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Your character does WHAT?!!!


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Mine happend a few weeks ago in a 3E campaign - at 5th level then.

It involved a 45 degree angled down stone shaft in the heart of a pyramid that was lined with oil and bat guano -

the halfling rogue took one step onto it while holding a torch (and not really looking closely at it first) and blew his balance check so slid down the shaft all the way to the pit trap - managing to use a grappling hook to arrest his descent - the wild elf followed after him, also somewhat unwittingly, a few seconds later. The halfling (Chase) managed to keep a hold of the torch, away from the oil soaked floor and walls as he slid down.

The net result was the halfling ended up falling over into the pit that was way down the shaft, holding onto the rope with one hand, the torch with the other hand, above the 60 foot deep pit (halfway down) that was filled with spikes - and there was a stone block above the pit, just waiting to drop. The walls of the pit were lined with studs that when you stepped onto/off of them set off something nasty.

So the halfling is already hanging precariously, when the elf drops in, almost knocking the halfling off - torch and all (oil in the pit too). The halfling ends up stepping on a stud - *click* - so he tries to disarm it so he wont set it off when he steps off. He blows it, *click* other foot on another stud. Tries again, *click* now has one hand on a stud too. Now he has penalties and one last chance - disarms the hand one. Then the foot, then blows it again *click* - let's just say there were a lot of *clicks* as he tried to get up out of that pit. The elf above him fared a little better.

They finally both manage to get out of there. The party up top manages to get a rope down to where their grappling hook is (can't reach further) so they grab a hold of it up there. Then they decide they want to set off the trap. While they are still in the shaft. D'oh!

They figured they'd trip the block into the pit. They seem to have forgotten about all that oil. They didn't anticipate the eight lit torches that fell along with the block into the pit.

Much scrambling and pulling of rope later, after filling the whole inside of the pyramid with choking black smoke, they got their asses out of there - barely.

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Why is it that all stupid PC stories involve fire?

We were exploring a heavily overgrown forest, and the air was extremely thick with spores. My character thinks he hears spiders, and lights a torch to help fight them. The lick of flame flashburns the aerosol spores, and we all get mildly scorched by the explosion.

Later, we are nearer the centre of the forest. Attracted by a sort of shrieking yell, which appears to have hypnotic properties, we approach an extremely large fungus. The eair is very thick here. The ranger shoots at it, and the impact released thick clouds of spores, enough to poison us. So what does the wizard do? He casts burning hands.


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I was running Tomb of Horrors and there's that room with the three unlocked chests. One of them has a small chest inside which is attached to a dart trap on the bottom. The thief carefully opens the chest checking for traps and everything else, he sees the smaller chest, and immediately the player raises his hand in the air, the imaginary chest in his hand and say's "Look what I found." Twelve darts immediately shot from the chest and he died within second from the poison...


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More fun with fire

my friend told me about his recent adventure. his character was breaking into this haunted house, adn he came across a well lit dining room. He was clearing all the silverwere of the table, when he slipped on a trapped tile, and fell into the concealed pit trap. He immediatly began to suffer cold dammage from the brown mold (or was it yellow? i kind of forget) so he grapped his grappling hook and rope and threw it out of the pit. He rolled a one on his throw. The dm ruled that the hook flew straight up into the air, hit the lit chandiear hanging above the pit, and knocked it in. BOOM! the mold, all of it, expands to more than 50 times its size, since it was also coated in oil and other hyperflamible substances, and not only suffocates the character, but destroys the house in a great gyser of ugly brownness. The city around it is forever plagued with brown mold, since it flew high enough to settle in the atmosphere... His character is deamed a menace to society, and is banned from ever being raised. Ever. And he is damned by about seven churches. Forever.


First Post

my friend told me about his recent adventure. his character was breaking into this haunted house, adn he came across a well lit dining room. He was clearing all the silverwere of the table, when he slipped on a trapped tile, and fell into the concealed pit trap. He immediatly began to suffer cold dammage from the brown mold (or was it yellow? i kind of forget) so he grapped his grappling hook and rope and threw it out of the pit. He rolled a one on his throw. The dm ruled that the hook flew straight up into the air, hit the lit chandiear hanging above the pit, and knocked it in. BOOM! the mold, all of it, expands to more than 50 times its size, since it was also coated in oil and other hyperflamible substances, and not only suffocates the character, but destroys the house in a great gyser of ugly brownness. The city around it is forever plagued with brown mold, since it flew high enough to settle in the atmosphere... His character is deamed a menace to society, and is banned from ever being raised. Ever. And he is damned by about seven churches. Forever.

