ZEITGEIST Zeitgeist session 0 in 5e


One possibility is that the book's author is a member of the 'Fists of Pala', a briefly-mentioned Malice Land organization who are Millerists. No connection to the Ob, I believe. Look up Book 8; 'Angus Perasmus' I think?

Nic's been floating around for 500 years, plenty of time for him to write some books under pseudonyms.

Millerism isn't very fleshed-out. 'Don't be hypocritical', 'greed and colonialism bad' is the main thrust. You may want to read through the Miller's Pyre Ob proposal in Book 7. I tried my hand at summarising it in the Millerism tiddler in my Age of Enlightenment wiki.

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