Zweihander Revised Core Rulebook- a read-through

Some Dude



OK, now that we have that out in the open, let me just say that this Let's Read/Review/Commentary (and it will be all three, though mainly it's a read-through) will be impartial and honest.That is all that has been asked, and that is what shall be delivered. I will have no problem dogging this out if it sucks, calling out some goofy rules in an otherwise decent game (some of my favorite games may well fall into this category), or even praising Zweihander, if it tickles my fancy.

I've heard of this game, obviously, I mean who hasn't, but I have no real familiarity with it, its fluff, or its mechanics. I'm also not familiar with its predecessor/inspiration/forebearer, Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay. Heard of both, never played either. It's possible that I have skimmed a WFRP book at some point, but if I have, I don't remember. Most reviews I have seen for Zweihander make comparisons between the two. I'm hoping to offer more of an "outsider" perspective. To come into it blind, as it were.

A little bit about me - not because I'm interesting, but because it helps to understand a reviewer or critic's frame of reference. I am not a professional writer, which will be painfully obvious by the time this is done. I'm old enough to remember listening to Thin Lizzy on 8-track. Played B/X D&D, and later AD&D 1e, starting in the 80s. Never even tried subsequent editions unless you count 3.5-descended stuff like Castles & Crusades. I like Tolkienesque high fantasy just fine. But, I do find world-hangs-in-the-balance plotlines a bit tedious, so I prefer the smaller, earthier tales of Lieber. I have played a lot of different games over the years, from Classic Traveller to Icons. Though I've never been a fan of heavy crunch, I'm also not usually a fan of "narrative" systems. There have been exceptions (1st edition Over the Edge, for example). I have a vague sweet spot of just enough rules to make the system "matter", and to give it its own identity, without bogging it down or making it an exercise in corporate accounting. I'm kind of lazy, and will usually run "off the rack" adventures, though sometimes heavily modified (I write my own once in a blue moon, but I need to really be inspired by an idea for that). These days I prefer older, self-contained systems (i.e., I only wanna buy one book if possible) or retroclones, ideally with rulebooks that are less than a hundred pages in length. I'm also a cheapass who tends to buy used or PDF, because of price. Currently running Marvel Super Heroes for a group of kids, and Labyrinth Lord for some of neophyte twentysomethings who expressed an interest in roleplaying. So, in many ways, it may seem that Zweihander is extremely not my jam. Will it win me over? I dunno, but we're gonna find out!


Before I get into the meat of the book, I want to take a moment to discuss its, er... buns. Despite my preference for slim, cheap volumes, I have to say, this is a really neat book. It looks and feels great. It is, however, almost comically heavy. I passed it around among my family earlier this evening, and they were all a little shocked and/or bemused at how heavy it was. It's not like lifting a bag of cement or anything, but it's over 5 pounds. That's a big Twinkie.

The binding, paper quality and other elements of construction are all top notch. Admittedly, I don't know much about book binding, but Zweihander looks and feels very well put together. The pages are bound to a sort of "hinge" inside (a sewn section binding,I think), that flexes when the book is opened. It seems like it would last a lot longer than some of the other hardcovers I have for, say, Castles & Crusades or D&D, where the pages seem to be more firmly affixed directly to the inside of the spine, and thus more prone to stress. I don't really know how it would compare to other games' core books, like Pathfinder or Starfinder, maybe someone reading this will know.

The cover of the book doesn't have the glossy coating usually seen on hardbound RPGs. It seems to have some kind of matte finish. I'm not sure why this approach was taken, but I'm of two minds about it. On the one hand, it gives the book a nice, muted look, which suits the book. This finish also imparts a hand-comfortable, almost non-slip feel. It doesn't seem slick or slimy, even after you've been holding it in sweating hands for a while. On the other hand, it seems that without an extra layer of plastic sheeting or whatever it is that's typically used, the book may be more prone to scratches. Mine arrived with a couple of minor scuffs that appear to have occurred during shipping (UPS, by the way). Now, none of these marks are very bad, in fact, they wouldn't necessarily have kept me from buying the book, if I had done so. But it does seem to me that this book may show signs of wear sooner than it would if a more conventional finish had been chosen. Maybe I'm wrong. But, just picking it up and putting it down, or putting on/taking it back off my bookshelf seem to be adding small abrasions. Then again, Zweihander seems to be more Denali than Escalade. It's meant to be driven. In any case, I'm not gonna lose any sleep over it, as the book is extremely sturdy overall. I just don't want to leave any stones unturned in this read-through.

The cover depicts four very dour-looking human adventurers standing in front of a veritable wall of spears, as smoke rises in the background. Though these people differ in appearance and apparent age, each has a grim look in their eyes. They also bear scars. The message here seems to be that no one gets out unscathed, and glory has its price. These people remind me more of characters from the movie Queen Margot than of characters from The Fellowship of the Ring. The color scheme is a mixture of brown, black and red, and the overall effect is that of a portrait painted with blood that has long since dried. Not a very dynamic picture, but it sets a mood.

