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You Bastard! Returns! - Players Needed! [Free In Game Gifts to New Players!]

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Rathan and others, I think I've got the rules pretty much written up as they would need to be. I would need to add the list of items and the link to the generator, but other than that I've got what should be a one stop shop with all the simplifications and changes to the old rules I could think of added in. Posting it here would take some work as I'd have to get it formatted with bolding and underlines with the tags used here online. Or I can email it and let anyone interested check it out. I'd really like to get it in place at the top of this thread soon though so that people like Shayuri would be able to read it easily and jump right in. We could discuss and make changes to it as needed, but I'd hate to see it stuck in limbo as it lingers in discussion before being seen by the masses. I'd rather make changes and adjust as we go than have it die stillborn again. I don't have time to get it formatted and on here right now, but maybe later tonight. Then if you like it, you can copy it and stick it in the first post of the thread and I can erase it from my post it started in. Lemme know what you all think.


First Post
So I lied, I do have time. Actually my kid decided he would rather watch TV than get back on the compy like he had wanted before. So without further delay, here's what I've got.

YB3 Rules

What is YB?
YB is short for ‘You Bastard!’ which was originally part of each insult at the start of a match. Due to the Grandma Rule on ENWorld, it is usually shortened to ‘YB’ now. This is YB3 because this is the 3rd version of the rules to be made and played here on ENWorld.

YB is a fantasy martial arts game where the various characters battle one another to gain ranks and expand their fighting powers. It is a rules light, story heavy game of martial fighters that can evolve wherever the players and luck takes them.

How to Play
Playing YB is very simple. Two (or more players) generate random moves with the YB move generator and post them in a fight thread within the ‘Playing the Game’ subforum on ENWorld. Each fight will have its own thread while the YB Rules/General Discussion thread will remain in the ‘Talking the Talk’ subforum. A judge decides which move is better and awards or takes away flags based on that judgment (See Judges and Judging, below). The first player to capture all of the necessary flags wins the match and advances in rank.

As a character advances in ranks, the character will obtain powers and abilities that will help capture flags (or prevent the opponent from capturing a flag). The use of these abilities makes the game more challenging and takes away a small bit of the games randomness.

Creating a Character
Creating a character for YB is as easy as 1.2.3. One, create a name for your character. Two, create a look, feel and back history for your character if you want. There are few limits on what your character can be. Most players choose to fight as human kung-fu fighters, but you can be anything from a talking squirrel to an interplanetary inter-dimensional robotic fighter. Your history can be as simple or as complex as you want it to be. The main limit on your imagination at this point is your character cannot be all-powerful nor is your character immortal. Third and finally, identify your character as a Commoner and answer a challenge or post a challenge.

Advancement and Ranks
Everyone starts out as a commoner and once winning your first match you can then choose your path and your first signature style or location depending on which path you choose to enter into. Each Path has 5 Tiers, and all but the Master Tier have 5 ranks within that Tier. Apprentices, Yellow Sashes, and Dark Apprentices are all Tier 1 for example (Commoner is considered Tier 0 and is outside the 3 Paths). Each match you win moves you up one rank or to the first rank in the next Tier. A match lost will demote you one rank, but you cannot be demoted to a lower Tier. Each time a character advances to a new Tier, they gain a gift of 5 Yen in addition to any they previously had. As with all Yen, these Yen can be spent only between matches to purchase items (see below).

---The Honored Ones are what most would consider the heroic band of folk that travel the land seeking out injustice and evil in the land of Yberia. Someone who is always willing to lend a hand if it means they've helped even one person have a better day. A Light hero is what he makes of himself though, no real written rule of conduct or what have you, just that he or she is a kind soul and looks out of the best interests of those around him as he rises in the rank of heroic fame.

The Honored Ones benefit from signature styles and receives one signature style for each tier they reach.(Players choose which style they will start with at tier 1 the rest are determined from any style they used in the battle they win to advance to their next tier.)

