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(Recruiting) Kiss of Darkness--Adventure in my Homebrew Setting


First Post
Given how amazingly active this recruitment thread already is, I should probably just let it go, but I noticed this bit while perusing it:

Rystil Arden said:
Sundaria has been in a period of peace for some time now. The last majour incident, but one that would date your character to at least his late 30s, was not really a war but was still big enough that pretty much everyone that age remembers: A powerful evil cult with demonic (as well as demonically-altered animals) and undead minions attempted to overthrow Sundaria 20 years ago, but they were put down by a concerted effort of Sundarian forces, the kingdom's allies, and a team of heroes of various races, including a Priestess of Yondalla, and Elven Wizard, who were killed in the fight, and a Dwarven Fighter who lost his sword arm and retired.

Sparked a concept for me, and for a class I haven't played, even. Titus was born in the hard times of a town especially hard-hit by the last takeover (perhaps it was one of the initial foothold areas?). In any case, his was the first birth free of the tyrrany, and he and the other children born since have all undergone intensive training programs instituted by the town elders to fight off such a force if they ever come back.

Problem is, there's been no one to fight except training dummies and each other, leading to an unruly bunch of teens / young adult able fighters causing a rather lot of havok in the town themselves in a bid to ease the boredom and frustration.

Basically, then, he's a frustrated Ranger (trained for a favored enemy, though I'm debating which one), itching for a fight where there is none. I've initialized an account here

I've been playing PbP here on EnWorld for five or six months. I post pretty consistently (usually more than once a day, less on weekends). I'm in one of Nonlethal's games if you want someone to vouch (at least, I think he'd vouch for me ;) ).

Okay. That's it for now.


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First Post

Male Human Monk 1st[SBLOCK=BLUNT]
[b]Name:[/b] Blunt
[b]Class:[/b] Monk (Passive Way Style)
[b]Race:[/b] Human
[b]Size:[/b] Medium
[b]Gender:[/b] Male
[b]Alignment:[/b] Lawful Neutral
[b]Deity:[/b] ???
[b]Str:[/b] 18 +4 	 [b]Level:[/b] 1[b]		  XP:[/b] nil
[b]Dex:[/b] 17 +3 [b]	 BAB:[/b] +0		  [b]HP:[/b] 10 (1d8+2)
[b]Con:[/b] 14 +2 	 [b]Grapple:[/b] +4[b]		  Dmg Red:[/b] nil
[b]Int:[/b] 11 +0 [b]	 Speed:[/b] 30ft		  [b]Spell Res:[/b] nil
[b]Wis:[/b] 15 +2 [b]	 Init:[/b] +3[b]		  Spell Save:[/b] n/a
[b]Cha:[/b] 11 +0 	 [b]ACP:[/b] -0[b]		  Spell Fail:[/b] 0%
[b]          Base   Armor   Shld   Dex   Size   Nat   Misc   Total[/b]
[b]Armor:[/b]	  10	   	        +3    +0     +2	   +0	  15
[b]Touch:[/b] 15[b]	 Flatfooted:[/b] 12
		[b]Base   Mod  Misc  Total[/b]
[b]Fort:[/b]		2      +2	  +4
[b]Ref:[/b]		2      +3	  +5
[b]Will:[/b]		2      +2         +4
[b]Weapon          Attack Damage      Critical[/b]

Unarmed Strike     +4   1d6+4       20/x2
Flurry of Blows  +2/+2  1d6+4       20/x2
Quarterstaff       +4   1d6+6       20/x2
Kama               +4   1d6+4       20/x2
Bolas (10ft)       -1   1d4+4       20/x2 Ranged touch attack for trip attack
Shuriken (10ft)    +3   1d2+4       20/x2
Sling (50ft)       +3   1d4+4       20/x2

[b]Languages:[/b] Common
[b]Abilities:[/b] Favored class: any.
[b]Feats:[/b] Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Power Attack.
[b]Skill Points:[/b] 20	   [b]Max Ranks:[/b] 4/2
[b]Skills	             Ranks  Mod  Misc  Total[/b]
Balance                4     +3         +7
Bluff (cc)             0          +2    +2
Climb                  3     +4         +7
Jump                   4     +4         +8
Knowledge (religion)   1     +2         +3
Listen                 2     +2         +4
Spot                   2     +2         +4
Tumble                 4     +3         +7
[b]Equipment:			   Cost  Weight[/b]

