Your thoughts on A Very Small Kingdom for 1e Dnd I generated using tables that my cousin's father in law made

Why they keep posting 1e-themed stuff here in the 5e forum, I have no idea. @JMISBEST: You do know we have an older editions forum, right? That's where 1e posts belong.
Actually, not for some time. Maybe a year or more. All the D&D forums are together. People are supposed to use the post tags to indicate which edition they are talking about if it is edition specific.

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How is any of this relevant in a campaign? How does the king having 42 bakers matter?
It is 142 bakers. Given the amount of people in these lands, you're going to need someone who is proficient in making loaves of bread, chicken & mushroom pies and the odd cheesecake.

This is a ludicrous amount of detail that will amount to very little if not absolutely nothing.
Someone could be setting the poultry farms on fire while dragons keep crashing into wheat mills, thus causing a food shortage crisis, especially if the land has just suffered a pandemic. Knowing how many bakers there are will allow one to calculate the rise in cost of living as well as the impending unemployment rate.


Actually, not for some time. Maybe a year or more. All the D&D forums are together. People are supposed to use the post tags to indicate which edition they are talking about if it is edition specific.
You’re joking, right? This thread is now in the D&D Older Editions forum that very much does exist.


What about those dragons? Based on the limited capacity of this kingdom they would represent a significant power factor. How are they included in the power structure? Are they even interested in political power or do they just want to lead soldiers? And considering that it is peaceful, do they even have things to do?
I'd assume theyre too busy doing their hair and getting their nails done to pay much attention to anything going on in such a small kingdom.


It's cute as a programming exercise, but I'm afraid that for all that effort it doesn't really do anything useful. See also 'Dwarf Fortress'.

The problem with such things is that they treat what is actually quite easy about the process of GMing as the hard part. It is in fact a toy solution. It tells you nothing particularly useful that you couldn't decide when you need to decide it, while still leaving all the hard parts of world building up to you. There is always a strong possibility that it will throw up stuff that is unbelievable on inspection, subtly nonsensical, or worse self-contradictory. And while the demographics in this particular table and selections it makes aren't far outside my usual demographics, there are always problems when you standardize demographics that it won't be functional demographics for another DM's campaign (I personally wouldn't use so many good-aligned dragons integrated into the social order, for example).

In short, I don't really need a random generator telling what choices to make for a major kingdom especially in terms of culture and so forth. And usually, I don't really need to know most of the information presented here to run adventures. It is just information that doesn't come up. The only time this sort of stuff is useful is if the players go 'off the map' and I need to randomly generate towns or something. And if I need something like that, I don't need the information in the format presented here that provides a literally baffling amount of detail but nothing useful - like the names of the people, towns, baronies, and so forth nor useful descriptions nor plot hooks nor really anything I would need within 5 minutes of introducing some new feature to the campaign world.

You’re joking, right? This thread is now in the D&D Older Editions forum that very much does exist.
We'll I'll be the ruler of a very small kingdom!

Huh, I never go to the forum root/home and given the name of this forum, I assumed it was all editions. I mean OSR stuff gets a label here/there and not in the older editions' sub-forum.


Lord of the Hidden Layer
This thread causes my phone to stall. Should I stop the page or wait? To unwatch I have to scroll all the way back to the top of the page. Woe is me.

Sorry to poke fun, but it is a bit much. Snarf Zagyg doesn't even write this much.
You should find the Geek Forum thread about "Remake Songs That Were Better Than The Original" - lots of videos to load !


I havent read everything but some questions about the nobility.

What is the difference between a "normal noble" and a vassal? Or are the 30 vassalls part of the 61 normal nobles or in addition?
I assume the 61 are landless spouses, heirs and knights?

Do the 30 vassals only represent direct vassalls to the king or do they also include sub-vassals?
Does the kingdom even have sub-vassalls or are there only 2 layers of vassals because the kingdom is too small or too young for titles to have concentrated on some families to make sub-vassalls necessary.

I don't really know how small the kingdom really is. I must look up how much land a typical noble could control. Its certainly not large but I am unsure if it is that small.

What about those dragons? Based on the limited capacity of this kingdom they would represent a significant power factor. How are they included in the power structure? Are they even interested in political power or do they just want to lead soldiers? And considering that it is peaceful, do they even have things to do? Considering that the

On The Subject of The 30 Vassal Nobles the reason that their listed separately is because even though their Nobles their also Vassals of more powerful Nobles

In case your wondering why theirs 61 Nobles but only 30 Vassals its because the countries so small that they can't support any more domain rulers, the tables showed they tried and decided its too risky, and that even includes Fighters that want to settle down

Saying that though the countries on the coast, their hoping they can find some Islands that are close enough to settle, which they could use to gain more land, which means more nobles

That hope is the main reason why they took drastic measures to increase their Navy to 5 times what it was in less then 30 weeks, but as they only had 43 ships it wasn't as hard as you'd think, but still very hard

Impossible?, no, how not?, simple, I made a roll made on A another Table The GM made and it shows that they paid for 2 limited Wish Spells, 1 got them A Investment that will never go down and as long as they don't get any more Ships then can fully fund the entire fleet, and the 2nd Limited Wish Spell was to make the Navy increase to 5 times what it was in less then 30 weeks

Also any and all Nobles that are landless spouse's, children that aren't the heir or the spare or landless knights are listed in either the bit on other children or the bit on other relations

On the subject of The 8 Dragons here's all I can remember

Only The 5 that are Generals demand they always get paid, but the other 3 are both loyal and content enough that if The Kingdom can't afford to pay them they'll put up with it, and the only reason they can afford The 5 that are powerful general is because the countries a lot richer then you'd think 1 as small as it would be

The 5 that are powerful generals are even greedier then normal dragons but because of how lazy they are they choose to fuel their greed by becoming Generals, which carries a massive paycheck, and as long as they get paid they don't mind the peace, which nets them 31,500 Gold Coins each per year

The 1 that's 1 of The Kingdoms Baroness's saved the life of The Current Kings Grandfather and the countries beliefs in equal rights is so high that her reward was being made A Baroness and as long as she gets to live a long, by Dragon Standards, happy life she doesn't care how much peace their

The Dragon that's The Bodyguard of The Baroness that's A Dragon was A Friend of her now dead father and her father saved his life, its basically A DND version of The Life Debt that Wookies have in Star War, and he doesn't care about the pay, although he always takes it, he just wants to protect the daughter of the dragon that saved his life

The Sapphire Dragon that serves in The Crown Princess personal guard, well The Crown Princes Great Grandfather single handely saved her life without realizing it but it took her so long, The Tables showed that it happened 2D6+74 or 83 years before The Crown Prince was born and they show that if wasn't A Pc then he'd be 3D4+15 or 25 years old, so it happened 83+25 or 108 years ago, for her to fully recover that by the time she was able to start repaying the debt her savior was long dead but her pride meant that she ended up protecting The Great Grandson of her savior, whose the current crown prince

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