---The Pathwalkers are ones of balance in all things. They can act selfish and greedy yet still not like the idea of taking anothers life as someone of a less savory nature would. This path is the glue some would say to keep the factions of Light and Darkness from completely consuming Yberia in their constant power struggle in an utter instant. To take the neutral path in this world is a heavy burden but can reap many rewards.

The Pathwalkers benefit from both signature styles and locations alternating a gain of style one tier and then location the next. (Players choose which one they will start with at tier one weather it be a signature style or location and then alternate from one tier to the next the rest are determined from any style or location used in the battle they win to advance to their next tier)

---The Defilers are a shadowed and feared path by most in Yberia. The inner workings of cults and bands of death dealers is the norm when dealing with the forces of darkness. Most often little is known of these unholy warriors save for the body count left in their wake and little is usually done to stop their advance. To choose the path of darkness is to choose a path of chaos and untold evil hellbent on crippling the forces that choose to stand in their way.

The Defilers benefit from signature locations and receives one for each new tier they reach. (Players choose which location they will start with at tier 1 the rest are determined from any location they used in the battle they win to advance to their next tier.)

Explanation of Powers
---Signature Style: If a fighter uses a move with a signature style he knows and wins the round, he wins an extra point. Fighters are immune to moves generated containing a signature style they know and automatically win any rounds in which their opponent used one of their signature styles (unless it is a mutual event in which case the round is a draw).

---Signature Location: Like the signature style, the signature location adds 1 point to a successful move. Fighters are immune to moves generated containing a signature location they know and automatically win any rounds in which their opponent used one of their signature locations (unless it is a mutual event in which case the round is a draw).

                    Commoner                               Tier 0
[B][U]Honored Ones	     Pathwalkers	   Defilers[/U][/B]
Apprentice 1	     Yellow Sash 1	   Dark Apprentice 1  T
Apprentice 2	     Yellow Sash 2	   Dark Apprentice 2  I
Apprentice 3	     Yellow Sash 3	   Dark Apprentice 3  E
Apprentice 4	     Yellow Sash 4	   Dark Apprentice 4  R
Apprentice 5	     Yellow Sash 5	   Dark Apprentice 5  1
Warrior 1	     Green Sash 1	   Dark Warrior 1     T
Warrior 2	     Green Sash 2	   Dark Warrior 2     I
Warrior 3	     Green Sash 3	   Dark Warrior 3     E
Warrior 4	     Green Sash 4	   Dark Warrior 4     R
Warrior 5           Green Sash 5          Dark Warrior 5     2
Knight 1	     Brown Sash 1	   Dark Knight 1      T
Knight 2            Brown Sash 2	   Dark Knight 2      I
Knight 3	     Brown Sash 3	   Dark Knight 3      E
Knight 4            Brown Sash 4	   Dark Knight 4      R
Knight 5            Brown Sash 5	   Dark Knight 5      3
Lord 1	             Black Sash 1	   Dark Lord 1        T
Lord 2	             Black Sash 2	   Dark Lord 2        I
Lord 3	             Black Sash 3	   Dark Lord 3        E
Lord 4	             Black Sash 4	   Dark Lord 4        R
Lord 5	             Black Sash 5	   Dark Lord 5        4
Master	             Master Sash	   Dark Master     Tier 5

Game Etiquette
Manners are for everyone, even villains and YB players should observe a few simple points of game etiquette. Following the following rules will make the game more enjoyable for all involved.

1) Let the judges decide how badly you hurt your opponent. It is bad form and embarrassing to describe in detail how you smashed your opponent into little shattered pieces only to have the judge declare that the other move was superior and you lost the round

2) Do not put words or actions into the mouth of another players character! Not unless you get consent to do so or the actions are minimal. Do not tell someone else how his or her character reacts to a situation. Let them decide this! Even in a style match, be careful to be a minimalist in how you describe your opponent’s moves.

3) If you are going to be delayed before your next posting, let your opponent know. The rule of thumb is that a match can be forfeited if there is a 24-hour delay on the part of one player (though players are encouraged to be patient). If you can, make sure to post a move even if the fight will be delayed. The judge can often rule in your absence rather than forcing everyone to wait.