2 gp, 3sp
Quarterstaff                         -      4
Kama (2)                             4      4
Bolas                                5      2
Shuriken (20)                        4      2
Sling                                -      -
Sling Bullets (10)                 0.1      5

Backpack                             2      2
Bedroll                            0.1      5
Blanket, winter                    0.5      3
Flint and steel                      1      -
Waterskin                            1      4
			 [b]Lgt   Med   Hvy    Lift  Push[/b]
[b]Max Weight:[/b]		 100 101-200 201-300 300  1500
[b]Age:[/b] 23
[b]Height:[/b] 5'10"
[b]Weight:[/b] 205lbs
[b]Eyes:[/b] brown
[b]Hair:[/b] black - but shaved smooth
[b]Skin:[/b] dark with some tattoos
Appearance: Blunt is reasonably tall, and heavily set. His wide, round head, shaved most of the time, is a fairly intimidating sight on first glance. But his bare muscled arms and several black tattoos only enhance the sheer physical presence of this individual. The heavily tanned skin is only partially covered by a leather vest and loose brown linen pants. On his feet are a pair of worn leather sandals. Numerous exotic weapons hang from a belt. On his back is a light backpack and in his hand is a quarterstaff constructed of some dark wood.

Background: Blunt, not his original name, is a reluctant adventurer. His background is familiar to many who were raised on a farm. Unfortunately, being the youngest of four sons, when times were tough, he was the first to go as he was not yet old enough to work the farm. His parents were lucky in that they were able to secure him a place in a monastery known for its discipline, which was a good thing for a wayward young child. While he adapted well to the physical training regime and strict discipline of the monks, he wasn't beyond the occasional altercation with fellow students who thought they could best him - being the new boy for a time.

It was during these early years that his name was given to him by his masters - Blunt by nature, then Blunt by name. It was his attitude and behaviour that resulted in his name that also lead him to the adventuring life. An altercation with one of the more domineering students resulted in serious injury after Blunt got the better of him. As a result, the monastery masters imposed one of their harsher penalties in expelling him for a year; at which point he is free to return.

Blunt has only recently left the monastery, and is still struggling with the change in daily regime and how to cope.[/SBLOCK]
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First Post
Tyren Human Ftr 1

Human Fighter 1
Hit Points: 11 (1d10 + 1)
Alignment: Neutral Good
Speed: Walk 30 ft.
Languages: Common, Elven, Halfling

Stat Score Mod
STR 18 (+4)
DEX 12 (+1)
CON 12 (+1)
INT 15 (+2)
WIS 12 (+1)
CHA 12 (+1)

-------------------------- Combat --------------------------
AC: 16 (+1 Dex, +5 Armor) Touch 11, FF 15
Initiative: +1
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +1, Will +1
Guisarme +5 melee (2d4+6 S 20/x3) OR
Dagger +5 melee (1d4+4 P 19-20/x2) OR
Javelin +2 ranged (1d6+4 20/x2), range inc 30 ft
Full Attack same as above

-------------------------- Skills --------------------------
Skill                   Total   Rnk     Stat    Msc
Appraise                 2        0.0      2        0
Balance                  0        0.0      1        -1
Bluff                    1        0.0      1        0
Climb                    7        4.0      4        -1
Concentration            1        0.0      1        0
Craft (Calligraphy)      6        4.0      2        0
Craft (Untrained)        2        0.0      2        0
Diplomacy                1        0.0      1        0
Disguise                 1        0.0      1        0
Escape Artist            0        0.0      1        -1
Forgery                  2        0.0      2        0
Gather Information       1        0.0      1        0
Handle Animal            5        4.0      1        0
Heal                     1        0.0      1        0
Hide                     0        0.0      1        -1
Intimidate               1        0.0      1        0
Jump                     7        4.0      4        -1
Listen                   1        0.0      1        0
Move Silently            0        0.0      1        -1
Ride                     5        4.0      1        0
Search                   2        0.0      2        0
Sense Motive             1        0.0      1        0
Spot                     1        0.0      1        0
Survival                 1        0.0      1        0
Swim                     2        0.0      4        -2
Use Rope                 1        0.0      1        0

-------------------------- Feats ---------------------------
Combat Expertise
Improved Trip
Stand Still (psionics SRD, but not really a psionic feat)