Inside the book there are red endpapers framing 669 dense-looking pages, nearly every one framed with a full-page border. I imagine that if Mad Magazine's Sergio Aragones sold his soul to the devil, the result would look something like this. I noticed that the borders connect, and are different on each side. The right side has stonework, armor, and weapons, with neatly framed page headings and numbers. On the left, these neat and tidy elements give way to skulls, mist, half-formed creatures and what appears to be blood, this latter surrounding the header and page number. Order and Chaos, I presume. Because these borders run all the way to the edge of each page, they give the paper a gray color when shut. It's another nice touch.

Inside, Zweihander is laid out two columns per page, in a manner instantly familiar to any gamer.. The text and fonts are clear, but the text seems smaller (a bit too small, IMO) in the tables. I'm old, your mileage may vary on the table-text size. I mean, it makes sense to keep the tables small, it's a huge book already. But for me, reading them is less than comfortable.

The book is largely black & white, with the tables being alternating lines of white and sepia, which really makes them stand out nicely, small print notwithstanding.

It is heavily illustrated throughout, in an old-school, "pencil sketchy" style that I like a lot. There is also a very cool two-page, full-color illo in the middle of the book, which I think was an alternate cover for the Kickstarter version or something (I like it better than the current cover, to be honest). The interior drawings do not seem hastily done, if that makes sense. There is a real sense of careful and deliberate design in this book, from the art to the layout. It's quite dense as well, there isn't a lot of wasted space inside. To me, it stops just short of being "cluttered". There is a consistency of style in the art, and it sets the tone of the game well.

The physical presentation of this book has been much-ballyhooed, often by the author himself. However, in this, he seems to be justified. Zweihander Revised is big, beautiful and well made. But, is its beauty only skin deep? Let's open it up and see...

First, there is a bit of fiction in the form of a monologue, given by one Danziger Eckhart, grizzled veteran and ex-con. He's seen some, er, "stuff". Literally, he tells of men defecating as they die, and of his own bloody, sordid history. He tells of his loss of faith. Faith in the gods, faith in his country, faith in his fellow man. But he also relates three important lessons from the world of Zweihander:

- You can't earn anything in this world

- A man will do anything he has to to survive

- Life is pain and death

Succinct and cynical, as it should be. I don't think this part is bad. It's in-game flavor text. Some people roll their eyes at stuff like this, but I survived the White Wolf 90s, so I ain't bothered. They could have just put these lessons in the introduction, but they did this instead. Doesn't really make much of a difference to me.

Next up are a Designer's Note, which briefly explain the genesis and history of Zweihander, and its journey to the Revised Core Rulebook, along with a stylized drawing of the author. Again, kind of indifferent here. It's informative, I read it, that's it.


And now we get to the Introduction proper. Here, we find the usual suspects, such as an explanation of what roleplaying games are, and how they are played in a general sense. The roles of player and GM are clarified. But we also get another(of many) reminders that Zweihander has no implied setting (nudge, nudge, wink, wink), and can be set in any gritty, low-fantasy world you choose. There is also another (of many) reminders that Zweihander isn't about beautiful, golden-maned heroes and heroines. No, it's about cynical, hardened people who have done terrible things. People in sweat- and blood-stained finery. Dangerous people, with greasy hair, dirty fingernails, stained teeth and stinky butts.

There follow admonitions to have fun above all, and to navigate the game not only by rolling dice, but by breathing life into your character through your performance of the role. Good stuff all around, even if we've read it all before.

Then comes one of the most hilariously misunderstood passages in the book: a section about "Gender Neutrality". I have seen people post in various places about shutting the book right here, vowing never to play the game. But, if you actually read this paragraph it says that in the examples throughout the book, male characters will be referenced as "he", female characters will be referenced as "she", and characters whose gender has not been stated will be referred to as "they". Uh, yeah. Don't get me wrong, it's obvious that throughout the text that Zweihander is attempting to be inclusive. But I just don't get the hysteria about this particular passage (well, okay, I don't get the hysteria about any of it, but whatevs).

We are again reminded of the lack of implied setting, but told that there are definitely implied "thematic elements". They don't list these elements, but I get the feeling they're referring to violence, cynicism, treachery, evil, corruption and similar "grimdark" stuff. The reader is then encouraged to consider what type of game they specifically wish to play. Several examples are given, outlining some of the different types of adventures one might have using these rules.


