nyumbani, and other fabled thieves, reavers and slayers!

Note: This standalone adventure was originally published as part of the collection "The Spider-God's Bride and Other Tales of Sword and Sorcery" (XP1). This new version has been updated to fifth edition rules and includes new maps and artwork.

The book is available both as a PDF and (soon) in print. Check out this page for more information:

Also available for FREE download via the above link is the 72-page Player's Guide to the World of Xoth for 5E which contains a wealth of new material for swords and sorcery gaming, including new races, cultures, classes, equipment, and spells.

"The Eidolon of the Ape" is also available on DriveThruRPG:


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