------------------------- Equipment ------------------------
Name                                            QTY	LBS
Outfit (Traveler's)                              1	5lbs
Chain Mail                                        1	20lbs
Backpack (25 lbs.)
   Blanket (Winter)                              1	3lbs
   Ink (1 Oz. Vial)                              1	0lbs
   Inkpen                                        1	0lbs
   Sealing Wax                                 1      1lbs
   Calligraphy supplies                       1     5 lbs
   Parchment (Sheet)                             10	0lbs
   Rations (Trail/Per Day)                       10	10lbs
   Torch                                         10	10lbs
   Chalk                                         5	0lbs
   Flint and Steel                               1	0lbs
Case (Map or Scroll) (0.5 lbs.)

Javelin                                           5      10 lbs
Guisarme                                        1      12 lbs
Total weight caried: 50 lbs.
Current load:        Light

Cash: 44 GP in various denominations
------------------------ Description -----------------------
Height: 5' 11" Weight: 205 lbs. Gender: Male
Eyes: Brown Hair: Brown, Short
Dominant Hand: Right


Tyren is the youngest son of a large farming family. While his older brothers and sisters seemed content to replay their parents' lives, Tyren longed for something more. As he grew up, hard farm work and natural gifts combined to make him the strongest young man in the village (and for many miles around). But this only added to Tyren's disconent as nobody seemed to take him seriously when he tried to discuss the issues of the day. Eventually he siezed the opportunity to study in a local temple during the winter when there was less to do on the farm. While the religious instruction didn't do much for him, he was fascinated with the illuminated manuscripts produced by those who worked in the scriptorium. He apprenticed himself there and was well on his way to the scholarly life he craved when disaster struck. A fire swept through the church, razing it and several surrounding buildings to the ground. Most of the village was spared, but the priest in charge of the church had to concentrate his efforts on re-building and getting the basics done. There would be no scriptorium for several years.
Tyren decided it was time to leave, and bidding his family and friend a fond farewell he headed out into the world to try to find something that would satisfy him. Again, however, he found people far more willing to accept him as a warrior than a scholar. He eventually fell in with a mercenary company and served with them for a couple of years, but has now left and is at rather loose ends. He has come across several talented mages and is interested in perhaps studying their art, but has not yet found one willing to teach him.
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Rystil Arden

First Post
Legildur said:
LOL! I was thinking maybe one Flaw and one Trait that complemented one another. But no biggy.
Traits are cool because they have the gain and penalty tied together, whereas Flaws are more problematic because they exercise a penalty of your choice in exchange for a benefit of your choice, which can be more of a problem, particularly if it allows a big feat chain or combo that isn't a chain to be completed at lower levels ;)

Rystil Arden

First Post
jkason said:
Given how amazingly active this recruitment thread already is, I should probably just let it go, but I noticed this bit while perusing it:

Sparked a concept for me, and for a class I haven't played, even. Titus was born in the hard times of a town especially hard-hit by the last takeover (perhaps it was one of the initial foothold areas?). In any case, his was the first birth free of the tyrrany, and he and the other children born since have all undergone intensive training programs instituted by the town elders to fight off such a force if they ever come back.

Problem is, there's been no one to fight except training dummies and each other, leading to an unruly bunch of teens / young adult able fighters causing a rather lot of havok in the town themselves in a bid to ease the boredom and frustration.

Basically, then, he's a frustrated Ranger (trained for a favored enemy, though I'm debating which one), itching for a fight where there is none. I've initialized an account here

I've been playing PbP here on EnWorld for five or six months. I post pretty consistently (usually more than once a day, less on weekends). I'm in one of Nonlethal's games if you want someone to vouch (at least, I think he'd vouch for me ;) ).

Okay. That's it for now.