This chapter, all of 9 pages long (not complaining, just relieved) outlines the core Mechanic of Zweihander. But first, we are treated to another picture of the author, and his (I'm assuming real-life) friends playing, I dunno, probably Runequest or something, while over their heads, there is a depiction of the in-game action that is unfolding

The basis of most action in Zweihander is the Skill Test. Characters have Skills, each one related to a Primary Attribute (Combat, Brawn, Agility, etc.). When using a skill, you determine your Base Chance by taking that Skill score (a percentile number) adding Attribute Bonuses and Bonuses conferred by Skill Ranks, these latter in increments of ten percent. Then, take any applicable penalties from your Peril Condition Track, which is a measure of how shaken your character is by their current struggles.There may then be other bonuses from Talents and/or Traits (any of these terms that are unfamiliar will be explained in the next chapter). The total of all bonuses or penalties may never be greater than +30%, or less that -30%. Any excess in either direction is ignored. A further modifier is applied by the GM, called the Difficulty Rating. here are seven possible modifiers, in increments of ten percent, from "Arduous" at -30% to "Trivial" at +30%. After all of these calculations are made, the player rolls percentile dice, hoping to roll [/i]under[/b] their Total Chance For Success. But the order of all this, as I understand it, is as follows:

-Player announces intention. They are now committed.

-GM announces Difficulty Rating. Player is still committed, regardless of the odds. There may be haggling, pleading and the like over the Difficulty Rating, but there is no backing out once the intended action of the player has been stated.

-Ya rolls the dice and ya takes yer chances.

So, a roll-under percentile-based system, got it. Not terribly innovative in and of itself, but tried and true. However, Zweihander has a few tricks up its sleeve.

There are Critical Successes and Failures, which occur when the percentile dice both show the same number. So, if your Total Chance For Success is 62%, and you roll a 55, that's a Critical Success, as is a 33 or 11. If you had rolled a 77 or 99, that would be a Critical Failure. Also, a 1 is always a Critical Success, and a 100 is always a Critical Failure. This seems fun to me, and has a neat internal logic. If you have greater Skill, you are more likely to achieve amazing things. Lesser skill levels are more likely to experience crushing failure. Again, I don't know if this specific part is descended from WFRP or not, but I like the idea.

It is noted that some mundane skills and actions will automatically be successful. There are guidelines for Skill Tests that may take longer. Similarly, there are situations in which taking extra time can increase your Chance of Success. There are suggestions for using one skill to assist another of your skills, for a single 10% bonus, called Skill Synergy.

The rule for Assisted Tests is next. One character can Assist another, while doing nothing else. This allows the player rolling a Skill Test to roll and "Assist Die", or extra "tens" die when making their roll. They must take the lower "tens" die, unless it would result in a Critical Failure (if I'm reading that right). In other words, "assume the best result".

Opposed Tests are handled thusly: Two characters make the appropriate Skill Test roll. This need not be the same Skill for both characters, depending on what is being done by each. For example, to characters may engage in a tug of war, both using Athletics. Or, one character may be attempting to sneak (using the Stealth Skill) past another (using the Awareness Skill). In these cases, a character can prevail by both succeeding at their Skill Test, and generating Degrees of Success equal to their tens die, read as a d10, to the Primary Attribute Bonus. The player with the highest Degree of Success wins. Players who fail the Skill Test generate no degrees of success. Such a contest may be instantaneous (i.e., a single test). Alternately, it may require a certain number of tests be performed, and the total Degrees of Success accrued by each player compared. The GM may also assign a Target Number of Degrees, granting success to the first character to achieve that many Degrees.

Tests may be kept secret, for situations in which the GM is aware of Things The Players Are Not Meant To Know.

Another twist on the die-rolling mechanic is the "Flip". Certain circumstances msy cause you to "Flip To Succeed" or "Flip to Fail". Which means that after rolling, you will "Flip" the tens and ones dice to generate a different result. You will then accept whichever result is better or worse, depending on what kind of "Flip" you are doing. Certain Abilities will allow you to "Flip to Succeed", and attempting a Test in some - but not all- Skills in which you have no Skill Ranks, will cause a "Flip to Fail".

I am not normally a huge fan of games that use "universal mechanics". But I do enjoy a game that uses a single type of roll, and varies the way in which the result is read, interpreted or applied in order to allow for a variety of outcomes (like Task Force Games' original Prime Directive - if you haven't checked it out, you REALLY should). Zweihander seems like such a game.

Moving away from the percentile rolls, the book now discusses the two types of 6-sided dice that are rolled in the game. These are Fury Dice and Chaos Dice. The Fury Die is rolled when dealing damage, and "explodes" upon rolling a 6. The Chaos Die is assigned by the GM during certain situations, and deals some ill circumstance to the player when a 6 is rolled, either immediately or at some later date.