4) Don't fish for moves. It becomes obvious after a while and people won't want to play with you anymore. Use the first generated move you get.

5) Any use of a power should be decided on when the move for that round is generated and posted. If you are posting first, you cannot wait until after your opponent has posted to decide whether to include a power in with the move. This means, practically speaking, a power’s use should be posted in the same post as the move.

6) Remember - it's only a game. Keep in character conflicts in character and out of character always be polite.

Insult Rounds
Most fights begin with an insult round. Insults are randomly generated and posted so that the judge can decide who has the better insult. The winner of the insult round gets to pick the length of the match (2-5 flags) and the style of the match (Traditional, Speed, Strategy, Style or some combination thereof). If a player is more inclined to pick a style match, it is polite to let the opponent know before insults are exchanged. As the winner of the insult matches picks these things, it is important for fighters who do not want to play a certain style of game to let other players know before the insult round. Any stipulations to the fight are considered binding if the other player agrees by posting an insult. The fighter who wins the insult round generally goes first in posting his attack and initiative switches back and forth every round after that. So the order of posts if Fighter A won the insult round would be: Fighter A, Fighter B, Judge, Fighter B, Fighter A, Judge, Fighter A, Fighter B, Judge, etc.

Types of Matches
There are a few different types of fighting matches which can be used in YB combat. They are explained below:

--- Traditional match
Fights are fought for flags. All the flags start at neutral and the fighter winning a round captures as many flags as his move was worth points (i.e. a 2 point signature move captures 2 flags). If a fighter wins a round and his opponent has any captured flags, the fighter’s points are first used to move the opponent’s flags back to Neutral. Any remaining points earned in the round may be used to capture flags for the fighter. The match is over when all the flags are captured by one fighter. Lower Tier Fighters should fight for 2, or if they want a longer match 3 flags. Higher tier fighters can fight for 2-4 flags. Epic matched between top tier fighters can be for as many as 5 flags!

---Speed Match
A speed match is a variant type of the traditional match and may be fought for between 3 and 10 flags. In a speed match, a fighter captures flags as normal based on the points won in a successful move. However when a fighter captures a flag, it may not be moved back to neutral. Instead both fighters continue to capture flags each round until one of them has captured the number of flags required to win. A speed match therefore lacks the back and forth of the traditional match and is more of a race.

---Strategy matches
In a strategy match, every three rounds, the fighters post five moves and subsequently choose which move they will decide to use. Judges are encouraged to pay special attention to moves that might well cancel out another's. After three of the five moves are used, another hand of five moves is generated. The advantages to this is that fighters can try and choose their best moves, are more likely to get a signature style or location and are able to attempt to match defenses to their opponents attacks.

---Style Matches
In a style match the fighters use the generated move as a basis to describe what they do to their opponent. Judges must first decide if they think the description is fair based on the generated move, and they must then decide which description sounds more like a move that would garner a round victory. In a style match, a better-generated move is a move that allows for good description. A good description is one that appeals to the judge as a round winner. It is the players description of the attack, not the generated move itself that is judged by the judges in a style match. Obviously the better your writing skills the better you will do in such a match.

---Official and Unofficial Matches
Fighters are free to "spar" in unofficial matches and need only declare at the beginning of their fight that it is unofficial. Ranks can not be won or lost in an unofficial match. If a fight is not declared unofficial before the judges set the time and place for the fight then the fight is always official. A fight officially starts when the judges determine the winner of the insult round and sets the time and place. Alternatively, if both fighters post their first moves without waiting for the judge, the judge may determine the fight to have officially started. Once a fight has officially started there must be a winner and a loser and someone must win or lose ranks. If at any time one fighter forfeits or does not post for a sufficient length of time, the other fighter is declared the de-facto winner and advances in rank accordingly. Forfeiting a death match of any sort can be just as fatal as losing the match in a more routine way.

---Death Matches
Players can also participate in a death match if they choose. Such Matches must always be for at least four flags (if a traditional match) or six flags (if a speed match). The one declaring the death match must, if they win, kill the other fighter. The one accepting the death match can choose to either kill their opponent or show mercy.