That seems like a cool concept to me too--you're approved to roll :)

Rystil Arden

First Post
Legildur said:
1st draft (just starting to get something on the board)

Male Human Monk[SBLOCK=He who is yet to be named]
[b]Name:[/b] Kelloran
[b]Class:[/b] Monk
[b]Race:[/b] Human
[b]Size:[/b] Medium
[b]Gender:[/b] Male
[b]Alignment:[/b] Lawful Neutral
[b]Deity:[/b] ???
[b]Str:[/b] 18 +4 	 [b]Level:[/b] 1[b]		  XP:[/b] nil
[b]Dex:[/b] 17 +3 [b]	 BAB:[/b] +0		  [b]HP:[/b] 10 (1d8+2)
[b]Con:[/b] 14 +2 	 [b]Grapple:[/b] +1[b]		  Dmg Red:[/b] nil
[b]Int:[/b] 11 +0 [b]	 Speed:[/b] 30'		  [b]Spell Res:[/b] nil
[b]Wis:[/b] 15 +2 [b]	 Init:[/b] +3[b]		  Spell Save:[/b] n/a
[b]Cha:[/b] 11 +0 	 [b]ACP:[/b] -0[b]		  Spell Fail:[/b] 0%
[b]          Base   Armor   Shld   Dex   Size   Nat   Misc   Total[/b]
[b]Armor:[/b]	  10	 +2	 +0     +3    +0     +0	   +0	  15
[b]Touch:[/b] 13[b]	 Flatfooted:[/b] 12
		[b]Base   Mod  Misc  Total[/b]
[b]Fort:[/b]		0      +1	  +1
[b]Ref:[/b]		2      +3	  +5
[b]Will:[/b]		0      +2         +2
[b]Weapon          Attack Damage      Critical[/b]

[b]Languages:[/b] Common + 3 others
[b]Abilities:[/b] Favored class: any.
[b]Feats:[/b] Dodge; improved initiative.
[b]Skill Points:[/b] 48	   [b]Max Ranks:[/b] 4/2
[b]Skills	               Ranks  Mod  Misc  Total[/b]
Disable Device         2      +3         +5
Escape Artist          4      +3         +7
Gather Information     2      +1         +3
Handle Animal          2      +1         +3
Hide                   4      +3         +7
Knowledge(Local)       4      +3         +7
Listen                 4      +2         +6
Move Silently          4      +3         +7
Open Lock              4      +3         +7
Profession(Inkeeper)   1      +2         +3
Search                 3      +3         +6
Sleight of Hand        4      +3         +7
Spot                   4      +2         +6
Tumble                 4      +3         +7
[b]Equipment:			   Cost  Weight[/b]

			 [b]Lgt   Med   Hvy    Lift  Push[/b]
[b]Max Weight:[/b]		 43    44-86 87-130 130   650
[b]Age:[/b] 16
[b]Height:[/b] 5'4"
[b]Weight:[/b] 138lb
[b]Eyes:[/b] blue
[b]Hair:[/b] black - none too clean; spiky where he runs his hands through it
[b]Skin:[/b] pale

Background: Kelloran is an orphan. Taken in by Zaltan the innkeeper while still a toddler, Kelloran's childhood was brutally short. He has spent the last 13 years hiding from Zaltan's rages and dodging Zaltan's blows.

He is slight and undernourished. Continually jumpy, he is adept at keeping his distance both from drunken customers and from his "father", as Zaltan likes to call himself. Having worked mainly in the stables - although he is expected to help out wherever there is need - Kelloran has some small skill with horses and mules.

He aspires to higher things, though. He doesn't yet know what they are, but for the last few years he has been gathering funds for his escape from The Orc's Armpit. Listening to the conversations of adventurers, he has learned that one needs weapons and armour to survive on the road. He has acquired some battered, second-hand leather armour and a pair of scratched and worn daggers. Still, the armour is as clean as he can make it, and the daggers have razor-sharp edges.

Kelloran's greatest treasure, however, is a hand crossbow which he "lifted" from the pack of a guest at the inn. This fellow, who had a rather unsavoury appearance, had riled a barbarian in his cups. It was a mistake! Kelloran saw the fool hit the floor - in several pieces - and raced straight up to his room to see what he could claim. The lock was no problem - he'd had plenty of experience opening doors already - but he had to beat a hasty retreat out the window and down the drainpipe, the crossbow tucked in his shirt. He hadn't expected Zaltan to be quite as quick but the same idea that he'd had - that there might be rich pickings - lent wings to that fat bastard's feet.

Still, it was definitely worth the risk. Kelloran gloated over HIS crossbow whenever he was certain he wouldn't be disturbed - and he practised incessantly (or at least as often as he could find a moment to spare for it.)