Finally, Zweihander uses a "Fortune Pool", a kind of in-game currency. Not everybody digs this kind of thing. Me, I usually just forget to use it. But there is a twist here. At the beginning of each session, the GM places tokens on the table. 1 for each player, plus 1 extra. These represent Fortune Points, which can be used freely by any player to:

-Re-roll a failed Skill Test (unless it's a Critical Failure)

-Gain an additional Action Point (to be explained later) on their turn

-Cause a Fury or Chaos Die to be read as a 6

However, every time a player spends a Fortune Point, they hand the token to the GM, who now has a "Misfortune Point", that can be used to do the same things listed above, but for NPCs under GM control.

Catching a couple of minor typos and grammatical errors. My general take on that is, if it doesn't interfere with playability (and so far, it doesn't look like it does), I'm not really bothered. But, some people might be. Especially in such a fervently-hyped premium book, which goes for between $40 and $60, depending.

Alright, that's it for now. I'll continue this as soon as I can.


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Some Dude

Didn't this just come out last year?

The original, Kickstarted edition came out in 2017, I believe. I think there was a second printing. This is for the Revised Edition, which came out in July of this year. It's essentially a third printing, but as I understand it there have been some revisions. I don't have the previous editions, so I can't really speak to their content, I'm afraid.

Some Dude


Previously, we looked under Zweihander's hood, and saw a sturdy and reliable set of old-school D100 mechanics, augmented by several very modern and fun tweaks. I like a mix of old and new design elements, and that is definitely what we get here.

Now that we understand the core of the rules, it's time to find out what most of the terms we used in the last chapter mean. I'm used to rulebooks that address character creation first, then explain what all of the various bits mean in game terms. Zweihander does the opposite. It feels a little counter-intuitive, but that's probably just me chafing against years of habit.

So now, I am going to learn how to make a Zweihander character, and I will make one as I go!

This chapter opens with a clever full-page illustration, depicting a lineup of five very different types of individuals one might expect to encounter in the game world. Each casts a shadow that reveals each one's hidden self. It's very effective, and seems to be making a point about Zweihander characters in general: each one is deeper than mere class or alignment. Characters in Zweihander are often complicated or somehow conflicted. At least that's what I get out of it.

Before we start rolling dice and making choices, however, Zweihander gives us several more "rules of the road", or axioms about the "grim & perilous" world that the characters will live and die in. Paraphrasing here, but it's basically a lot of stuff that boils down to:

-You are fated for something. What that is exactly will probably be determined over the course of a campaign, but you may know some of it already.

-There is no escaping violence.

-Bigotry (note: this does not necessarily mean racism) and ignorance are everywhere.

-Religion rules all. "Ever heard the saying, "There are no atheists in a foxhole"? Well, the world of Zweihander is one big foxhole, where you will spend the rest of your life closer to death than you'd like.

-True medicine, like all scientific knowledge, is the occult study of this world, understood by few, derided by many, and overrun with fakes and con artists.

-Magick exists, and is not to be trusted. Nor are its practitioners.

-Here there be monsters.

-There exists a great, dark force that works to corrupt all.

Zweihander seems to be a game about finding light in the darkness, though it may be fleeting and dim. And this preamble to the Character creation process serves as a reminder that, when played properly, this will be a game of hard choices and uncertain morality. I'm in!

A sidebar tells us we are going to need a pencil, three ten-sided dice, and a character sheet. Check, check and check.

The process has nine steps, starting with:

Step 1: Begin Basic Tier

Zweihander has 3 "Tiers", or levels of Character competence, kind of like levels. You start at Basic Tier, and there are certain criteria that must be fulfilled before moving to Intermediate Tier, and again before moving to Advanced Tier.

Step 2: Primary Attributes

There are seven Primary Attributes: Combat, Brawn, Agility, Perception, Intelligence, Willpower, and Fellowship. These are all pretty self-explanatory, except perhaps for Fellowship (spoiler: it's charisma). I have decided that my Character will be named Gühm Kiener, and roll these attributes by adding 25 to 3D10. So, Gühm's Primary Attributes are, in he order listed above:

Combat 45

Brawn 32

Agility 50

Perception 47

Intelligence 40

Willpower 42

Fellowship 37

Now, each Primary Attribute has a Primary Attribute Bonus, which is equal to the Primary Attribute divided by ten, fractions always rounded down. The bonuses were actually discussed before the Primary Attributes themselves, which I also found counter-intuitive, if easy enough to figure out. So, Gühm's Primary Attributes, with the attendant Primary Attribute Bonuses now listed, are:

Combat 45 [4]

Brawn 42 [4]

Agility 50 [5]

Perception 47 [4]

Intelligence 40 [4]

Willpower 42 [4]

Fellowship 37 [3]

Primary Attributes, as well as their bonuses, may change during Character Creation. And the Bonuses may change independent of their respective Attributes. You may also raise any one Attribute to 42, if it is less than that number. So, Gühm's Fellowship is now 42. I am not clear whether this change affects the Attribute Bonus. Perhaps this is made clear in the rules, but I don't see it.