The "Ancient Master's" decree
The shadowy and mysterious ancient masters intrude into every fight. After judging the insults and before the length of the match is declared, the judge must use the "Masters" button on the generator to randomly select a time and place for the match. If the fighter's moves at any time seem to close for the judge to call, the judge may consider the usage of the style of the day, the location of the fight, and the time of the day, in that order.

Comparing Fighters Ranks and Record.
Sometimes, moves are too close for a judge to call and the day and location of the fight make no difference in regards to the moves. When this happens, a judge should compare the fighters’ ranks. A fighter of a higher rank will win such a round. If the actual ranks of the fighters are identical, the judge should next look at the fighters’ record. To determine a record, first subtract losses from wins, understanding you can't get a number lower than 0 (6 wins, 8 losses is in fact a 0 record, not a -2 record).

The higher number is the better record. If the number is the same, look at total number of fights, again the higher number is the better record (i.e. a 2-3 record is worse than a 1-6 record in this case). If the fighters have the same number of fights, compare the number of wins. The higher number is again the better record (i.e. 2-3 is better than 1-4). If the fighters’ records and ranks are exactly the same, they are, of course, of no use to a judge and should not be used to determine a round's winner.

Breaking down the Generated Moves
A typical generated move reads something like this:
The evasive rose petal sweeps underneath the tundra; waves away the slash of the willow! *yen*

In the case of the above move, “Evasive” is a signature modifier. “Rose Petal” is the signature style. “Tundra” is the signature location. “Waves away the slash of the willow,” is the defensive part of the move while, “The Evasive rose petal sweeps underneath the tundra,” is the offensive part of the move. Using the above move, the winner of the round would receive a yen.

Yen and Purchasable Items
The generator occasionally spews out a move that has *yen* or *yen+yen* tacked on to the end of it. When this does occur the person winning the round wins either 1 or 2 yens. Also, each time a character advances to a new Tier, they receive a bonus 5 Yen. These yen should all be tracked on the character sheet. What can you do with a yen? You may spend Yen to buy items between matches. The items have effects which can help your fighter or hinder your enemy.

All items will be posted in a thread created for an item shop. Feel free to do a bit of role play while posting in said thread to purchase items. All purchases must be noted in the item shop thread so there is a record of bought items.

Potion of Greed: 5 Yen (One-Use)
Once drank, this potion allows you gain two yen every round in a battle for up to four rounds regardless if you win the round or not. If the battle ends before your four rounds are up, those rounds are wasted and you do not get yen for them, so use this item wisely.

Standard of Battle: 3 Yen (One-Use)
This item if carried into battle gives you the ability to do double damage (2 points or flags for winning the round) for one round. This item must be used before the judge makes his decision for the round not after so choose your use of this item wisely.

Smoke Bomb: 4 Yen (One- Use)
This item allows you to negate an entire round and may be used after the judge has made his judgment for the round.

Foresight: 4 Yen (One-Use)
You may generate two moves for one round and pick which one you feel would be best to use. Both moves must be posted in battle and then you must make note of which one you plan to use. In a strategy match, you would choose your normal move from the five generated as your hand, and generate a new random move to add to that chosen move for the round you intend to use this item on as well.

Relentless Training: 10 Yen
Gain one rank in your current tier instantly upon purchase of this item.

Escape Disgrace: 3 Yen (One-Use)
If you loose a battle, rather than falling into disgrace use this item to reverse the loss of rank in your current tier.

Imbue Item: 7 Yen ( 7 Yen per Purchase: Max 5 Sig styles or locations per person)
This item really isn't an item at all it's more of an add on to a flavor text item your character may own. For each time purchased you may imbue an item with a signature style or location of your choice thus gaining the benifits of the power of the style or location as it applies to awarding you immunity or extra points for winning a round.

Retirement or Death
A player may choose to retire a character if he or she no longer wishes to play that character. Once retired a character may transfer half it's yen rounded up to the new character and one chosen signature style or location to the newly made character but this can only be done once reaching the highest tier of their chosen path. If retiring and going from an Honored One to a Defiler or vise versa you will be able to choose a signature style or location to fit with your new chosen path.