Now there just remained the waiting - until the right moment for freedom arrived.[/SBLOCK]
I assume you mean for him to be a Rogue rather than a Monk, right? :D

Rystil Arden

First Post
JimAde said:
Human Fighter 1
Hit Points: 11 (1d10 + 1)
Alignment: Neutral Good
Speed: Walk 30 ft.
Languages: Common, Elven, Halfling

Stat Score Mod
STR 18 (+4)
DEX 12 (+1)
CON 12 (+1)
INT 15 (+2)
WIS 12 (+1)
CHA 12 (+1)

-------------------------- Combat --------------------------
AC: 14 (+1 Dex, +3 Armor) Touch 11, FF 13
Initiative: +1
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +1, Will +1
Guisarme +5 melee (2d4+6 S 20/x3) OR
Dagger +5 melee (1d4+4 P 19-20/x2) OR
Shortbow +2 ranged (1d6 20/x3), range inc 60 ft
Full Attack same as above

-------------------------- Skills --------------------------
Skill                   Total   Rnk     Stat    Msc
Appraise                 2        0.0      2        0
Balance                  0        0.0      1        -1
Bluff                    1        0.0      1        0
Climb                    7        4.0      4        -1
Concentration            1        0.0      1        0
Craft (Calligraphy)      6        4.0      2        0
Craft (Untrained)        2        0.0      2        0
Diplomacy                1        0.0      1        0
Disguise                 1        0.0      1        0
Escape Artist            0        0.0      1        -1
Forgery                  2        0.0      2        0
Gather Information       1        0.0      1        0
Handle Animal            5        4.0      1        0
Heal                     1        0.0      1        0
Hide                     0        0.0      1        -1
Intimidate               1        0.0      1        0
Jump                     7        4.0      4        -1
Listen                   1        0.0      1        0
Move Silently            0        0.0      1        -1
Ride                     5        4.0      1        0
Search                   2        0.0      2        0
Sense Motive             1        0.0      1        0
Spot                     1        0.0      1        0
Survival                 1        0.0      1        0
Swim                     2        0.0      4        -2
Use Rope                 1        0.0      1        0

-------------------------- Feats ---------------------------
Combat Expertise
Improved Trip
Stand Still (psionics SRD, but not really a psionic feat)

------------------------- Equipment ------------------------
Name                                            QTY	LBS
Outfit (Traveler's)                              1	5lbs
Studded Leather                                  1	20lbs
Backpack (25 lbs.)
   Blanket (Winter)                              1	3lbs
   Ink (1 Oz. Vial)                              1	0lbs
   Inkpen                                        1	0lbs
   Parchment (Sheet)                             10	0lbs
   Rations (Trail/Per Day)                       10	10lbs
   Torch                                         10	10lbs
Shortbow (2 lbs.)
Total weight caried: 50 lbs.
Current load:        Light
------------------------ Description -----------------------
Height: 5' 11" Weight: 205 lbs. Gender: Male
Eyes: Brown Hair: Brown, Short
Dominant Hand: Right


Tyren is the youngest son of a large farming family. While his older brothers and sisters seemed content to replay their parents' lives, Tyren longed for something more. As he grew up, hard farm work and natural gifts combined to make him the strongest young man in the village (and for many miles around). But this only added to Tyren's disconent as nobody seemed to take him seriously when he tried to discuss the issues of the day. Eventually he siezed the opportunity to study in a local temple during the winter when there was less to do on the farm. While the religious instruction didn't do much for him, he was fascinated with the illuminated manuscripts produced by those who worked in the scriptorium. He apprenticed himself there and was well on his way to the scholarly life he craved when disaster struck. A fire swept through the church, razing it and several surrounding buildings to the ground. Most of the village was spared, but the priest in charge of the church had to concentrate his efforts on re-building and getting the basics done. There would be no scriptorium for several years.
Tyren decided it was time to leave, and bidding his family and friend a fond farewell he headed out into the world to try to find something that would satisfy him. Again, however, he found people far more willing to accept him as a warrior than a scholar. He eventually fell in with a mercenary company and served with them for a couple of years, but has now left and is at rather loose ends. He has come across several talented mages and is interested in perhaps studying their art, but has not yet found one willing to teach him.
Cool stuff--you don't see many fighters who are also calligraphers :)

Rystil Arden

First Post
chod said:
Hey, is there still open spaces? Cause I would be intersted in joining :)
Well, I am accepting applications, as I haven't selected the players yet (though it seems like I will be almost surely accepting 12 :)). You're welcome to apply with a character concept--see my first post for more details :)

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