Step 3: Sex & Ancestry

Next we will determine our character's Ancestry, or Race, and Sex. The default Ancestry is human, though there are Dwarves, Gnomes, Elves, Halflings and Ogres. If non-human races are allowed in the campaign, there is a percentile table that yields a 20% chance of being any one of those listed. Zweihander loves random tables. Personally, so do I. That wasn't always the case, but these days I appreciate some randomness, as it usually sparks my imagination in ways I may not have come up with myself. Just a matter of personal taste, I guess.

There used to be a table for determining gender, but I think some people objected, and it was removed. Which leads us to this:

Cool. Again, if you get upset about this, you're looking for a reason to be outraged. It has no mechanical bearing on the game. It does, however, say "Whoever you are, you can enjoy Zweihander." Awesome.

Having determined our Ancestry, we now go to the Ancestral Modifiers and Traits. You see, in Zweihander, as in life, there is great variety, even within a single race or culture. Not all Elves are able to see in the dark. Not all Dwarves are prodigious drinkers. First, each Ancestry has Ancestral Modifiers, which raise some Attribute Bonuses, and lower others.

Gühm, like all Humans, will add 1 each to his bonuses for Combat, Intelligence, and Perception. He will aslo subtract 1 each from his bonuses for Agility, Fellowship and Willpower. His Attributes and Bonuses now look like this:

Combat 45 [5]

Brawn 32 [3]

Agility 50 [4]

Perception 47 [5]

Intelligence 40 [5]

Willpower 42 [3]

Fellowship 42 [3]

Next, you roll for 1 Ancestral Trait. Remember when I said that not all elves can see in the dark? That's because it's an Ancestral Trait. Each race has 12 possible traits, and each character rolls randomly for 1. Some Human traits (and their effects) include:

-Dauntless (immune to Intimidate, cannot be Stunned or Knocked Out)

-Danger Sense (spend a Fortune point to avoid being Surprised)

There are many more, each quite varied in description and affect. As might be expected, the non-human Traits are often more outlandish than those for Humans.

Gühm ends up with Natural Selection, which allows him to permanently raise any one Attribute to 55. I decide to raise Gühm's Brawn score. Again, I am unsure whether or not this change to the Attribute score affects the Attribute Bonus, so I'm leaving it as is for now. So, on paper, Gühm looks like this:

Combat 45 [5]

Brawn 55 [3]

Agility 50 [4]

Perception 47 [5]

Intelligence 40 [5]

Willpower 42 [3]

Fellowship 42 [3]

Step 4: Archetype & Profession

To me, this reads kind of like "Class" and "Subclass", but I find it much more appealing. One of the reasons I never really had much interest in later iterations of D&D was the proliferation of subclasses, and the rules bloat that happened as a result. I might be a close-minded curmudgeon, but I never really saw the appeal of buying "the Complete Fighter", or similar books. I don't want to buy, let alone read, a whole new rulebook just to play one class of Character. Again, that's just my preference. I greatly prefer Zweihander's approach here: a group of Archetypes and related Professions, offering a lot of variety without all the fiddly BS, game-breaking power creep or new, off-the-wall abilities that mean that, as a GM, you have to read every goddamn book your players read in order to keep up. That's why I never really cared for a lot of the Classic Traveller books like High Guard, or the aforementioned D&D splatbooks. Keep it simple. It's possible to achieve variety while maintaining an elegant simplicity, and Zweihander gets this.

Here we are presented with 6 broad Archetypes (roll for one), each one having 12 possible Professions (again, one is selected at random). Some Archetypes (and their Professions) include:

-Academic (Apothecary, Astrologer, Monk, Scribe)

-Commoner (Barber Surgeon, Boatman, Peasant, Rat Catcher)

-Warrior (Berserker, Man-at-Arms, Pit Fighter, Pugilist)

Your Archetype determines, in a broad way, what your career path has been so far. It also determines what much of your starting equipment, including weapons, is ("Trappings" in the game's parlance). Your Profession determines what path you must take to advance to the Intermediate Tier. Each Profession has a list of Skills, Bonus Advances, and Talents that must be purchased before the character can advance to the next Tier. There are also Special Traits that are unique to each Profession. But for now, we get the tables to roll our Archetype and Profession. Archetypes are defined here, but Professions will be discussed later.

This seems an odd choice to me, as the two are unarguably connected. Perhaps I am being persnickety, maybe I'm just a creature of habit, or maybe I'm just not that bright. But I like my gaming rules to be laid out in a very linear fashion, and please, explain it like I'm five. If it seems as though I'm picking on the game, I'm not. I like what I see so far. I'm just not too keen on the manner in which the information is given. It's jumping around like Pulp Fiction ovah heah! Okay, it's not that bad. Don't get me wrong, I'm figuring it out, but I wish it was more of a "one step follows the other" type of thing.