Like retirement, death can happen for your character if you choose that fate for them. Players can also participate in a death match if they choose. Such Matches must always be for at least four flags (if a traditional match) or six flags (if a speed match). The one declaring the death match must, if they win, kill the other fighter. The one accepting the death match can choose to either kill their opponent or show mercy.

On Judges and Judging
The judges are crucial to the game. Anyone can judge but those who choose to do so should strive to do a good and fair job. Judges should try to be familiar with relevant rules and it is advised that they jot down notes concerning the powers of each fighter and the time and place of each fight they are judging. Novice judges should also be aware that attempting to judge more than one fight at a time becomes increasingly difficult (notes are imperative if you try to do this successfully).

If both players agree to a judge (or say nothing for at least 1 round - thereby agreeing to the judge through silence) then all calls of that judge concerning which move is better is final. No other judge, no matter their rank can alter the decision. Judging moves is a purely subjective thing and is therefore subject to the whim of each judge. Each judge will rate different elements of generated moves differently.

However, any call made by a judge that violates the rules is subject to being overturned as soon as it is pointed out and recognized. In some cases this may mean that rounds will have to be refought or that a game that has been declared complete may have to continue (for example - if a judge misses the use of a signature style and forgets to take into account immunity).

Any person attempting to judge is automatically an apprentice judge. If a Master Judge notices an apprentice judge correctly advancing fighters (preferably with some flavor text) in a couple of fights then they should promote the judge to journeyman judge. When a Journey-man judge correctly applies the rules in difficult situations, thereby showing a thorough knowledge of the rules, or when a Journey-man judge has demonstrated such knowledge through a number of well-judged fights, they may be promoted to Master Judge by any two Master Judges (unless there is only 1 active Master Judge in which case the lone Judge can promote them) or by the current Grand-master judge.

Those who commit to judging a fight should make sure they can be there for the entire fight. If they cannot they should inform the fighters so the fighters can choose a new judge. It is far preferable however for the same judge to judge a fight the whole way through.
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First Post
Ahhhhh! procrastination has paid off! SO kidding LOL! Good work Phoenix... everything seemed to be touched on that I wanted mentioned... one suggestion.... a different format for the paths please if you will... that one near the ends of the progressions kinda screws up a bit.... something else would be preferable... but other than that.... everything looks nice.... I will pm you my master list of items so you can get it on this previous post here as well....

Again... Well done my friend :D


First Post

There ya go. Whew! I tried to put things in the best order I could imagine and cleaned up stuff that applied only to the older version of YB. There's a few areas I wasn't sure of like the apprentice/journeyman/master judge stuff at the end. Probably more detail than we need right now, but I didn't erase it yet. We can pare this down as needed. Let's see if we can do this finally.

So, was there anybody else going to do another playtest fight, or are we going to wait just slightly so that we can clean up any big problems here before opening it up full tilt.


First Post
Phoenix.... check the Foresight item in the pm I sent you.. I made a slight rules change to it and had not yet updated it yet on the site with the items on it.... just a friendly heads up :)... sorry ti spring it in on you heh....


First Post
Dangit, I didn't realize that list was different and I already deleted that PM. Could you post just that item here and I'll put it in the list above? Or you can go ahead and quote that post with the rules in it and copy/paste it into the first post of the thread and then make the change for that item after that.

I wonder if having 'Recruiting' in the thread title would gather any further looks from the board members? Hows the formatting look now? The original post was the unedited version.


First Post
Foresight: 4Yen (One-Use)
You may generate two moves for one round and pick which one you feel would be best to use. Both moves must be posted in battle and then you must make note of which one you plan to use. In a strategy match, you would choose your normal move from the five generated as your hand, and generate a new random move to add to that chosen move for the round you intend to use this item on as well.


First Post
Looks great now Phoenix... thanks so much for doing all that... looks wonderful :)... it will help a lot with new people coming in to take a look... I MIGHT have to do a 'quote' from your post there and add it to the first post on this thread so it catches peoples eyes before anything else!

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