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[Adventure] KOGANÙSAN (DM: Sanzuo, Judge: TwoHeadsBarking)

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Boldly, the party strikes off into the jungle. Shrakk uses his keen eyes to find the way east and with Shale's assistance, manages to get everyone going in the right direction.

Kavak strides forward ahead of the group with fullblade in hand, carving a swath through the jungle and making the trip slightly easier for those behind him.

Firete sees with apprehension that nearly every single one of the plants here is dangerous. If it isn't toxic or poisonous, it is home to a variety of breeds of insects that sap your life's energy and carry disease.

Brenwar uses this information to keep a keen eye on the party's well-being.

Karma, meanwhile, marvels at the pretty forest.


Hours later, you are feeling miserable. You have long since sweated off Manley's bug-repellent, and now the tiny flies from earlier are on every bit of exposed flesh you have - also getting into your eyes, nose and mouth. Even Shale is having a hard time, the rough terrain chipping away at his delicate crystalline frame and even lichen has already started to grow on all the little nooks and seams in your body. Your blades are becoming dull from the ceaseless chopping as you make your way through the Jungle. After travelling most of the day you can't have made it more than 10 miles.

In addition, Brenwar, Shrakk, Karma and even Shale are beginning to feel lightheaded and feverish. Any amount of water you drink from your supplies doesn't seem to alleviate your conditions.

After it becomes too dark to see, it becomes clear it is time to settle down for the night.

[sblock=Skill Challenge Part 1]You did well, Shrakk barely managed to succeed with Shale's help (15+4=19) Everyone else except Karma got a success, putting you guys on the right track.[/sblock]

[sblock=Jungle Fever]HOWEVER, Brenwar, Shrakk, Karma and Shale have contracted a disease, Jungle Fever! Initially, the effects are you lose one of your healing surges. You cannot regain this surge through an extended rest until you are cured of the disease.

To fight the effects, every extended rest you roll an Endurance check. Depending on the results of the check, the disease with either improve, stay the same, or get worse.

As an option, you may have a party member roll a Heal check IN PLACE of an Endurance check.

You are all taking an extended rest, so roll those checks now.[/sblock]

[sblock=Party Status]Skill Challenge (Part 1): 4 Successes

Brenwar: -1 Healing Surge
Firete: Fine
Shrakk: -1 Healing Surge
Karma: -1 Healing Surge
Kavak: Fine
Shale: -1 Healing Surge[/sblock]

[sblock=ooc]Where's half my party???:mad:[/sblock]


As they walk through the jungle, the constant mosquito bites start taking its toll and the githzerai. " "These bugs are going to be the end of us ... I'm aching all over already, not to mention that I'm also feeling quite ill..."

As they decide to stop for the night, Shrakk tries to find a good sheltered place to get a well deserved rest. "I hope that a good night of rest gets me my strength back. How are the rest of you so far?", he asks.

Endurance Check. (1d20+3=22)
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Kavac seems to have little problem cutting a path through the jungle, he enjoys the feeling of slight resistance when he cuts a particularly dense clump of foliage. While drenched in sweat Kavac looks better than some of his party, as they stop we starts to sharpen his blade which he can tell has been greatly dulled by today's uneventful exploits. Over the soft scrape of stone on metal Kavac asks, "Are we going to set up watch? People don't pay people like us unless there is a need for one. I can take first watch as some of you look like you need a rest." Kavac isn't being mean or boastful he is just pointing out a fact.

Sorry about the delay, my internet went down but it should be back now. If I disappear again someone take control of me.

Athletics: 1d20+10=26
Endurance: 1d20+8=21
That is a nice start.


First Post
Though Brenwar looks a bit feverish he seems to be handling the tropics better than most of the others. Endurance Check (1d20+5=18)
To Kavac he offers, "If you take the first watch, I will take the second. Hopefully it is an unnecessary caution, but I have my doubts..."

[sblock=To Party]
If anyone needs a heal check instead of endurance just ask. I've got a +12 just waiting to be used.


"I don't fall unoperative when recovering my strenght like the rest of you. Also I'm quite well camouflaged now" says Shale, still trying to get rid of the lichen.

Voidrunner's Codex

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