But, enough about that, Gühm is going to be of the Socialite Archetype. These are individuals who move about society using the gift of gab, manipulation and outright lies to get close to those with power. Another roll, and Gühm's Profession is Courtier. I like this combination, and see great possibilities here.

Gühm's starting Trappings, as determined by his Archetype, are:

Okay, It's getting late. I'm gonna have to finish Character Creation another time. Stay tuned!

Some Dude


Combat 45 [5]

Brawn 55 [5]

Agility 50 [4]

Perception 47 [5]

Intelligence 40 [5]

Willpower 42 [3]

Fellowship 42 [3]

I haven't gotten too deep into this, but so far, I like what I see.

After a search, I see that a couple of reviewers have keyed on the same organizational issues I did. Not trying to beat a dead horse, and I don't think it makes Zweihander a bad game. But it lets me know I'm not entirely nuts/stupid. As for one of the organiztional "quirks", I can kind of see why they put the descriptions of Professions in the chapter after Character Creation. There are a lot of them. As I mentioned previously, each Archetype has 12 Professions, and there are "Expert Professions" , which bring the total to well over 100. That's a lot of variety, and, as I said earlier, it's all been done without tacking on a bunch of unbalanced and potentially un-playtested stuff to existing classes. Which brings me to my next point of comparison...

The sheer volume of different Professions reminds me of the "Archetypes" in Talislanta (Talislanta uses the term Archetype in much the same way Zweihander uses the term Profession).The two games have little to no technical similarity. But there are a similarly high number of character types you can play. Like Zweihander, none is too specialized, but insteada few unique features and abilities (along with several more common ones), which, along with the implied background, get you off to a good running start.

Some people might find this approach limiting, as both Talislanta's pre-generated "Archetypes" and Zweihander's Professions could find you playing a character with features you may not have selected for yourself. In Talislanta, it's because youre basically picking from a list of pre-gens. In Zweihander, It's because you're randomly generating your character. But to me they are similar, in that both start you off with a good foundation in both the mechanical and dramatic (the rest of the chapter on Character Creation has a lot of stuff that is heavily geared towards roleplay.

And, not being strictly class-based, that is to say, having a list of skills that are (mostly) commonly available to all characters, means that characters aren't "gimped" like D&D characters can be. You know, mages gonna mage, fighters gonna fight, and ne'er the twain shall meet. Now, I know that's an oversimplification of D&D, probably moreso of its newer editions, but there is a real wealth of options here.

I'm also comparing Zweihander to Talislanta because in both games, most of the options for Archetype/Profession fall outside of the realm of bog-standard fantasy tropes.

So, very cool stuff so far.

And what a damn big book. When the author sent my copy, he sent some bookmarks, and I'm glad he did (though there is one ribbon-style bookmark attached to the book already.

That's all I have for now.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
This feels rather prmotional, especially since it was copy/pasted at more than one site (RPGnet, The Piazza, at a quick glance). I'll slip it over to the Promotions forum for you. :)

Some Dude

This feels rather prmotional, especially since it was copy/pasted at more than one site (RPGnet, The Piazza, at a quick glance). I'll slip it over to the Promotions forum for you. :)

Sure thing, I'm not trying to break any rules, here. I wrote this, and have posted it to multiple sites. What will not be copy/pasted, howver, are my replies. This is very much a live thread, I am monitoring it, and will respond to any queries or comments in real time. Thank you for placing this in the appropriate forum.

Some Dude


Let's see, where was I? Oh, yes, I had just determined Gühm's Archetype (Socialite) and Profession (Courtier). So, I'm already beginning to get a sense of Gühm as a character, based on that alone. One thing I love about random chargen, it can act as a springboard for your own ideas.

Remember, Gühm had his choice of three weapons: throwing knives, walking cane, or rapier. I'm taking rapier, because it seems like the best fit (and the best weapon).

After a brief section on "Molding Your Profession", which basically cites the game's variety, and encourages players to "think outside the white box", so to speak. In other words, to embrace the random elements of the Character creation process, and use these elements to give your character a more interesting story. Then, it's on to

Step 5: Secondary Attributes

This section helps us flesh out our character, both mechanically and dramatically.

