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The Jade Frontier (DM: Ukingsken, Judge: Lord Sessadore)


Cheysuli Sage

Despite their disposition, Shayla thanks the guards for their assistance and starts off down the road with the party. Finding Chey's enjoyment of the side of the road a pleasant idea she joins her in the green.
Chey giggles, smiling at the elf as she grabs her hand in hers and swings their arms back and forth in a child-like fashion as they walk together in the grass.
"Are we going to have any kind of scouting ahead? I don't mind doing it , I can hide pretty well but out here, I don't know, I'm likely to get eaten alive."
"I'm ok with you being a scout, but generally I think it's best if you stick with us unless there's something that needs checking out."
"I agree with our dignified elf-friend, from what i can discern we are unlikely to encounter any particularly dangerous beasties, just don't scrutinise any insects too closely." Cheysuli taps the side of her nose; immitating Mr. Bricks' gesture from earlier in the embassy garden.
Until we actually get to something we can blast I'm not of much use.... that is unless we run into something of a magical nature... then I might be some some use...
"Well then, do you have any stories of any magical beasts that like to live in the shadows?"
"Ooo, i love stories, please Patronis, would you entertain us with a spooky tale?"
Then to Chey "I'd ask about the feywild having never been myself, but that seems to be a touchy subject around here."
Chey whispers back to Shayla, a wave of homesickness washes over her for a moment. "I'm still unsure exactly what happened to young Miranna to unsettle her so; the Feywild can indeed be a strange and dangerous place. But i lived in the 'Wilds with my father all my life. We lived out in the open, and moved with the seasons, unpredictable as they are there.
It is a truely beautiful place; the Spirits of nature are everywhere; moving with the flow of life and death, they infuse all they touch with the most intense vibrance. This wilderness here is tame in comparrison; but beautiful still."

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First Post
The day passes quietly, nothing but the sound of the forest and your companions for company. As the sun begins to dip below the forest you notice the silhouette of a small house on a hill less then a kilometre away.

Cresting the hill you see that it is a simple stone structure, with a wooden door, a chimney and no windows. It appears as if it has sat empty for well over a season.

Opening the door you see a simply furnished room with a table, a small hearth, and 4 bunkbeds stacked against a back wall. From the well worn floor, and pitted table, it's obvious that at some point this cabin saw a lot of traffic.
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First Post
Miranna seemed mostly content to trail along near the back of the party as they ambled along at the pace dictated by Brenwar's heavy armor. She seemed to be acting as a rear guard, keeping her attention mostly on the trail behind them- kobolds were, after all, known to be sneaky creatures. She stayed quiet as well- her only passing comment addressed Cheysuli and Shayla. "It isn't the Feywild itself that worries me, so much as some of the beings that dwell there. Not all are as kindly as your mentor, Cheysuli- and I am glad you had such luck in knowing him."

Once they reached the waypost, she dropped her pack beside the door with a sigh of relief. "I imagine we will want to post guards tonight- I am willing to take first watch."

OOC: [sblock=Stat summary] Human Swordmage 1
Initiative +1/Passive Perception 12/Passive Insight 17
HP 29/Bloodied 14/Surge value 7/Per day= 10
AC 19/FORT 13/REF 15/WILL 15
Speed 6/Size medium/Saves normal
STR 13 (+1)/DEX 13 (+1)/WIS 14 (+2)
CON 14 (+2)/INT 18 (+4)/CHA 8 (-1)
Melee basic: Longsword +7 (AC), 1d8+4 damage
Ranged basic: Sling +3 (AC), 1d6+1 damage, range 10/20
Skills: Arcana +9; Athletics +6; Endurance +7; History +9; Insight +7
Aegis of assault (at will)
Booming blade (at will)
Lightning lure (at will)
Sword burst (at will)
Lightning clash (Encounter)
Thunderwave (Encounter)
Whirling blade (Daily) [/sblock]


First Post
Yeesh I feel bad about not being able to post as much as everyone else and it ends up making Brenwar a lot more of the silent type than I intended.
Upon arrival at the way house Brenwar puts his equipment in a tidy pile and does a few stretches after the long walk.
"I'm glad it was such an uneventful march today. Hopefully we are so blessed tomorrow. I can also take watch when needed though I'm not the most perceptive sort. "


"I'll take watch when needed, I notice things quite easily." And with a sly smile, "If any of you are worried you can always cuddle your possessions while you sleep."

[sblock=Working Stat Block]
Mr, Bricks
Human Rogue 1
Init +4/Passive Insight 16/Passive Perception 17
HP 24/24 Bloodied 12 Surge Value 6; Surges Per Day 7/7
Action Points 1 Second Wind Unused
AC 16 Fortitude 12 Reflex 17 Will 13 - Speed 6 Size Medium Saving Throws +1
Str 12 (+1) Dex 18 (+4) Wis 12 (+1)
Con 12 (+1) Int 10 (+0) Cha 15 (+2)
Basic Attack: Dagger/Short Sword Attk: +5/+4 Dmg 1d4+1/1d6+1
Ranged Basic Attack: Sling/Dagger Attk: +6/+8 Dmg: 1d6+4/1d4+4
Range: 10/20 and 5/10
Sly Flourish
Piercing Strike
Deft Strike

Positioning Strike
Trick Strike



Cheysuli Sage

"If any of you are worried you can always cuddle your possessions while you sleep."
"So you know exactly where the best stuff is eh?" A wink lets Mr. Bricks know that Chey's joking. "If we take watch shifts of one and a half hours we should all get plenty of rest before tomorrows march; if noone objects i would like to take the dawn watch, i am curious to see the sunrise in this foriegn land." She looks to the nearby forest canopy with anticipation. "You know, I would not mind a hearty cooked breakfast in the morning, i have had enough of this jerky." She wafts a half chewed strip of trail rations around as she speaks. "Anyone up for a little foray into the woods for an evening hunt? Perhaps we can catch us some fresh food before night falls."

[sblock=GM]What skill checks would you want to find some decent food? Idealy i'd like to find some form of meat, perhaps some root vegetables and herbs.[/sblock]
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First Post
No offense Mr. Bricks.... you a damned fine darts player and so far a good friend... but if you try to steal from us.. I'll bathe you in fiends fire..." the warlock uttered softly... he smiled so as not to seem overly mean.. but he was serious... the thief would be in some amount of trouble if he stole from anyone here.... Patronis lay is items on his bedroll and decided to lay on the cold and hard stone floor rather than it....... he leaned over to the firepit and provided there is enough in the pit to light it Patronis would produce a minuscule bit of fiends fire to light the fire in the hearth before settling down on the cold floor again...


First Post
"I'll sleep with my hammer close at hand, but not due to your presence Mr. Bricks. I worry more about the kobolds we are after."

Brenwar looks over to Chey waving the piece of trail rations, "I'd love some real food, but I don't believe I would be any help in any hunting expedition. Unless the animals are both blind and deaf then I'm not one for sneaking up on anything."


First Post
I'm not that sneaky.. but I can both blast and cook our meal in one feel swoop if I go... not sure if that's what you're looking for but it's the best ranged quota I can offer the warlock offers in almost a humorous tone...


Cheysuli Sage

I'm not that sneaky.. but I can both blast and cook our meal in one feel swoop if I go... not sure if that's what you're looking for but it's the best ranged quota I can offer
"I guess it will have to do." Replies Chey with a mock look of sadness, and a twinkle in her eyes. She dumps her pack at the end of one of the bunks and shoves her spear in its holster across her back. "Try and keep up!" A quick wink at Patronis, and she's away through the door at a half sprint.

Voidrunner's Codex

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