That's the worst "1" result I've ever heard!


First Post
My story isn't nearly so impressively explosive, but it is a head slapper.

We just started Ravenloft and I was playing a fighter type for the first time in years. The DM gave us each one magic item and I received a wish sword.

Within an hour after entering the castle, my brother's paladin and I got separated from the rest of our party, and he reminded me that I hadn't used my wish for the day.

Firmly grasping my sword in both hands, I took a deep breath and said "I wish to be reunited with my party."

"No, wait! I meant I wanted them to be reunited with me!"

Poof! My brother's paladin is left all alone several flights up and the sword transports me to the others. Who are currently locked in cells. In a dungeon level that is rapidly flooding. Our halfling was hanging on to the bars for dear life because the water was over his head.

Our DM paused for a looong time before saying "The lord of the castle appears, stares at you in disgust and disappears without a word."

He started us on a 2e Greyhawk adventure the very next session.:eek:


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This is from my story hour (link in sig)

I used to have a player who could be a real pain. Anything that didn't work out exactly like he wanted caused him to throw a fit. It drove me nuts.

He gets into this big argument with the party rogue, who had killed this paladin the first PC befriended the night before. The first PC (Jaryth) couldn't prove that the rogue (Burble) did it, and without proof the rest of the party wasn't ready to turn against one of its own. Nevermind that this is the same rogue who became pals with a certain kobold...

Anyway they're standing at the edge of this ravine arguing, and Jaryth is fed up. So he decides he's going to show off his psionic powers and jump off the edge of the ravine manifesting catfall.

A player in one of my other games says that one of the things I never do is tell a player when he has a bad idea, and I guess that's true. Jaryth's player thought catfall was a direct conversion of feather fall into psionics. He landed on his feet, but broke both his legs and collapsed to the ground, nearly splitting his skull open.

The rogue came down and healed him, but Jaryth only started the fight back up again, making enough noise to draw a pack of dire rats down on them.

EDIT: The rogue had a level of cleric too.
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First Post
Well, I can remember the unfortunate time that my PCs were contracted to eliminate a couple of fire giants that were terrorizing their local city, and promptly came up with the exceptionally cunning plan of getting them drunk.

So they loaded up a wooden cart full of strong alcohol in barrels and wheeled it to the outskirts of town. I could scarcely believe that they actually thought that this was a good idea - I guess no-one told them about fire giants' fiery rock-throwing and magical flaming swords, or possibly about the combustible nature of large quantities of grain alcohol :D

Fortunately the 'fire giants' were just two extortion-inclined puppeteers or there would have been some sincerely chargrilled PCs that day. Ah well. Next time, perhaps.

Oh, btw, first post on the new boards!

I just had 1 short thing we had last year. We were in a dwarven stronghold and they had a cursed gate down in the tunnels balbalbal we had to go down there and while they floodded the pit wherein the gate was and afterwards sealing it of. The portal led to the plane of fire and our bold uber clerc flew forward improved invis blindsighted into the darkness he had cast around the portal. Well the battle went really well and our Mr SmartyPants bard decided he had to do his part as well so he start brawling and waving his hands stuff for some spell. We all sit there what's coming and there it came. The most brilliant CONFUSION SPELL, targetted or some unknown creature in the darkness that just stepped though the portal. Well our most bold clerc picked up a dicve and began to roll. Our bard reacted like: Huh? Well dear bard it has a area affect! Well he started like just make the save man, it's almost impossible to miss. Well guess what our clerc missed... and as he missed the darkness started fading away and the clerc looked up against the nice great huge fire salamander with the +3 flaming burst huge heavy longspear. The bard rolled what the clercs next round action would be, you can guess that one, "attack the nearest creature". Clerc: "Ah well...."

(the salamander got 2 crits off that round.... you really really dun wanna know how that clerc got staked :S)
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