Mechanically, we are going to use Primary Attribute Bonuses to calculate Gühm's capacity to:

-Withstand mental strain and fatigue (Peril Threshold)

-Withstand physical injury (Damage Threshold)

-Carry weight (Encumbrance Limit)

-Act quickly during combat (Initiative)

-Move during combat (Movement)

The book says that these are largely going to be "in-combat statistics". These are determined either by adding an Attribute Bonus to another number. In the case of Peril Threshold, Encumbrance Limit, Initiative and Movement, you add 3 to the relevant Bonus as follows:

-Peril Threshold = 3 + [Willpower Bonus]

-Damage Threshold = [Brawn Bonus] + Modifiers from Armor, or certain Skills or Traits

-Encumbrance Limit = 3 + [Brawn Bonus]

-Initiative = 3 + [Perception Bonus]

-Movement = 3 + [Agility Bonus]

In the case of your Peril and Damage Thresholds, the initial scores are then extrapolated by adding 6, 12 and 18 to the base Threshold, to form a "Track" for each attribute. If Gühm moves further down either track, by accumulating Damage or Peril, well, things either get more difficult (Peril) for him, or more deadly (Damage). So it looks like we are not dealing with a "hit point" type of damage system here. Interesting.

The Encumbrance system seems to be one of abstraction, or "points", rather than a careful tally of weights. Which means I'd be inclined to use it, unlike most such rules. For every point you go over your encumbrance limit, you suffer a -1 to your Initiative and Movement. And you're not allowed to carry enough to reduce your Initiative or your Movement to 0. Simple. Sensible. I like it.

These are just guesses, but all of the systems that these Secondary Attributes use are going to be explained later. "You can learn more about [GAME CONCEPT OR SYSTEM] in Chapter [NUMBER]" is a common phrase in this book so far.

Step 6: Background

This is where your Character really begins to become a denizen of the Grim & Perilous world of Zweihander. What follows is a randomly determined bunch of personal data, everything from Social Status to Height, Weight and Eye Color, that is designed to fully detail your character, both inside and out. In case I've forgotten to mention it, every random table in this game requires a percentile roll. I'm not gonna bother giving numbers, just results. This stuff coming up, from what I can tell, is largely focused on roleplaying rather than mechanics (though there may be some overlap). Can't wait to see where this goes!

First, I roll Gühm's Season of Birth, and I get Summer. The book says that means Gühm may be "fiery and passionate". Helloooooo, ladies!

Next, you roll your "Dooming". Strictly a roleplaying tool, designed to reflect the superstition of the world of Zweihander. Apparently, kids get a kind of fortune telling at ten years old, that is singularly focused on how they will die. Each Season of Borth has its own table of Doomings. Gühm gets:

"Your embers shall smolder". I decide that he fears fire as a result, and believes that his end will be in flames.

Now, we roll my general Age Group. There are four categories: Young, Adult, Middle Aged, and Elderly. These have no mechanical bearing on the game. If you are Elderly, and strong, it is assumed that you used to be stronger. However, the older you get, the more distinguishing marks you have. These can be anything from Almond Shaped Eyes, to Ashy Elbows, to Bad Breath or a False Finger. Gühm gets: Sunken Eyes. Trust me, it could be worse.

Next, we roll Complexion, Build Type, Hair Color and Eye Color. I come up with Pale, Husky, Red and Pale Green. Thank the Gods for "Husky" Build (a randomly generated 6', 240 lbs.), it's the only thing keeping our Sunken-Eyed, Pale friend from looking like a ginger speed freak.

for Upbringing, Gühm gets "Reverent", meaning he was raised in a religious home, or perhaps some other environment where he was exposed to dogma. Each Upbringing has a Favored Primary Attribute, and Gühm's is Willpower. This means he spends fewer Reward points (Zweihander's XP) on Willpower-related Skills.

Next, I roll Gühm's Social Status, and get Lowborn. This is primarily a means of determining his starting cash. In this case, it's 21 brass pennies. There is a LOT of flavor text here. I'm not gonna reproduce it. But if you need a healthy dose of atmosphere and brief examples with any of this stuff, Zweihander has you covered. Some have complained about it's verbosity. I don't mind so far, but "so far" is till not too far, we'll see how it goes. Better too much detail than not enough, I usually say. Usually.

A character's starting Languages are, well, one, their native one. After that, others can be learned, or bought with Reward Points. Interestingly, Language learning in this game is based on your Fellowship score. The rationale bening that you have to learn the language from those who speak it. A unique conceit.

Next, there are optional Drawbacks. Well, usually optional. Some Professions have built-in Drawbacks. If you choose to take one voluntarily (and only if you choose), you get an Additional Fate Point. Fate Points will, of course, be explained later. I took one because I didn't get at first that they were voluntary. Looks like Gühm has a Choleric Temperament! Which means:

Corruption will be - you guessed it - covered later in the book.

Now, about those Fate Points. Everyone starts with 1, though Gühm now has 2, thanks to taking a Drawback. Looks like these work to help a character avoid injury or worse. Again, we are promised that this will all be explained later. Jeez, this book talks to me like I talk to my kid. "You'll understand when you're older, now beat it."

Step 7: Alignment

This one is a trip. Each character has an Order Alignment, and a Chaos Alignment. These come in pairs, with each Order Alignment having a counterpart among the Chaos Alignments. Alternately, you can roll separately for Order and Chaos Alignments, which is what I chose. I got:

Order: Impiety. From the book:

Chaos: Hatred

Now, given Gühm's upbringing, I find this interesting. I decide that he has become disillusioned by the Gods. Of course they exist, but he knows that they are no less capricious or petty than men, and perhaps more so, as there is none to curb their impulses! He hates that powers greater than man exist, and that man is powerless to resist their machinations. He is disainful of Religion, which he sees as akin to being happy in slavery. Anyway, you see how these rolls can begin to suggest a story, and I suppose that's the point.

Next comes the concept of Order and Chaos Ranks. Actions in Zweihander have consequences. And, even if you do a bad thing for a good reason, it's going to leave a mark on your soul. Every character has Order and Chaos Ranks, which can increase with each session. Acting in a manner consistent with your Alignments is likely to earn you Ranks in one or the other. this is Primarily achieved by tracking a temporary value called Corruption. You gain corruption by doing bad things, even if you had no choice, or you do them in the service of the greater good. Corruption becomes Order and Chaos Ranks thusly:

A neat idea, kind of a dual advancement path. One mechanic tracks your experience, and one your spiritual condition.

This chapter closes with a deeper explanation of Order and Chaos, and the struggle between them.

Players are then encouraged to pick a fitting (i.e., not silly) name for their character. Apropos of nothing, I once annoyed a DM by insisting, over his objections, on playing a Paladin named Nigel Clitorius. He got his revenge by having every NPC make fun of the name, which resulted in several pointless fights over affronts to Nigel's honor. I regret nothing.

Lastly, we are awarded 1000 Reward Points with which to purchase initial Skills (this is Step 9: Build Your Profession). This is done with the aid of the next chapter,Chapter 4.

Final thoughts: Character generation is fun and inspiring. Several interesting systems (and/or subsystems) are hinted at, and I look forward to seeing more of the game's mechanics. Some have comlained that there are too many subsystems in Zwehander, but I am reserving judgement. Subsystems are definitely "old school" in my book, but their application in Zweihander seems more modern (the "Flip" mechanic, for example), and I like that mix. But, again, the organization leaves a bit to be desired. So far, though, this is pretty cool stuff overall.


P.S. I hope this is all coming out coherent and not too boring. This book is a beast. This section will be a bit of a deeper dive than some, due to my actually making a character. Certain sections, like the upcoming sections on Professions and Skills, will be more of an overview.

Some Dude

Note: there are 25 Order Alignments, and 25 Chaos Alignmments. These offer a lot of roleplaying possibilities, and have gone a good way towards giving me an idea of how I would play Gühm. A man who despises the Gods, though he has sense enough to fear them (Impiety), and who also feels contempt for a humanity that seems largely ignorant of the gods' true and execrable nature (Hatred). This fits with his Profession, in that he is a gossipy manipulator who often depends on the support of his betters, and who resents them (and, more deeply, himself) as a result. His true face is seen by few, save in his moments of unrestrained anger, when the mask slips.

Some Alignment pairs include Independence & Rebellion, Heroism & Martyrdom and Skepticism & Cynicism. I can definitely see the appeal of playing Alignments as a pair, two sides of the same coin.

Now, I do have some more work to do on Gühm, namely dialing in his Profession and Skills. But, as I said these are to be outlined in subsequent chapters. So, it's comin'.

As for the verbosity of the text, it reminds me of an interview with a documentarian (Jacob Young, if anyone cares), where he said that he hadn't edited one of his films enough (Dancin' Outlaw, if anyone cares, RIP Jesco White), because he was too close to it. In fact, the subject of the doco had come close to violently assaulting him on more than one occasion, and he felt that he had literally risked his life for some of that footage. It seems like maybe there is some of that going on here as well. It's obvious that this game was developed over a period of years, played and playtested by many, yes, but I'm guessing there was a constant core of individuals familiar to each other who shared in the evolution of this game. Who shared the same jokes and experiences. When the time came to make this into a commercial product, they were probably reluctant to let go of a lot of it. But, that's just my guess, I don't presume to know what any of the people involved in Zweihänder's creation were or are thinking.

As I have stated previously, overall the sheer wordiness of it all doesn't really bug me. Plus, much of it is evocative. It's there if you need or want it, skip it if you don't.

I'm probably coming off a little long-winded here as well. But, there's a lot of ground to cover here. And if something comes to me between Chapter read-throughs, I want to get it down before I forget it. So, bear with me, y'all.

Some Dude

Zweihander has just been released in an optimized phone format, which is free for a limited time, along with the Revised Core Rulebook... download and spread the word!

I will post more of this read-through later tonight.
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